Thomas S. Kenan III
Kenan Management, Inc.
100 Europa Drive, #525
Chapel Hill, NC 27527
August 19, 2020
Dear Tom,
My sincerest apologies for certain
misunderstandings I’ve had about you. Today, after coming home from a doctor’s appointment
– after the shock of finding someone had unlocked and left open my back door --
but the storm door was closed, and not a thing disturbed – I got an email from
one of my favorite NC organizations that I sent MUCH info to and have been for years
now, https://www.ncjustice.org/. When
I opened it with its invitation to “attend”/buy tickets to the 2020
Defenders of Justice Awards, it was as if “Maxwell’s Silver
Hammer” came down upon my head. Chills, Goosebumps, my mouth open and
stammering – even though there was no one else to speak to.
I’d had NO IDEA you ever contributed to
them – and maybe this is your first time – and as a Gold Sponsor -- but I
quickly went to re-read the last Letter I sent you on January 1, 2020, and I
see you might have actually paid attention to what I was trying to tell you: "’THIS
MADNESS MUST STOP!!!’ ~ My Letter to Thomas S. Kenan III, Just Emailed with
Hard-Copy to Follow in Tomorrow's Mail:”, which can still be read here:
Now, I am very used to my house and my
car being unlocked by Drug Mafia – to unnerve me. When I first drove to Mexico,
they unlocked my car and stole my PASSPORT, and I BRIBED my way into Mexico and
managed to get a replacement at the Guadalajara US Consulate. I had fled with
Army Col. Dorothy Newman’s help -- Colin Powell’s retired Chief Protocol
Officer, who told me the CIA, Republican Party, and my own parents and siblings
planned to kill me since they could not commit me after five tries in one month
– also working with my employer 1990 – 2010, Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon
Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA, who distributes all the Hard Drugs flown
into Maxwell AFB from Maine to Florida, especially to Atlanta, GA and
Wilmington, NC.
My father worked intimately setting this
up directly with Mr. Stansbury and Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, etc., and with
the help of John Ehrlichman, Nixon’s former Aide. And I recently found in my
notes that the two PPI employees who twice took me to Ehrlichman’s luxury condo,
also told me they FREQUENTLY smoked marijuana with Ehrlichman – and I WISHED I
had done that too.
Could you IMAGINE smoking pot with one
of Nixon’s most TREASONOUS AIDES???
Well, I DID later smoke pot with MANY of
the Drug Mafia who held me captive in Mexico five times in 2010 – they all
claiming to work for the CIA/Episcopal Church, Hillary Clinton State Department,
Exxon-Mobil Drug Mafia – and I survived all of THAT!!!
But the time that District Attorney Benjamin
R. David with Republican Lawyer also from First Presbyterian, David Nash,
convicted me of Cyberstalking in 2011 – because I’d blogged about all the Hard Drug
Trafficking both small and large I’d witnessed in Nash’s now gone Costello’s
Gay Piano Bar on Princess Street. But the Chief Public Defender, Jennifer Harjo,
FORCED Ben David to VOID all the false convictions (including violating a
Restraining Order I had NEVER been served to not go to the William R. Kenan,
Sr., House at 110 Nun Street – a HUGE Drug-Trafficking house at that time), because
the Assistant D.A.s were all leaking to her that Mr. David didn’t have a SINGLE
BIT of evidence I had ever committed a crime.
But it is SO CORRUPT HERE that even Jen
Harjo thought NOTHING of the FACT that it was illegal and unconstitutional to
make the deal that Mr. David would ONLY drop those false convictions and
charges – if I left the state for at least a year. But he was as good as his
word and did so. Ben David also worked with Fox News, a Wells Fargo Advisors
Exec, and Ben David’s recent Legal Intern Jeffrey Duncan, who then worked in
Daliah Saper’s Saper Law Firm, who sued me for Libel, never Legally Served me,
then even though I said I would be there to get a NEW Service within the 30-day
window of its validity, instead, they plowed ahead and tried and convicted me In
Absentia in Cook County Courts.
Jamie Lee Sutherland had asked for “only”
$50,000.00, was awarded HALF A MILLION DOLLARS, copyright to my memoir of working
for Tennessee Williams (that Scott Rudin and the Producers of many of the Harry
Potter films had looked at buying movie rights to), ownership of my blog so
they could take it down, and copyright to every email and Letter I write on the
subject – to the DAY THAT I DIE (and they expected to kill me soon after that).
And I had FALLEN for Obama’s LIES and
didn’t want to believe this, but I got CONFIRMATION from Chicago tourists who
knew Rahm Emanuel WELL, that Rahm and Barack considered my info to be THEIR TOP
PROBLEM and were BEHIND that lawsuit with Ben David, Jamie Lee Sutherland, etc.
I will “HATE” Barack Obama and his bitch, Michelle until the DAY
I DIE!!!
The point I was going to make is that
when I was arrested that first time, and sat in the County Jail for over two
months awaiting trial, and after I got out, when I returned home – even though
the arresting officers allowed me to be CERTAIN every window and door was
locked (and I’d given NO ONE a key), the back door had been unlocked from the
INSIDE and left open. My landlord, Kenneth Jernigan, then employed in “Development”
by the City of Wilmington, was WELL KNOWN for actually working for the City’s
HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING with Mayor “Bill” Saffo and Councilman
Charlie Rivenbark.
Peter and Jess DeMaria in the other half
of my shotgun duplex, had a Meth or CRACK Lab – until I blogged about THAT, and
they snuck all of their equipment out in the middle of one night. EVERY White
person on my block then (and NONE of the Blacks), were part of the Padezanin
Drug Mafia, as they called themselves, run by George and Cheryl Padezanin,
using cover of George’s business, Hand-Painted Homes. I ran into George
actually painting a house – for a change – a few years ago, and he CLAIMED he’d
gotten out, but a year ago, some of his neighbors said he has only become MORE
And even today, Denise Renee Wood, who
had lived beneath me when I lived at 205 S. 4th Street, and bragged
how she had 43 Felony and 13 Misdemeanor Convictions as an International Drug Smuggler
about 25 years ago, BRAGGED TO ME that she now works for Mayor Saffo’s Drug
Mafia, and has now moved to only three houses from me as the crow flies – to the
PERFECT Mafia hideout in a house with blue tin roof, right where Park Blvd.
ends and the River to Sea Walking Trail resumes without vehicles.
And Denise was the first person who told
me Mayor Saffo has a THING for young guys – LOL!!!
OK, I’ll stop with so much Politics, and
say that this Letter to Stanley Winborne III’s son Stan IV, who had been in
charge of loading all the Heroin in Afghanistan on US Air Force planes to fly
back to the states – including to supply Pentagon Publishing, caused Stanley
(who has worked with you in real estate development, he says, and is closely
related to Betty and is your age), immediately blocked me on Facebook – but I just
found a way to send him link to THIS Letter when I post it on blog, so he knows
I am doing this – Stanley is FIRMLY on my side and “hates” his
son’s Politics.
I should also say that when I met the
recently retired Exxon-Mobil exec in a Carl’s Jr., in Puerto Vallarta in
January 2015, although he told me that Rex Tillerson, Exxon’s Political Arm,
the CIA, and Hillary Clinton State Department with certain members of our Kenan
Family had put Enrique Pena Nieto into power, so he changed the Mexican
Constitution so that Exxon and Kenans could again get Mexico’s Oil, I
specifically asked about you, and he laughed, and said that the Kenan Family
keeps you in a “Golden Prison of Philanthropy” because you cannot
be TRUSTED to work for the Ku Klux Klan, like Frank Hawkins Kenan and James
Graham Kenan were so proud to be members of – and of course it is no secret
that they put Trump into power as well.
Then came COVID-19, which changed
everything, and Trump’s deliberate mismanagement of it to try to kill off people
of color and poor people in general has ALSO HUGELY hurt Exxon-Mobil and
others, since demand is now in the toilet.
Also, you really should read (or have an
associate do so and summarize for you), my last week or so of blog postings to
see which Talking Heads on Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC I have gotten received receipts
from – and I even wrote the Head of the American Psychiatric Association not
only about all of my misadventures and adventures, but pleading to make Lithium
Carbonate illegal or at least highly restricted in use in the USA – like it is
in every other country.
I proudly pointed out that in the 1999 edition of The Kenan Family, it is revealed that it was two shrinks who were blood Kenans with different surnames who REMOVED Homosexuality from the DSM in 1973, and since then, NO DOCTOR in the USA is allowed to consider being Gay a Mental Illness – although we know that CHRISTIANS and REPUBLICANS do not believe in Science.
The other thing for now, is that late
last month, SUPER HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKER Democrat Sheriff Ed McMahon (which he has
admitted to me, and showed me his BIGGEST Christian Church Partners), partnered
with the Roman Catholic Church’s Division, the Knights of Columbus, led by Chip
Jones, who CHANGED THEIR NAME to American Honor Guards of North Carolina,
recruited Christians of all stripes, most NOT from the Wilmington area, and had
a Blue Lives Matter march through Wilmington while prominently
wearing the CROSS OF JESUS, Trump hats and t-shirts, and sporting NAZI and Ku
Klux Klan flags and symbols, called out to Blacks calling them “Niggers”,
and claiming they will SOON MURDER THEM – just like William Rand Kenan, Sr. led
the 1898 Wilmington Coup d’Etat from First Presbyterian.
FORTUNATELY, all of Wilmington’s Press
identified them as actually Knights of Columbus (except WECT, our NBC NAZI
affiliate), but most people don’t know they are CONTROLLED by the local Catholic
Bishop and ultimately Pope Francis, so I wrote EVERYBODY Letters, and got
received receipts from ALL OF THEM:
And what might surprise you MORE is that
I have come to HATE and FEAR the Democratic Party more than the REAL Republican
Party – but less than the TRUMP Republicans and other Fake Christians.
I had always revered President Obama –
even though I knew he had been sold to Big Banks and Wall Street by BILL
Clinton, Rahm Emanuel, Al Gore, and then Mayor Villaraigosa of Los Angeles – and then
BLACK-MAILED by George W. Bush at his first Inauguration over his Homosexuality
to support the CIA and Exxon-Mobil worldwide Drug Trafficking as well as White
This FESTIVAL OF LIES called the
Democratic Convention makes me want to PUKE – and to look forward to the Republican
Convention, certain to be a TOTAL CHRISTIAN HATE FESTIVAL of White Supremacy,
I’ve decided the DRUG TRAFFICKING led as
much by your Episcopal Church as by my former Catholic Church is not as dangerous
as the Trump Agenda, so I WILL vote straight Democrat and hope I don’t vomit on
the voting machine and short it out in the process!!!
The other thing I recently learned – and
as the Kenan Family Historian you absolutely HAVE TO KNOW, is that William Rand
Kenan, Jr., controlled Standard Oil of New Jersey’s stock at the time that he
worked via shell corporations and not only provided 39% of the funds used to
elect Adolph Hitler to Chancellor the first time, but then bought up all the land
in Germany needed to also build the Petroleum Refineries that supplied the NAZI
War Machine with MOST of the fuels Hitler used.
Even Prescott Bush, Old Joe Kennedy, and
Henry Ford didn’t help Hitler nearly THAT MUCH!!!
And now Kenans put Trump into power to
redo that. Rachel Maddow, a FAKE Roman Catholic lying bitch in many things,
FOUND the contract Rex Tillerson signed with Vladimir Putin for Kenans’
Exxon-Mobil financed by Kenans’ Bank of America to develop Russia’s vast Oil
Reserves – after Obama’s Russian Sanctions can be disposed of. Worth HALF A
TRILLION DOLLARS for you and your close relatives!!!
And just last night, I wrote Brian
Moynihan for the first time in several years and made certain his office received
it. And I forgot to include that it was Ben Cushing of the Sierra Club who asked
me (and his list) to send a message to Bank of America regarding even MORE of
I suppose I’ve given up hope of your
ever speaking with me again – or communicating like civilized people via email
or paper Letter – but I HOPE you are as GOOD A MAN as Curtis “Robbie”
Anderson and Steve Armstrong think you are – and even Gov. Jim HUNT!!!
YES, I just viewed this, the most recent
video of you that I could find: https://video.wttw.com/video/nc-now-2014-university-award-thomas-kenan-iii/
And isn’t it funny that while your Ku
Klux Klan father was the ACTUAL Head of the Republican Party in NC at the same
time that MY friend, Bert Bennett, Jr., owner of Quality Oli in Winston-Salem
was the longtime Head of NC Democrats and is credited with getting Jim Hunt
elected both times, as well as other Democrats and getting JFK to win NC!!!
Ain’t life a TRIP – especially when one
is born into our Kenan Family???
I hope you have as much fun reading this
Letter as I have had writing it, and let’s work together for a BETTER AMERICA
than this DISASTER we have become under corrupted Democrats and Republicans –
Cell: (910) 200-XXXX

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