Truly, this election is ACTUALLY Kenan vs. Kenan -- my family (Coca-Cola) being Georgia's LARGEST employer. Stacey Abrams sat for YEARS on the Board of my family's Kenan Institute for Ethics,, and Brian Kemp serves Kenans who put Donald Trump into power!!! Kenans are the largest employer also in North Carolina: Bank of America, and Texas as well with our Exxon-Mobil.Robert Carroll, was Tennessee Williams's one-time lover, who showed up HIGH ON DRUGS -- and bearing a LOADED GUN -- at Tenn's house in fall 1981 -- and Tennessee and his friend Helen (McDonald) Chuba, enlisted MY help to get him OUT, which led to my WORKING for Mr. Williams!!!
The above posting ALSO details some of my TROUBLES from NAZI-Christian Wilmington lawyer, Bruce Mason an ADMITTED SLAVE of my Wealthy Kenan Family -- ALSO on this Keywords list -- LOL!!!
The story of my becoming employed by Tennessee Williams is in the first two chapters of my memoir:
Chris Rogers -- who CLAIMED to me that he worked Drug Trafficking with an Episcopalian Priest at St. James Episcopal at Third and Market in Wilmington -- and Chris FREAKED OUT when the Priest was TRANSFERRED elsewhere in 2011!!!
I landed in Judge Noecker's Court after I FORCED Judge Sandra Alice (Ray) then also Criner to RECUSE HERSELF because the bitch had violated my rights MORE THAN ANY OTHER JUDGE EVER -- and I see this EVEN TODAY after more years of ABUSE IN NEW HANOVER COURTS.
Judge Sandra Alice Ray/Criner's husband then, Sherman Lee Criner, the snake-handling CHRISTIAN who had molested a young girl in Thalian Hall about ten years ago, and Wilmington Police INTIMIDATED the girl's family into NOT PROSECUTING because the Criners were such GOOD CHRISTIANS!!!
Judge Sandra Alice Ray COMMITTED ME to "The Oaks" (now New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital), in 2011 -- based on LIES by my then roommate, Brenda McKnight and her "cousin"/boyfriend -- and Wilmington's THEN LARGEST CRACK SUPPLIER, Gerald Austin-Wynn -- LOL!!!
Brenda McKnight
Gerald Austin Wynn was SOON arrested, tried, and convicted of major Drug Trafficking in South Carolina, and after serving about four years, was released and lives in Virginia now:
In a HUGE ERROR, my FAVE JUDGE, J.H. Corpening, CHIEF New Hanover District Court Judge and a DEMOCRAT (Sandra is a Republican and once HEAD of the County Republicans), actually ENDORSED Sandra Ray in a previous election -- but since then Corpening has LEARNED HIS LESSON -- no???
AND Sandra Ray is running in a STATE-WIDE Judge contest this year, but there is a SECOND Republican also running and a Democrat, so her chances there are probably SLIM. And THIS IS WHY for a couple of weeks, this old posting is near the TOP of those being HIT!!!:
And my RECENT comments on my LOCAL ELECTION here in Wilmington:
I REALLY have no interest in blogging more about Democrat NC Representative Deb Butler's ADMITTED TO ME BY DEB, top Drug-Trafficking Partner, Jonathan Deputy -- NOR do I want to SPECULATE on WHY or HOW he might have some kind of CONTROL over my landlady, Gold Walker, but I think that now that they NO LONGER have any business associations, Gold should just THANK GOD THAT IS OVER!!!
Deb Butler on right in photo I took right after speaking with Deb -- and she ADMITTED THIS to me, but it MIGHT be in postings the next few days that I spelled that out TOTALLY:
Just yesterday, John Gray Hunter -- who has lived here over 15 years -- and I were REMINISCING about all the LOVING THINGS Gold Walker has done both for him and me. And the neighbors LOVE that Jon Deputy is NO LONGER protecting the DRUG TRASH (Robert James McKinney in apartment one and Allie Ryan and her boyfriend Pete in apartment two) -- the "Drug-Trash CHIHUAHUAS" who continue to "nip at my ankles" -- and actually Allie Ryan PUNCHED AND KICKED ME, causing this SCAB to my shin that STILL has not fallen off:
Anyway, with all the neighbors now calling me, "The MAYOR of SPOFFORD" in recognition for my helping run Sherry Hall Spivey out of the neighborhood -- when Police, Sheriff's Deputies, and even the FBI were PROTECTING her HUGE Hard-Drug Trafficking, Gold had better WAKE UP TO THE LOVE!!!
Sherry Hall Spivey -- on the WORD OF JONATHAN DEPUTY -- accused ME of being a CHILD MOLESTER -- LOL!!!
Where are the Taliban demolition experts who blew up the Bamian buddhas?
Work to be done, y'all!

Women are LEADING THE WAY!!!
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