Pam Sander has received my "Christian University of North Texas" award FIVE TIMES -- and NO ONE ELSE of the six I've awarded it to has gotten it more than ONCE.
I'll expand on this tomorrow -- and send it to Miss Pammy -- unless more urgent things come up in the meantime, but here is an OLD POSTING about her:
1. Between a dentist and FIVE other doctors' appointments this week (the most time consuming of them was today: two for three hours, together): I spoke for HOURS to them about this, and except for MOST of the over-eighty female crowd, EVERYONE ALREADY KNEW THAT D.A. Ben David, Sheriff Ed McMahon, Mayor "Bill" Saffo, City Councilman Charlie Rivenbark, and Judges James H. Faison III (also a Christian Minister), Lindsey McKee/Luther, and Sandra Ray/Criner ALL support and protect HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING.
They ALL also knew that the Clintons, Obama, and the Bidens work for my Kenan Family and the Bush and Cheney Families in the CHRISTIAN DRUG MAFIA.
2. NO ONE can STAND to watch the Democratic Convention -- Republicans aren't bothering, and Democrats are SICK of the Party's CORRUPTION -- and especially hate Joe Biden and his GOD-HATING ROMAN CATHOLICISM.
3. The only two Black older women waiting for an appointment (they came together), wore JESUS T-shirts, and kept talking to each other about how Jesus has SAVED THEM.
4. Of the scientifically-trained, EVERY ONE of them except one -- who was SICK that Steve Bannon was arrested, because he's the PREFECT CATHOLIC, working for God's representative on Earth, Donald Trump -- said they CAN'T vote for Donald Trump -- and voting for Joe Biden is seeming less and less possible, because as corrupt as Hillary Clinton WAS/IS -- she would be TEN TIMES MORE COMPETENT than Joe Biden.
The REST of them kept urging me ON to tell more details of the CRIMES of Wilmington's Democratic (the great majority of them), and Republican Politicians and WHICH of Wilmington's BIGGEST CHURCHES I can prove traffic drugs -- much of that THANKS to Drug-Trafficking Sheriff Ed McMahon who SPILLED SO MANY BEANS!!!
5. The Democrats are NOT INTERESTED in bothering to vote for Biden/Harris -- and MUCH of it because of their FAKE CHRISTIANITY B.S. when they OBVIOUSLY HATE GOD, or they would STOP TRAFFICKING DRUGS with the Roman Catholic and Episcopal Churches, especially.
6. Democrats MOSTLY knew that the Democratic Party quietly DROPPED a platform plank NOT to support Carbon Energy (think Kenan-controlled Exxon-Mobil, etc.), and it FURTHER angers them and turns them off to voting for Biden/Harris.
This means that JUST LIKE Donald Trump FORCED the Republican Party to DROP the plank that Vladimir Putin found OFFENSIVE -- the Democrats ALL TOGETHER decided to drop the plank that offends Exxon-Mobil/Kenan Family -- which means INDIRECTLY: Vladimir Putin!!!
7. MOST disgusting to Democrats is that Joe Biden and the Democratic Big Wigs ALL NOW CLAIM that we CANNOT have free healthcare for ALL -- like every other developed country, including OTHER countries STRANGLED BY CHRISTIANITY.
8. NOBODY believes that either Joe Biden or Kamala Harris actually believes in god -- but rather in their OWN PERSONAL ENRICHMENT.
9. Basically, they mean that the Democratic Party is NOW just as hateful in the Name of Jesus as the Republican Party -- although the Dems have BETTER MARKETING and FEWER TOTAL IDIOTS dancing about as ROLE MODELS.
Presiding Prelate Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Michael Curry.
Michael Curry is SO GOD-HATING and SELF-HATING that he was in office for THREE YEARS before he REMOVED the Seal of Confederacy Window in All Saints Chapel at the University of the South (aka Sewanee). -- which has the ONLY Episcopal Seminary in the "Old South".
If there was ever a black person who EARNED the term "nigger", it is Bishop Curry!!!

This is a SLIGHTLY different matter:

This is a SLIGHTLY different matter:

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