Monday, August 24, 2020

Microsoft Office 360 BLOCKED My Email to CNN -- REPEATEDLY, Last Night and Today -- Even Though I FORCED My Computer Off to Clear Hackers!!! STILL, My Letter to Jonathan Capehart and Donald Trump Went SUPER-VIRAL Overnight!!!

I had FIRST tried sending from my address -- but it was RETURNED that:

 ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
    (reason: 550 5.4.1 Recipient address rejected: Access denied. AS(201806281) [])

So, some OTHER things I learned this past weekend include that OF COURSE, Pam Sander, Executive Editor of the Wilmington Star News is at least a DRUG-TRAFFICKING BITCH -- and always has been. 

Gatehouse Media/Gannett appears to now be in FULL SERVICE to the Christian Democrat/Republican Hard-Drug Trafficking, and we are FORCED to choose between Joe Biden -- who works for my Kenan Family and the Bush, Cheney, Clinton, Obama, Christian CIA Drug Traffickers -- most of whom, like Wilmington Mayor "Bill" Saffo, Councilman Charlie Rivenbark, Sheriff McMahon, D.A. Benjamin R. David, NC Rep. Deb Butler, and their CHRISTIAN CO-DEVILS -- and the idiot Donald Trump.

FUNNY that I HAD been getting messages to Don Lemon, Jake Tapper, and John Berman via Facebook messages, and then Facebook KICKED ME OFF for criticizing THIS IDIOT who claims to be a DEVOUT CHRISTIAN -- but even God-Hating D.A. Ben David (Drug Trafficker with his First Presbyterian Church), would NEVER call this guy a Christian:

BUT, the link to his audio file of his GOD-HATING BILE is now REMOVED -- HA!!!:

And just to get back to my PREVIOUS problems, in 2014, I could NOT get this email to CNN's Drew Griffin -- although I EVENTUALLY did get it to him -- many months later:

This is its companion blog posting: -- and with MORE DETAIL here:

And the PROBLEM with Gannett Publications, now owned by GateHouse, who is using the Gannet name, but CAN'T UP-DATE ITS EMAIL ADDRESSES, so that any ending in actually WORK, is that they use all their money to GOBBLE-UP MORE MEDIA -- rather than report any news, or straighten out their contact info.

WHEN is the LAST TIME Gannett's flagship paper, USA Today, broke ANY KIND OF NEWS??? Gannett is just a CHRISTIAN LYING TRAITOROUS COMPANY, and Pam Sander should be DRAWN AND QUARTERED for her SUCCESSFUL promotion of Christian Drug Trafficking, and self-admitted problem with minorities.

My Letter to Pam:

And an earlier Letter to Pam's TOP DEPUTY in the CIA, who debriefed me under FALSE PRETENSE for the CIA from his desk as City Editor of the Star News, Kevin Maurer:

Kevin Maurer at his City Desk with his assistant, Shelby -- when he debriefed me in 2012. WATCH how quickly Kevin AGES due to ALCOHOLISM!!!

Kevin only two years later, in 2014.

Kevin TODAY -- trying to make the best of his ALCOHOL ADDICTION.

And some CIA HACKING NONSENSE when I first wrote this -- the five big dots on the left that follow the Reader as they scroll down -- STILL REMAIN!!!

So, as we prepare for Trump's Republican Convention -- and two Tropical Storms expected to hit Gulf States during it -- here is something to get into the CORRECT SPIRIT:

And if YOU haven't yet read this -- like Donald Trump's Re-Election Campaign has received and read it -- I DO SUGGEST THAT YOU DO!!!:


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