Sunday, October 7, 2018

So, What Do We Have HERE???

Gary Rennebohm shared a post
Pictures In History
That 80s hair!

Robert Voepel And I liked that decade too... 😜

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John Bloedorn shared a post.
The Hartley Hooligans

Well, I FORCED power off on this Windows 10 computer, then re-booted, which USUALLY clears the HACKERS, temporarily, but I STILL could not get Malwarebytes to LOAD and after downloading the entire program, it REFUSED TO INSTALL, repeatedly, so tomorrow I will get PERSONALLY in touch with the FBI. I send things DIRECTLY to NC Special Prosecutor Kimberly Overton Spahos, but indirectly to the FBI.

Also, since Malwarebytes was CORRUPTED this time, emails that I have deleted in BOTH my and GoDaddy/Microsoft Outlook accounts POP BACK UP LATER AS NEVER-READ!!! And in Facebook, notices I've followed or deleted KEEP COMING BACK AS UNREAD!!!

This seems clearly to ALL be due to HACKERS, and NOT those organizations. The FBI NEEDS to know about this.

While driving on errands, I got a text from AT&T that they just successfully debited my Wells Fargo account for a month's service -- the SECOND notice they have sent me of doing that this month, the first was one day AFTER they actually applied a payment card I'd bought -- NOT my bank account, as usual -- and today was THREE days afterward.

They NEVER debited my bank account even once this month -- but CLAIMED to have successfully done that TWO TIMES.

This has happened monthly (the double claims of debiting -- sent at least a day -- and then two days later AFTER they actually did), for at least the last six months, and their WARNINGS ten days beforehand ALWAYS show it will happen two days after it actually does.

Or TOO MANY WORKERS have gone too far to the Right.

Last night at dusk, a decent-looking shaggy-headed and bearded guy about 
Rob McKinney's age (23), pulled up on a moped, waited until Rob got home, and has stayed there since. About 4:30 PM today, as I was smoking a cig on my deck, I saw him go into the dense underbrush in the back corner of the yard -- and a couple of minute later, come out.

I addressed him, "Takin' a shit in the woods???" He said, "No, just a piss."

I told him it is NICE he does not just pee on the side of the house like Rob does -- out in the open, evenTHAT cracked him up. I said that the neighbors are all upset because some of them are CERTAIN that Rob sells drugs, and I think the Landlady has found out. He said "Rob does NOT sell drugs", and I thanked him, and told him, "That is GOOD TO KNOW!!!"

"Just knock on my door -- if ya need to take a dump," I said as he passed on his way to apartment one.

And keeping this SIMPLE on a Sunday Afternoon:

I'll ALSO SAY, that until I get rid of the HACKERS' CURRENT CORRUPTION, I will NOT try to process the ONE piece of proof of my ID still needed by my Benefits Management, Inc.'s Wells-Fargo-logo-ed Pay Card to be replaced.

I BET it was THESE HACKERS during the time that Malwarebytes was DISABLED (but not destroyed, and I only had to hit a button to get it working in REAL TIME), for six weeks before I noticed it who STOLE my info and USED that card in Ottawa, Canada.

It was DEFINITELY near the end of that time that it happened.


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