Friday, July 3, 2020

And THEN, I Ran SMACK-DAB into Gold Walker, in the "Aisles of Wine" -- OF COURSE / My Old "Buddies", Beth Markesino and Sonya AmenRa (now Sonya Patrick), Have a CONVERSATION with Hugh MacRae III about Grandpa's PARK!!!

>>> THIS IS TOO FUNNY -- because I've had both GOOD and BAD dealings with Ms. Markesino -- but only BAD ONES with Ms. AmenRa/Patrick, and her daughter, Jackie Love:

Jackie Love

I have SEVERAL blog postings dealing with each of these two -- so I'll just paste in HOT LINKS to the best for each -- and then the article:

Cory Withers They should make it historically appropriate and rename the park “The MOMMA Center.”

(Man On Muscular Man Activity Center.)

  • Martha Eason Watson Cory Withers You know, you are right! The police did a lot of surveillance of the bathrooms there, back in the day. It was a busy place back then. The bathrooms near JC Penney at the mall was also just as popular ðŸ¤£ðŸ¤£ðŸ¤£

Right after Newt Gingrich graduated college, he got SEVERAL CITATIONS from Atlanta Police -- for Soliciting Sex in Piedmont Park men's roomsScans of them can still be found on the internet, but the CIA has all but TOTALLY HIDDEN THEM!!!

My GOODNESS -- I might have to write Hugh MacRae III, TOO, since these gals are each at least PARTLY CRAZY!!!


Gold has lost a lot of weight since this 2017 photo with her son, Allen -- and she looks happier and HEALTHIER, as well!!!

1. It was CLEAR that Gold was not even aware I have been copying her via email every blog posting, so THANK GOD, she was not aware of THIS ONE, which goes on a lot about her SON -- see 1/3 the way down here:

2. I told her that Jonathan Deputy's tenant in Apartment One, Robert "Rob" James McKinney, Jr. -- and more his father, "Bob", SR., have made for themselves a situation that the neighbors, especially, find INTOLERABLE -- not because they deal pot, but it's the HARD DRUGS, including Adderall (Methamphetamine), that is the real problem, and his addiction to it makes Rob an aggressive PIG, at times, and that I'm working to resolve the issue by a voluntary vacating of the premises.

And Gold asked, "Well what about Kat, upstairs, she seems really nice, although she's the sister of Allie Ryan (whom Gold clearly had not liked)? She told me she and you get along really well."

"We do -- and I am NOT trying to get her out at all -- she, her boyfriend Jack, and all of their friends are friendly, smart, educated, and talk about INTERESTING THINGS -- but Jack is BIG in Drug Trafficking with the McKinneys. In Wilmington, to have WELL BEHAVED Drug Traffickers is a BLESSING -- especially compared to what USED TO live here and next-door at Sherry Hall Spivey's!!!"

One of Sherry Hall Spivey's MUG SHOTS.

And I told her I was sending all of the evidence to NC State and local Law Enforcement -- mostly, who is involved and what their connections are.

"OK," she said.

I told her I think I'm going to be a BIG HELP to the new Police Chief, Donny Williams, and he can be helpful in MY PURSUITS -- just by CLEANING UP HIS FORCE after CRACK ADDICT Chief Ralph Evangelous.

And in parting, Gold said, "Good Luck with ALL of that!!!"

I choose the TWO LEGS (which are HAIRIER)!!!

Well, maybe not. But I'll accept breakfast with whichever one I end up SNAGGING!!!

That time I had DINNER in the US State Department Ballroom at the same table as Audrey Hepburn, and Secretary of State Alexander Haig seemed REALLY OUT-OF-PLACE!!!

Alexander Haig


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