Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Late Allean Hale Is my TOP HERO in the World of Tennessee Williams -- but It Is Time to SALUTE the TOP HERO of My Unraveling and Understanding Kenan Family Corruption:

Here she is -- and I'll reveal more tomorrow.

But this organization -- -- published a Writer's Prompt from her that is about the BEST I've ever seen (and was my own technique of how I got into the History of my Kenan Family):


Imagine a day in the life of your grandmother or grandfather, beginning in childhood; find their birth dates, look at photographs if possible, and research what was going on at the time in their town, their state and their country. For example, was your grandmother able to vote when she turned eighteen? If not, would it have mattered to her? Did your grandfather serve in World War II, Korea or Vietnam? This exercise does not depend on an interview.


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