Monday, January 31, 2022

Wilmington Police (OOOPS!!! Wrong Jurisdiction), New Hanover County Sheriff Ed McMahon, NC Atty. Gen. Josh Stein -- and FBI and DEA ALERT!!! -- David "Allen" Walker, Jr., and His Republican Lawyer Wife are SKIING OUT WEST All This Week -- so BUST WALKER-WORLD THIS WEEK!!! Tom Purdy Lives in an Out Building -- Will COOPERATE if Given IMMUNITY!!!


Allen Walker at Walker World,, with one of the LARGEST CHRISTIAN/DEMOCRAT Drug Traffickers, Democrat Steve Miller, and Allen gave him the LARGEST FUND-RAISER, with mostly Republicans there.

Allen Walker with Rachel and Thom Goolsby last summer!!!

Thom Goolsby, Tom Fetzer (former Mayor of Raleigh and Head of NC Republican Party whom I met in 2011 at the Dixie Grill), Mayor "Bill" Saffo, and District Attorney Benjamin R. David -- the first two are Republicans, the last two are Democrats -- ALL are CLOSET-CASE HOMOS -- but local Press revealed that Mayor Saffo, D.A. David, as well as OUT Gay New Hanover Commission Head Julia Olson-Boseman (who had her Lawyer License REVOKED, recently), and ALL of the Christian Ministers (only Black Ministers get elected here since BLACK CHURCHES run the most HARD DRUGS), elected to Political Office here, including Judge Rev. James Faison, Rev. Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Rev. Clifford D. Barnett, Sr. . . . 

 . . . got the GREAT BULK of their Campaign Funds from DARK-MONEY Republican Party PACS!!!

ALL OF THESE CHRISTIANS run HARD DRUGS with my Kenan Family and now Joe Biden, Gov. Roy Cooper, and the CIA.

At the 2015 Democratic Party Unity Dinner, Sheriff McMahon ADMITTED TO ME that Pastor Robert Campbell of New Beginning Christian Church was his BIGGEST HARD-DRUG DISTRIBUTOR!!!

THIS SLEAZE is voting tonight on spending money to HELP people addicted to drugs -- they should just GIVE IT TO THEMSELVES!!! They have ROBBED THE COUNTY BLIND FOR THEIR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST

But TONIGHT, Rachel Maddow reports she is taking off a few weeks under her NEW $30,000,000.00 per year Contract, to work on a project with Lorne Michaels -- who with Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Scott Rudin, Frank Hawkins Kenan II, and Story Cowles are TOTALLY CONNECTED to Jeffrey Epstein.

So Rachel CONDONES Epstein and his likes. It was STRANGE that several months ago, it got out that the NEW Leadership at MSNBC had FORCED Devout Roman Catholics Brian Williams and Rachel Maddow OUT, but my Kenan Family must have come to her defense.

So this not only puts Rachel Maddow FIRMLY in support of MALE PIGS, but as Rachel is WELL-AWARE, Lorne Michaels ALSO made Saturday Night Live actors portray Donald Trump in 2015 as NICE!!! Read about THAT in the lower link just above!!!

And Rev. Al "Booty-Call" Sharpton STILL RULES as MSNBC's TOP CHRISTIAN:

And then THIS REPORT -- today -- claims Rachel is producing a movie with BEN STILLER (and podcasts), but NO MENTION of Lorne Michaels:

For the RECORD, today, I saw NOTHING of "Rob" McKinney -- but Jack and Katlyn Addington were SNEAKING AROUND as if they might be ARRESTED, and for the last few weeks, the MAJOR, WEALTHY Drug Traffickers have continued to come and go from Rob's and Kat & Jack's apartments -- but park BACKWARD against the fence in our lot so I can't see their license plates -- or on the street in the portion I can't see from either of my decks -- LOL!!!

"On my back for MONEY" Republican Lawyer Layne McNeill Smith gave up her practice since she makes FAR MORE FROM HARD DRUGS, and Allen's mother, Gold Walker (my landlady)will DIE when she finds out!!! 

Allen's FIRST WIFE who bore his only three children told me in person all about it -- found at the bottom here:

So, let me get this out QUICKLY so that Police Chief Donny Williams, Sheriff Ed McMahon, D.A. Benjamin R. David, NC Atty. Gen. Josh Stein, and the FBI and DEA can EXECUTE A HUGE BUST this week, no???

OH WAIT -- only Josh Stein is JEWISH and the others Christians, so Josh Stein is OVER-RULED by those bossed by President Biden and/or Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill.


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