Sunday, July 26, 2020

The TRUE Legacy of John Lewis, Barack Obama, and Jim Clyburn: Three Self-Loathing, Devout Christian TRAITORS to the US Constitution, Who BELIEVED in the New Testament's Command of SLAVES, OBEY YOUR MASTERS!!!

Whether they spoke words about this or not, BOTH John Lewis and Barack Obama had been BLACKMAILED -- or acted consciously in doing this -- Hillary Clinton, who was DEVOTED to Republican Barry Goldwater and she and Bill Clinton both worked for the Bush Family, why Barbara Bush LOVED Bill Clinton -- he EXPANDED Bush, Cheney, CIA, Kenan Family Drug Trafficking (in concert with Christian Churches), more than her husband or son had been able to.

Although John Lewis KNEW that Bernie Sanders ALWAYS marched with MLK, Jr., and Hillary Clinton NEVER DID, plus the DRUG TRADE is what destroyed Black Families (and White ones too), John Lewis JOINED with Institutional Christian Democrats and threw his support to Hillary, and WHITE and BLACK PEOPLE who are educated enough to know that Hillary Clinton was just a GOD-HATING REPUBLICAN like her husband Bill, whose campaign for President was FAR to the right of anything Ronald Reagan ever campaigned for. Here is the GENERAL IDEA:


 So THANK JOHN LEWIS and HIS CHRISTIANITY for putting Donald Trump into power!!!

Anyone following the News online in early 2008, read the reports of Bill Clinton sending Rahm Emanuel (Carlos Salim "Slim" Helu of Mexico's and Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel's TOP DRUG TRAFFICKING PARTNER -- and Rahm has only BALLET in his college experience -- LOL!!!), Mayor Villaraigosa of Los Angeles (who trained former Wilmington, NC Police Chief Ralph Evangelous in running Drug Mafias), and Barack Obama to SELL OBAMA to BIG BANKS and WALL STREET -- and then Hillary agreed to LOSE the Primaries to Barack, but got to be Secretary of State to run the DRUG MAFIAS!!!

The Taliban, devout Muslims, FORBADE Opium Production and when they took over Afghanistan in 2001, the CHRISTIAN CHURCHES and CIA lost TOO MUCH INCOME, so George W. Bush ATTACKED THEM on FALSE PRETENSE, and soon US Soldiers PROTECTED the Poppy Fields.

If you look at the graph above, Opium production INCREASED while Hillary was Secretary of State, and increased by DOUBLING, the first year Donald Trump was in office.

The Bushes, Cheney, Clintons and my Kenan Family BLACKMAILED Obama over his homosexuality -- to keep him signing bills to transfer wealth to the UPPER CLASSES and KEEP THE US GOVERNMENT DRUG TRAFFICKING GOING.

I REMEMBER when this issue of Newsweek (this meme has added the four other photos and comments), was on newsstands -- and I WISH I had bought and saved a copy!!!

So John Lewis and Barack Obama had GOOD REASON TO CRY TOGETHER!!! And this photo is SO LIKE the following meme, no???

Jamie Lee Sutherland is the FIRST PERSON I know who told me he had seen Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel in Man's Country Gay Bathhouse in Chicago many times.

Call Jamie during business hours to CONFIRM this!!!

And THIS YEAR, HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING "Clinton CHRISTIAN Democrat" Jim Clyburn of South Carolina SUNK Bernie Sanders' Campaign, by LYING TO BLACKS about Bernie and claiming CLINTON CHRISTIAN DEMOCRAT Joe Biden was the WAY TO GO!!!

So LET'S REMEMBER all the GREAT THINGS that Obama and John Lewis did -- but ALSO because they are SELF-LOATHING CHRISTIANS, they helped the USA turn NAZI!!!


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