Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Christal Trivett-Presley SPEAKS -- and I Speak to Moni Basu, Don Weise, Thomas Elliot Keith, Edmund White and All OTHER "Literary Criminals" / Good News for Wilmington -- and BAD News for My Kenan Family and Our Exxon-Mobil!!!

Puerto Vallarta in 1958 and 2019. Although "predestined" to become a Tourist Mecca, Puerto Vallarta was PROPELLED FORWARD when Tennessee Williams's play The Night of the Iguana was filmed there in 1964 by John Huston:


Moni Basu

-----Original Message-----

From: Basu,Monimala <>
To: Scott Kenan <>
Cc: ALL 100 of my Political Contacts

Sent: Tue, Jan 8, 2019 8:58 pm
Subject: Re: After calling CHRISTAL TRIVETT-PRESLEY today -- I'll try BACK later to actually SPEAK with her (but I left a message -- and ADDED her to this LIST)!!!

Please do not contact me again by email, phone, text or social media.


Moni Basu

I apologize for typos and mishaps in this message from my iPhone.

From    Scott Kenan
To mbasu, telliottk, dweised, cpresley2, ewhite
Cc scott

Hi Moni,

I will of course honor your request -- after I send my response.

I got this last night, but was too excited about Christal Presley calling me back last night and we having a BALL for 45 minutes talking about the past -- including this HUGE crime of false reporting the two of you and others conspired in in 2012. You CLEARLY did not read (with comprehension), this email or the original blog posting -- or you would KNOW that I am no longer upset with you at all. 

FORTUNATELY, since I can prove my points about you, your crime will be memorialized in my blog and subsequent book(s). That has been your choice and you have made it -- and then you use an AUTOMATIC broad disclaimer below your signature -- something only CRIMINAL LAWYERS normally do -- LOL!!!

WORSE, you replied to all 100 of my Political Contacts -- including your former boss(es) at the Atlanta Journal/Constitution. But the BEST THING FOR YOU (and Christal in her false book), is that plenty of others have committed WORSE "Literary Crimes", and surely worse ones will continue to be committed. 

Gay icon, writer, and former activist Edmund White (whom I met with in person at a Decatur Book Fest event), conspired with my Publisher and Editor at Alyson Books, Don Weise, to give Ed a HUGE advance on a dog of a book and DELIBERATELY caused Carroll & Graf publishing house to fold. I published this in the SAME posting that has been getting tons of hits again lately:

Ed White had been on my email list, and privately wrote ADMITTING to that crime, but said he did NOT want to confront it repeatedly in my emailed blog postings, so I dropped him -- and NEVER tried to get Princeton to fire him, which he deserves. But Don Wiese has been living in hiding for years now, but still working (allegedly):, in NYC -- but NO PHONE NUMBER can be found ANYWHERE for Mr. Weise, and his Facebook page,, shows he's doing little to none -- but RAVES about Edmund White -- LOL!!!

It was John Uecker (who murdered Tennessee Williams for Sewanee, the Episcopal Church and others, including two of the wealthiest of my Kenan relatives), who FIRST told me about the Weise/White crime with Carroll & Graf, and Mr. Uecker -- I have been told by more than one Tennessee Williams Scholar -- is now hiding from the LAW, outside the USA. 

My intention is to force Thomas Elliot Keith to ALSO have to flee to Political Exile, ASAP!!! He edited my book for Weise -- and I had to re-edit it -- and you can see even now there are occasional grammatical and typo errors, so Thomas is CRAP as an editor!!!:

Just WAIT until I finish exposing Messrs. Keith and Weise!!!

I'm copying Edmund White at Princeton as well -- not to harass him, but to bring him up to speed on my investigations (remember, I am now giving info to top NC State Prosecutors as well as the FBI, and they protect my life, now).  And like Vicente Fox's Grandfather, John Lahr's mother, John Boehner, and Ted Turner (and me) -- Ed was born in Cincinnati!!!

Sorry, you did not decide to join Christal Presley and me in going forward in HONESTY!!!

Good Day, Madam!!!

Scott D. Kenan 


In 2010, Christal Presley WON a big fight with Atlanta Water Company (well more than $1,000.00), after they had overcharged her for MONTHS!!!

I'm too thrilled at being back in touch with Christal -- and what we discussed for nearly 45 minutes will CHANGE much of my perspective, so I need to let it percolate through my mind for a while before commenting much. I was SURPRISED that Christal had called my sister Jane BEFORE calling me -- and planned to call Jane back, AFTER it.

I was so THRILLED, I didn't even watch Donald Trump last night -- and Christal and I planned to watch for TELLTALE signs of President Trump's ADDERALL ADDICTION!!!

I DID go over a lot about my parents' MOST GRIEVOUS and TRAITOROUS CRIMES -- and that my brother and sisters were too MIND-CONTROLLED to have sorted most of it out, yet, but I don't blame THEM for their transgressions against me -- and Christal GOT THAT!!!

Surprisingly, Christal had been estranged from her father, Delmer Ray Presley, subject of her book on Vets' PTSD, but now they are getting along -- just like I now get along with my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan -- and just like me, Christal is a two hour drive from her family, so NO ONE just picks up and drives over for a quick visit!!!

I promised to send Christal some links to a couple of my postings that give the outline of what I have been through the last nine years, but I'm again pretty exhausted, so will post in a couple here -- and she will get them in my mass emailing:

And this one is MORE FUN!!!:

William Rand Kenan, Sr. -- an Elder at First Presbyterian -- was FIRST CAUSE (with virtually EVERY WHITE CHRISTIAN CHURCH) of the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898.

NEW HANOVER COUNTY — After tweaking its guidelines in late 2017 according to new state law, New Hanover Regional Medical Center announced its opioid-related overdoses have decreased by more than half.

Opioid prescriptions are also down — by 20 percent — with “opioid alternative” prescriptions up 700 percent.

RELATED: New Hanover County opioid overdoses spike over the holiday season, again

New Hanover Regional Medical Center enacted new opioid guidelines for its practitioners on Oct. 17, 2017. These guidelines were framed around the North Carolina STOP Act, that went into effect on Jan. 1, 2018.

The new law limited first-time prescriptions of targeted controlled substances for acute pain to five days or less; NHRMC limited these prescriptions to three-to-five days. For acute post-operative pain, the law limited prescriptions to be extended to seven days.

According to a Tuesday press release, NHRMC credits its adopted guidelines in curbing opioid-related issues. In a 10-month period, from January to October, opioid overdoses dropped from 155 in 2017, to 72 last year.

From Oct. 2017 to Oct. 19,000 less opioid prescriptions dispensed through NHRMC, a 20 percent reduction. In turn, “opioid alternative” prescriptions are up by over 700 percent, NHRMC’s release states



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