Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Perhaps YOU Missed This Linked-To Old Posting -- that PARTIALLY Bears REPEATING:

First, these listed people need to read the LAST TWO postings -- in order to catch up with the rest of us:

Bryant Reed of WECT
Julia Olson-Boseman Head of New Hanover County Commission
Rob Zapple New Hanover County Commissioner
Woody White New Hanover County Commissioner
Errol Laborde of My New Orleans
Graham Bennett President of Quality Oil

(Also, the US STATE DEPARTMENT was blocked twice.)

>>> ADDED LATER: THIS TIME when I sent out THIS POSTING, everyone above was AGAIN BLOCKED -- except the US State Department.

But only my Old Buddy from Puerto Vallarta, playwright, screen-writer, producer, and director of Stage, Film, and his Two-Year TV SERIESDel Shores, has been now also been BLOCKED

Leslie Jordan -- whom I ALSO met and had a long conversation with in a Puerto Vallarta gay bar.

I FORGET WHO Del Shores said he gave this Christmas present to, that he made himself -- or is that just my IMAGINATION???

And Del told me how in his small Texas Town, when the FEDS finally got READY -- they BUSTED nearly EVERY POLITICIAN (there and then, Democrats), and almost EVERY CHRISTIAN MINISTER/PRIEST:

* * *

And Christal Presley, my close "friend" in 2009, who HELPED the CIA and Republican Party TANK my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams, had been Sean's wife Jill "Rhodes" Hannity's ROOMMATE in college, and said that JILL told her that her husband Sean is actually GAY AS A GOOSE!!! 

Christal Presley WORKED WITH MY PARENTS -- and PUNKED my sister Jane, getting her to pay DOUBLE for a stone globe of the world -- just to annoy me. Christal is now MARRIED to her Lesbian Lover, and goes by Christal Trivett-Presley:

FOX NEWS ONLINE'S first BEEFCAKE photo posted today (actually it's a whole VIDEO that you can watch):

AND FOX NEWS provided FROM THIS STORY, a link to their SECOND BEEFCAKE PHOTO today (and it gets more RACY, so you are WARNED):

!! OMG, feel the BURN! Gus Kenworthy shows off his penile dorsal vein at Burning Man !!

To be CLEAR, here is a scientific display of a Dorsal Vein on a man's member:

I'm not CERTAIN where that dripping string of cum came from. Reader, what's YOUR opinion???

But then, there is also THIS:


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