Also, I have NEVER met an Episcopal Congregant who KNOWS that the Anglican Communion cut them off from voting for THREE YEARS -- ending in a few months -- for perceived CRIMES of the American Church -- and LOOK what CRIMES those were!!!
And NOW, the Republican Party (led by Roman Catholics, primarily -- like their Supreme Court Justices), begins to CANNIBALIZE itself -- just like Catholic (and Anglican/Episcopal and Orthodox CANNIBAL COMMUNION), called "Transubstantiation" -- ALL of it the "Devil's Doing" -- LOL!!!
>>> OK, TODAY I RECEIVED A LOCAL VOTERS' GUIDE to all the elections I will participate in -- and a few REPUBLICANS (only) did not submit what their campaigns are about.
They should NOT QUALIFY TO RUN!!!
Just captured from the New Hanover County Republicans' website -- and you have to go to the BOTTOM of one of the pages to find the LINK to "Candidates" -- then NONE ARE THERE!!!
I found this to be TRUE in 2016, 2014, and 2012 as well -- let alone any "off-year" elections.
Now, I have NEVER BEFORE this year decided to vote STRAIGHT ANY PARTY (though I occasionally only vote for Democrats), but THIS YEAR (and I NEVER vote for ANYONE WHO IS UNOPPOSED), I WILL vote straight Democrat -- holding my NOSE when I vote for Julia Boseman and Judy Justice -- they BOTH are seriously flawed, but you will have to dig that out of my PREVIOUS blog postings if you want DETAILS on that.
Deb Butler (center) with two other Members of Cape Fear Equality -- whose HUGE DRUG TRAFFICKING with former Republican NC State Senator Thom Goolsby, is directed by former County Democrats 3rd Vice Chair Ryan Lee Burris:
Ryan Lee Burris with the older Jeff Mills -- ANOTHER Big Hard Drug Supporter!!!
Closet-Case HOMO (and Roman Catholic Republican), Thom Goolsby, who NOW works for my Kenan Family on the BOARD of UNC System!!!
I CANNOT vote for Deb Butler or Sheriff Ed McMahon -- because I know them BOTH and both have ADMITTED to me their HUGE DRUG TRAFFICKING -- although I don't blame Ed McMahon as much -- a local Sheriff LOOSES control when the CIA takes over your Department to PROTECT CIA CHRISTIAN (Kenan, Bush, Cheney, Clinton) Drug Distribution.
TWO Republicans and ONE Dem are running for ONE SEAT on NC Supreme Court, so the REDS splitting their votes should be HELPFUL, no???
SEAT ONE on NC Court of Appeals has ONE R and ONE D -- so let's SEE how that goes,
SEAT 2 has TWO Rs and ONE D -- so vote splitting, and the WORST JUDGE in New Hanover County is running (formerly married to the Christian Snake Worshiper and Child Molester Sherman Lee Criner).
Sherman Lee Criner
Judge Sandra when she was Sandra Ray Criner, was ALSO known as "the most air-brushed Judge in United States HISTORY"!!!
Superior Court - Dist. 5B, Seat ONE has only TWO REPUBLICANS.
But what is TRULY WEIRD is that District Attorney Benjamin R. David -- who is running unopposed -- has ALWAYS BEFORE run as a DEMOCRAT, but the DEMS DON'T LIST HIM this time as a CANDIDATE!!!
A RECENT PHOTO of Republican Senator Thom Tillis with his HONCHOS Republican D.A. Jon David (from Brunswick County, across the Cape Fear River), and "Democrat" D.A. Ben David -- the two are IDENTICAL TWINS (from HELL)!!!

Ben's wife Stephanie David -- seen to the right of "Jaws" -- is a Republican Fundraiser and Strategist -- especially to Lamar Alexander and Mitt Romney -- since COLLEGE.
Steph and Ben are FAR better off as REPUBLICANS -- and Ben is NOT a DEM anymore!!!
Judge Faison's dick is BIG and BLACK!!!
I'm NEUTRAL about Dem Melinda H. Crouch -- never having had dealings with her.
Republican Judge Lindsey McKee/Luther had to DIVORCE Evan Luther -- because he kept publishing things like THIS:
He WON his first election because NO ONE could BELIEVE a guy with such a SMALL NOSE could actually IMPREGNATE A WOMAN!!!
But APPARENTLY, that's been achieved BEFORE!!!
WRONG YEAR, honey!!!
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