Here in Wilmington, North Carolina, the following Politicians are CLOSET-CASE, DEVOUT CHRISTIAN, WHITE SUPREMACIST, DRUG TRAFFICKERS for JESUS:
Mayor "Bill" Saffo, District Attorney Benjamin R. David, twice disgraced former NC Senator Thom Goolsby (who now sits on the UNC Board and FAILED to get "Silent Sam" reinstalled on campus for CATHOLIC JESUS), former Mayor of Raleigh and Head of the NC Republican Party Tom Fetzer (a Wilmington resident), who was FORCED to resign the UNC Board, recently.
Corrupted OUT GAY Politicians include Julia Olson-Boseman, NC Representative Deb Butler, and possibly Candidate Army Col. Marcia Morgan (who has not responded to my questions about this).
And I'll add HONORARY CLOSET-CASE GAY, and CIA Agent who MESSED WITH ME in 2012 on behalf the Wilmington Star News, Kevin Maurer:
This morning, a single Mourning Dove, hung out on my deck observing me without moving AT ALL for fifteen minutes, and she was still there after an hour, then finally flew off. This happened yesterday, as well!!!
And then when I called my mother in Raleigh to discuss many of the things in this posting and what I intend to write to Ali Velshi, my phone claimed -- and it has NEVER been wrong on this before -- that I hadn't had a phone call with her in FOUR DAYS, although I spoke with Mom two days ago, Friday, after I had the CT Scan of my arm (that I have no results from yet).
My computer SEEMED to be operating normally, but when I went to BLOG and first checked Google Statistics, it listed EVERY BLOG POSTING -- but showed I had NEVER GOTTEN A SINGLE HIT!!!
After fighting for 30 minutes to get them to show, I FORCED POWER OFF to clear the Christian CIA (or Russian), HACKERS, and now it's all BACK TO NORMAL!!!
Well, maybe it is the Chinese -- WHO KNOWS???
Benjamin Schachtman, who is now Executive Editor of Port City Daily, but PREVIOUSLY was JESUS CHRIST and who has LONG been married to Kathy -- PREVIOUSLY (1984), known as "Casey Cupcake":
Ben Schachtman has been reporting -- even DEEPLY -- on some things CRITICAL to the HEALTH of Wilmington and New Hanover County, and THIS STORY is the MOST IMPORTANT ONE Ben has recently reported on.
WILMINGTON — As the county prepares to finalize details of the $2 billion sale of New Hanover Regional Medical Center to Novant, questions remain about the community foundation that will manage the lion’s share of the proceeds — including who will sit on the foundation’s board.
The community foundation will manage $1.25 billion in assets, overseeing around $40 million in annual funding for a wide range of projects and managing the investment of the rest.
The sale of New Hanover Regional Medical Center will generate nearly $2 billion in proceeds, and a new foundation to manage much of that money. (Port City Daily photo / File) WILMINGTON — As the…
AND to remain FAIR AND BALANCED, Fox News's PARTNER, the Wilmington Star News, published THIS -- and MISSPELLED "Moezzi" in their HEADLINE!!!
It's Melody MOEZZI -- whom I've known since 2005 in Atlanta!!!
Zelda Lockhart and Melody Moezzie will both serve as visiting associate professors
I sent this Blog Posting via email to Melody at her UNCW email address this past March -- and she REFUSED TO ANSWER ME!!!
The PROBLEM is not Christianity, Islam, or Judaism -- the PROBLEM IS ALL RELIGIONS!!!
But I JUST FOUND Melody's SECURED SERVER, so she will HAVE TO GET this blog posting when I send it to her!!!
Linda Wilkins-Daniels, who appears to be more Native American than African, until recently, was the President of the African-American Caucus of North Carolina Democrats -- and is a MEMBER of Bishop William J. Barber, II's CONGREGATION!!!
BOTH of the following exchanges are from Linda's FACEBOOK threads:
CNN's Jeremy Diamond reports that President Donald Trump has been trying to associate former Vice President Joe Biden with the "radical left" and shore up support among evangelical voters. #Trump #CNN #News
Scott Kenan ALL Christians "hurt God" by worshiping a PAGAN IDOL!!!


Scott Kenan Linda Wilkins-Daniels As I have been blogging for many years now, Yeshua-bar-Yosef, a fine Jewish Reformer and Prophet of Love, was made into the Pagan Idol Jesus. Because my Kenan relatives who owned up to 900 African Slaves force-converted them to Christianity, and the New Testament says slaves MUST obey their Masters as if the Masters are Jesus Christ, himself, I don't trust Blacks -- especially -- who are believing Christians. EXCEPT your Pastor, Rev. William J. Barber, II, whom you once told me "never pimps the people". You are CORRECT in Politics, and I have NO ARGUMENT with Jesus's message of Love and how to live, but for him and others to dress up in the Costume of Christian Authority when it was Christianity that my ancestors used to enslave Black folks is disgusting. That said, if he DROPPED the Christian Minister thing, I think Rev. Barber would be our BEST National Politician. Another Minister who does NOT dress in robes but you and I AGREE is totally corrupted is Rev. Al "Booty Call" Sharpton, and you told me to "follow the money" to find his corruption. Anyone who studies the New Testament that claims in different "books" that Jesus physically ascended to a physical heaven which no one can locate, did it from three places: Bethany, Galilee, and Mt. Olivet. I listen to NO B.S. from Christians until they can RESOLVE this and many other discrepancies in the New Testament about Jesus's arising from the dead, and later ascending into heaven. The best thing about both you and me is that we both know the other is totally serious, committed to making a better world, etc. -- even if we disagree on how we see certain things. Right now, I'm so upset over the LIES that the Catholic talking heads on MSNBC (including Rachel Maddow who has been very HELPFUL exposing crimes of my Kenan Family's Exxon-Mobil -- practicing Lesbians are incompatible with the Catholic Church she claims to be devout in), Lawrence O'Donnell, Brian Williams, Chris Hayes, and Mika Brzezinski, a divorcee who married Joe Scarborough BEFORE her first husband died -- BIG Catholic no-no. Even though it was published all over the internet that MSNBC's parent Comcast gave 94% of their donations to Joe Biden (like CNN's parent Time-Warner had given THEIR DOUGH to Hillary Clinton in 2016), no one challenges them and they are starting to LIE in Biden's favor as bad as Fox News (which I monitor several times per day), lies to support Donald Trump and OBVIOUS HATE. Anyway, next I'm going to write Ali Velshi (my current fave talking head), and Ari Melber -- about the PROBLEM with the CATHOLICS on staff there. And here is the graphic that shows SOME of the Bible Discrepancies:

Prognosticators and pollsters predicted a Hillary Clinton victory in 2016.
Don't pay attention to the polls and vote for Joe Biden and Democrats in the upcoming General Election.
Former Vice President Joe Biden has a 90 percent chance of winning more electoral votes than President Donald Trump in November, according to Friday's election forecast by The Economist.

Scott Kenan Biden is a Hard-Drug Trafficker for the Roman Catholic Church and my Kenan Family that put Trump into power. Christianity is the WAY TO HELL!!!
I decided weeks ago to vote STRAIGHT DEMOCRATIC -- except to vote for Trump for President, Trump would RESIGN IMMEDIATELY in that case, and Democrats would RULE the FOOL Mike Pence!!!


Scott Kenan Bridget Hussein McCurry It is perfectly allowed on Christian/my Kenan Family/Vladimir Putin's Facebook to say that I am fucked in the head, so stop pretending that JESUS doesn't know if you misspell it so that everyone understands what you mean. THAT is the problem with Christians -- whether Trump, Clinton, Biden, or the charming, just resigned Rev. Jerry Falwell, Jr. My last date was with the Bush cousin Bill Toups, and we were up all night discussing how the Bush and Kenan Families have run worldwide Hard Drug Trafficking and White Supremacy with the Cheney and now the Clinton Families for MANY DECADES together. As you know, Barbara Bush LOVED Bill Clinton more than her son GW -- because the Clintons EXPANDED Bush/CIA Drug Trafficking more than either GHW or GW Bush were able to. I work with General Colin L. Powell and Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré, a Mexican President and two Governors of Mexican States, and un-corrupted FBI, CIA, and NSA agents as well as a top Prosecutor here in North Carolina. Where do YOU get YOUR info, missy??? I agree with the things your F.B. page says you support, but the Dems are NEARLY as bad as the Republicans. Running the profitable International Addictive-Drugs Racket is TOP PRIORITY for ALL Republicans and the Clinton/Obama/Biden Democrats.

That time I dressed in DRAG for the 1981 Key West Fantasy Fest -- and Tennessee Williams found out about it -- as documented in my Memoir:
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