Friday, October 5, 2018

America's TOP NAZI, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, Just GLOATED to Me that Kenan SWASTIKAS and KLAN ROBES WON Sen. Collins's Vote and JESUS CHRIST RULES the USA!!!

Mom, ten years ago, the year before she was in her HEYDAY at the Meyer Festival of Catholic NAZIS in Indiana -- which the JEWISH Family Members, Andrea Opperman and her brother, Ian Opperman, BOYCOTTED!!!

Now, I listened to Sen. Susan Colins as she spoke, and was IMPRESSED that she did a BETTER JOB defending Brett Kavanaugh than anyone else PREVIOUSLY. But if her words were HONEST, Republicans would have stated them FAR EARLIER -- so I believe it is just another CHRISTIAN LIES FESTIVAL -- period.

And my mother got a LOAD OF IT (from me), far worse -- and in worse language than I've used to the bitch in a few months -- but just like the American Civil War, brother is pitted against brother and mother against son

After the upcoming ELECTION, we will have a BETTER indication of the country's actual temperature. And Judge Kavanaugh will be IMPEACHED.


Randall Kenan shared a link.

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Living in a cramped concrete house in the heart of Liberia’s sweltering capital, 8-year-old Famatta Massalay always dreamed of seeing snow. One day, her mother told her she was about to get her cha…

Scott Kenan Thanks for this, Randall Kenan -- and for your extremely important help several years ago. I'm now back working directly with Lt. Gen. Russel Honore' to BUST not just my Klan-and-Swastika-Loving wealthy Kenan relatives who put Trump into power, but the University of the South for killing Tennessee Williams and supporting White Supremacy and Hard-Drug Trafficking -- both of whom are your long-term employers. Funny how things work out. Anyway, I was back in touch with Gen. Honore' again today -- and Drug Dealers from upstairs sicced the Cops and Deputies on me today -- and I taught them a LESSON -- HA!!!

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Rickey Laurentiis 🤔 Why not focus for a tenth of a second more on the actual, harrowing story being told here, before congratulating yourself?


Scott Kenan Rickey Laurentiis: I have suffered every imaginable attack by uninformed people since 2010, and had to stay in Mexico for a total of nearly five years with General Colin L. Powell's people's help -- because my Kenan relatives in Chapel Hill (Randall Kenan is NOT related to them, but looks "the spittin' image" of the cook in an old photo at Liberty Hall, so I'm guessing at Emancipation, Randall's family took my family's surname for reasons known to them), and Randall was HUGELY HELPFUL to me, telling what idiots some of the people at the Sewanee Writers' Conference, where he's taught for years are. Sewanee/Episcopal Church with the Republican Party and elements of the CIA and FBI murdered Tennessee Williams to steal his estate from Harvard, as Jackie Kennedy Onassis warned Tenn and me in January 1981. And while I was at first critical of Randall for working for the Kenans at UNC, and the Kenans at Sewanee (I've documented my rich relatives giving Sewanee/Episcopal Church $100 million over the last hundred years to support their Confederate Mace kept at Sewanee), I soon realized it is BRILLIANT to get paid by people who are abject White Supremacists and Hard-Drug Traffickers, so I SALUTE Randall for that instead. I'll give you that Sewanee Mace and a link to the Letter I got into the hands of our NC Senators as well as Kamala Harris, so you can see how I am NOT afraid to confront POWERRandall Kenan has been my writing hero since his first two books came out around 1990 -- LONG before I contacted him the first time in 2010.
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Scott Kenan Although my and "Rickey Laurentiis's" comments HAD to be removed by Randall Kenan who works for my rich Ku Klux Klan Kenan relatives at UNC The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as well as is paid by BLOOD MONEY of the Walter Dakin Fund at Sewanee Writers' Conference (I can prove in Court that my Kenan relatives with Sewanee and others MURDERED Tennessee Williams and stole his estate from Harvard). Then renamed TW's estate "The Walter Dakin Fund". As ANYONE at the top at UNC or at University of the South (I have spoken with or written them all) -- they have TRIED to sue me for LIBEL, but chickened out because I can PROVE it is Kenan Family supported Christians who do this -- and are Randall Kenan's TOP FINANCIAL SUPPORT. No WONDER Randall PROTECTS THEM!!! Remember what Christianity was all about in the enslavement of Africans and others. If Randall Kenan can't handle the TRUTH, then he should BLOCK ME:

Liberty Hall where Randall Kenan's ancestors were slaves -- and the photo of the COOK looks just like Randall!!!

And this morning on Spofford Circle, I woke up realizing that if Amphetamines-Addict Allie Ryan and her HARD-DRUG-TRAFFICKING boyfriend PETE, thought they could get a RESTRAINING ORDER against me (which are understandably SERVED IMMEDIATELY), they discovered that NO JUDGE in New Hanover District Courts will TOUCH THAT, and ONLY Democrat Chief District Court Judge J.H. Corpening (see: bottom 2/3 here:, Democrat Richard Russell DavisDemocrat Melinda H. Crouch, and Democrat Robin Wicks Robinson have NOT violated my rights.

Robin Robinson in her HARLOT RED

But even though Robin THANKED ME in 2015 for coming back to Wilmington to EXPOSE all the Kenan Family Crimes -- and even gave me a HUG at the Democratic Party Unity Dinner, fall 2015, she RAN the Drug-Trafficking Saffo Family Law Firm -- and has been very ACTIVE in Leadership at First Presbyterian, that is still LILY WHITE, and RUNS much of the local HARD-DRUG-TRAFFICKING, which Robin cannot deny she KNOWS!!!

Pastor Ernest Trice Thompson an ADMITTED TO ME WHITE SUPREMACIST was KICKED OUT as the Pastor at First Prez in 2015 -- for his support of GAY MARRIAGE -- LOL!!!

And Pastor Ernie Trice Thompson (in 2011), SHOWED me how he RAN OFF a Black Full US Army Colonel and his wife -- BECAUSE THEY WERE "NIGGERS"!!!

My point is just that while I HAVE forced Republican Judge Sandra Ray (formerly Criner) to RECUSE HERSELF from a trial of me in 2011 because SHE violated my rights and Sandra Ray DID THAT BEFORE I got the sentence completely out of my mouth -- I can do that to EVERY JUDGE here for that reason except the above listed four -- but ALSO Robin Robinson for her TOTAL HYPOCRISY and worship of the HATE GOD, Jesus Christ.

So THAT is why Allie Ryan cannot LIE to get a Restraining Order against me for CONFRONTING HER non-violently over her PIG-LIKE behaviors -- and the Landlady wants her OUT, ASAP, but Property Manager Jonathan Deputy -- who Democrat NC State Representative Deb Butler ADMITTED TO ME she Drug-Traffics with -- never TOLD ALLIE -- LOL!!!

DRUG-TRAFFICKER Deb Butler on right. I took this photo right after speaking with her (and other influential Wilmingtonians), at a recent Political Protest -- which I wrote up (and sent Deb), here: 

And FIRST THING this morning, I spoke with neighbors from THREE of the closest houses to me, and they ALL had DEEP BELLY LAUGHS over Allie Ryan's and Pete's behaviors toward me as seen here:

Richard -- who witnessed Pete and Allie's UNDER-AGED DRINKING PARTY after Allie's UNCW graduation last December -- how TRASHED AND DRUNK those youngsters got and how they ABUSED ME when I yelled at them for drinking and screaming in the parking lot here at about 2:30 AM and again after 4:00 AM on a Monday morning -- and said he would TESTIFY IN COURT against Pete and Allie.

And two of them are CERTAIN that Rob McKinney in apartment one is a TOTAL ADDERALL ADDICT (as well as constantly stoned on marijuana).

Richard said that if Gold Walker had let her long-time manager Tom Purdy manage these apartments, Rob, Pete, and Allie would have been GONE MONTHS AGO.


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