>>> ONCE AGAIN -- THE EMAIL OF THIS POSTING WAS BLOCKED TO EVERYONE ON AOL.COM AND VERIZON.NET!!! Also, Valerie Hedge is out of the office until August 2 (I forgot that she had WARNED ME about that)!!!
Dear Scott
Well, my campaign has taken a wholesome turn. Not that I wasn't wholesome anyway (snicker snicker), but my saving grace during this pandemic has been the construction of my FIRST EVER GARDEN. And I have to say that it has given me much time to reflect about what's important. I've done a lot of thinking with my hands in the dirt, and I know more strongly than ever how important leadership and character really are. And while I am not perfect, you can count on me to continue to fight for what's best for ALL North Carolinians as I always have done. Ok, enough about my wholesomeness...
Back to the garden, It has been BOUNTIFUL, and there has been quite a YIELD (get it?) producing beans, okra, cucumbers, tomatoes, blueberries, corn, and perhaps my two favorites...WATERMELONS and gigantic SUNFLOWERS. To that end, I am hoping you can support my campaign with a donation today. If you are able to help, I will send you a package of these sunflower seeds that are the progeny of the most amazing sunflower I have ever seen! And I will enter your name in a raffle to win one of my watermelons! You have supported me all along the way, and I am grateful for your continued support. Now, I gotta get out there and water that garden. It's a scorcher!
And just late yesterday, I CONDEMNED Democratic Candidate for NC House in the next district, Marcia Morgan for SUPPORTING Deb Butler's Kenan/Clinton/Biden/Bush/Cheney HARD-DRUG Trafficking via the CIA and CHRISTIAN CHURCHES. See at the bottom, here:
Let me also say that when driving or walking through Deb's immediate neighborhood during the last year, I have at least three times asked her neighbors what they thought of Deb's claiming to be a DEVOUT METHODIST in some of her campaign claims -- and that Deb's DRUG TRAFFICKING is what killed her wife, Anni Parra.
ALL of them claimed that DEB IS NO CHRISTIAN!!! And also claimed that Anni did NOT die of a Drug Overdose, but they "could not tell me" what she died of. Well, a healthy young woman could naturally die of a burst aneurysm, perhaps a heart attack or a stroke, and there would be NO SHAME in publishing that, but even today, CAUSE OF DEATH has NOT been publicly revealed.
Deb Butler wrote Anni Parra's Obituary, and as you can see, she has a DISTINCTIVE WRITING STYLE (and idiotic, "too cute" pet-naming skills). I think Deb would make for a MOST AMUSING STORY WRITER!!!
Hannah Jelkes and her Grandfather, Nonno, in Tennessee Williams's The Night of the Iguana
And in regard to my sending this Letter to my cousin Marybeth and her husband Greg Lernihan, when I first emailed it out, I did NOT send it to the address at https://www.theimpactengine.com/, because Valerie Hedge there told me Greg had left their Board, but she would find a way to forward it to him. My email to her and sending to her also by their secured server, BOTH WENT THROUGH.
And if I don't hear soon from Greg or Marybeth, I will begin going down the list of 22 Charities that Greg lists on his LINKED-IN Profile -- to see if he left ALL those Board positions -- or if I can send to THEM to pass to Greg. Strange, today, is that Impact Engine is NO LONGER AT THE TOP of Greg's Charities, but it STILL SHOWS HIM WORKING WITH THEM:
And last night into today, I ran around to several medical facilities as they TRIED to diagnose the edema and pain which seems to have been caused by a tech fishing around very painfully to put in the I.V. line before my Chemical Stress Test. So far, I was sent with urgency to the Hospital on Wrightsville Avenue for a Sonic Scan that showed I have NO blood clot, and there is no sign of an infection, either. In a couple of days, I will be scheduled for a CT Scan -- to see if I have a TUMOR!!!
It is all OVERKILL, but necessary by medical rules -- and they are treating me like ROYALTY, because it seems OBVIOUS to all that the tech screwed things up. But she didn't do that DELIBERATELY, so as I have explained, as long as I get NHRMC Charity Care approved again this year, then they can BILL ME for trying to figure out their mistake, and Medicare will pay the rest.
I have a THOUSAND things I could say about what I know about this -- and especially Devon's FAKE HETEROSEXUAL and DRUG-ADDICTED Campaign Manager, Evan Folds, who got so ANGRY WITH ME for asking things he didn't want to answer, that he BLOCKED ME on Facebook -- HA!!!
I blogged a LOT about that Mayoral Campaign, which Readers can google to find. And Ben Schachtman wrote in FAR MORE DEPTH about it, but you should also read Jonathan Haynes's account:
>>> BREAKING @ 4:38 PM:
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So, like so many times when Tenn and I left parties or meetings, Tennessee was just DESPERATE to eat a GOOD HAMBURGER.
That time Tennessee Williams and I ate WENDY's HAMBURGERS -- PAID FOR by his and my GREATEST FRIEND, "Texas Kate" (Schweppe) Sharp, Moldawer, and later McNamara, who NOT ONLY gave me some of the BEST PROOF that the Episcopal Church Kate was so devoted to, had MURDERED TENNESSEE -- and with help of my relatives Frank Hawkins Kenan and his brother James Graham Kenan, who had been Kate's family's BEST FRIENDS when she grew up in Atlanta, and taught Kate how to act like the WEALTHIEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD:
Texas Kate flanked by Tennessee Williams and his sister, Rose -- when they attended the 1979 Kennedy Center Honors, when Tenn got HIS AWARD.
The FATAL FLAW in Christianity that leads to this:

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