Saturday, August 29, 2020

Letter to Judge James H. Faison III -- Who Is Also a Practicing Evangelical Christian Minister:

Sandra Beckham
 updated her cover photo.

“The blessed in the kingdom of heaven will see the punishments of the damned, in order that their bliss be more delightful for them.”
― Thomas Aquinas

How SICK is THAT!!! That one's pleasure is INCREASED by seeing others TORTURED IN HELL.

NO WONDER Adolph Hitler said he was and ALWAYS WOULD BE Roman CATHOLIC:

Judge James H. Faison III

August 29, 2010

Dear Judge Faison,

If you will recall, I met you and Mayor Saffo FIRST when Wilmington Officials -- including the two of you -- gave MEGA Drug-Trafficking Rev. Shivers of Bethesda Christian Life Church who also owned and ran Mercy House Homeless Shelter, while I lived there in late 2011, a Major City Award. At the time, I really liked BOTH of you, and it was only LATER that I realized the implication of so many City Officials -- and even a Judge -- awarding a major Wilmington DRUG TRAFFICKER.

Later, you and I had Court business that you ruled on -- but not in Court and over my attempt to make the Restraining Order that Jennifer McCracken had gotten against me BOTH WAYS -- and to do that Ex Parte -- because she lived two doors from me on the sixth floor of Carolina Apartments, and had been banging on my walls and door at all hours of day and night -- and she kept waking me at 3:00 and 4:00 AM with the obscenities she shouted, knowing I could not even HOLLER BACK AT HER, or I would be arrested.

There were about four other parties asking for similar, all of whom you took before me, despite my arriving first -- no one having appointments -- and then when I told you I had several friends who had seen Barack Obama in their Man's Country Private Gay Baths in Chicago -- something most Black folks in Wilmington I'd spoken with already knew about, if not that Barack liked the Baths, but many of Obama's boyfriends had been revealed in the Press -- if not the TOP LEVEL CIA Press, like CNN and Fox News.

Your face showed ANGER -- as if I had something to do with Obama's sexual practices -- and you DENIED that request. Of course it was the same Jennifer McCracken who knew ALL ABOUT the CIA MURDER of Colin Stuart Hamilton, the Leader of my Puerto Vallarta Writers Group, and ALL OF THE CHRISTIANS IN IT were agents of the NRA, Catholic Church, Episcopal Church USA, the ex-boyfriend of Dr. Timothy Leary, and TOTALLY into Hard Drug Trafficking -- except for a few of us -- including Stanley Winborne III, from Wilmington, whose SON in the US State Department, Stan IV, oversaw the shipment of Heroin from Afghanistan in US Air Force planes -- under Sect. of State Hillary Clinton.

Yes, only Jennifer McCracken knew the details of the MURDER in Puerto Vallarta, and she also claimed her brother was a TOP DETECTIVE and CIA Drug Trafficker on Sheriff Ed McMahon's NHC Force.

So I didn't die of lack of sleep, and we had the NORMAL R.O. Hearing in Judge Lindsey McKee/Luther's Court, the same session that the guy across the hall, Anthony Humphrey, another huge Drug Trafficker and Addict was in Court to respond to my attempt to get a Restraining Order against him, but he not disturbing my sleep, I had not asked for Ex Parte.

Early in the day, Judge McKee/Luther, responding to someone who wanted to COMBINE two actions and deal with them together, explained that the Law does NOT ever allow for that, so if filed separately, they had to be TRIED separately. Then after lunch -- and since Anthony had NEVER shown up in Court, I figured she'd give me one against him AUTOMATICALLY, and approve making the one Jenny already had against me, two-way.

What she DID was to say she was COMBINING THE CASES, IGNORED that Anthony never showed, and DENIED me BOTH of them. Well, I'll have Judge McKee/Luther in PRISON soon -- God willing!!! She's the ONLY Judge in our County who traveled to Ireland for WHITE SUPREMACY MEETINGS that included High USA Republicans from Congress:

I was very surprised to find you are almost the ONLY NHC District Court Judge who is not on my email list to get every blog posting, and I could not find one for you as a Judge -- only as a Minister, so I'm sending this to your church.

And when I watched the video of your discussion with Mayor Saffo -- back together again, like when I met the two of you awarding a HUGE CHRISTIAN MINISTER DRUG TRAFFICKER, you said nothing that was offensive, nor did you go on at all about Jesus or God. You were totally boring and inconsequential.

I just checked the views on all seven of those You-Tube videos, and in the order of listing on the City's Page, they had gotten these many views an hour ago: 29, 19, 29, 39, 16, 158 (it was an "extended interview"), and 23. You scored the 16.

Now, I was VERY IMPRESSED by your performance at every school you attended -- all working for and getting your Law Degree -- in sports, ROTC, etc., and the BEST profile of you is on the website for Mothers Praying for Adult Children

There is nothing ANYWHERE that shows you have ANY KIND of Ministerial Training, although with your Dad being a Minister, I'm sure you learned a lot in his house and congregation, and THEREFORE must have studied the Bible inside and out since you were a child.

Now my wealthy Kenan relatives and other Confederates used FORCED CONVERSION to Christianity to keep the slaves enslaved, because BOTH Jesus and the Old Testament APPROVED of Slavery, in fact this is from the NEW Testament:

And while it is understandable that Continuing Confederates LOVE CHRISTIANITY since it is ALL ABOUT WHITE SUPERIORITY -- even though Jesus was a JEW, and NOT WHITE -- until later:

But as you HAVE TO KNOW the New Testament makes CLEAR that Jesus ascended into a physical Heaven that no one can locate from THREE DIFFERENT PLACES!!! What a LOAD OF FECES, no???

And you must know that in Europe since before 2000, over 50% of people do NOT believe in god, and in the Netherlands, where my mother's father's people come from, only SEVEN PERCENT of citizens now believe in god. 

In the USA, especially since Trump came to power, Christians are fleeing Churches in droves, and the Episcopal Church, which murdered my former employer, Tennessee Williams -- and is BIGGER in Hard Drug Trafficking than even the Roman Catholic Church -- is SHRINKING THE FASTEST!!!

This was removed LESS THAN TWO YEARS AGO, and Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop since 2015, is a BLACK MAN!!!

So, I have NO EVIDENCE that you are a Drug Trafficker -- only that you PROTECT DRUG TRAFFICKING, and I BET YOU KNOW Sheriff Ed McMahon's BIGGEST CHRISTIAN MINISTER (who Ed introduced me to at the 2015 Democratic Party Unity Dinner), Pastor Robert Campbell:

So if you can't SEE that Jesus was a GREAT Jewish Reformer and Prophet of Love -- but NOT the Pagan Idol/Son of God -- then you use NO LOGIC (and have no formal religious study) -- you are a FRAUD -- but make lots of MONEY OFF JESUS -- and TAX EXEMPT!!!

And NO, I am NOT INTERESTED in getting a "Mustache Ride":

Although you DO have a NICE ONE!!!

While the GREAT MAJORITY in the world -- and more and more people in the USA -- are SICK of you ignorant Christians and your shameless MONEY-GRUBBING, we DO HOPE you are correct about this:


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