Sunday, January 30, 2022

NAZI/Christian MSNBC -- Today -- Had Donald Trump's BUSINESS PARTNER "Rev." Al "Booty-Call" Sharpton Host CONVICTED Chicago Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr., Pushing GOD and the NAZI-Christian Democratic Party / I CONFRONT Joe Biden's TOP DRUG TRAFFICKER in My Apartment Building (without violence) / Missouri US Senate Candidate Lucas Kunce Emails Me Asking for SUPPORT!!!


>>> AND WHEN I FINISHED SENDING LINKS TO THIS POSTING OUT TO THOSE WITH SECURED SERVERS -- I added my own Congressman, David Rouzer, and asked him to pass it along to my Senators Burr and Tillis -- as well!!!

My List, followed by the CONTENT of what I sent nearly every one of them:

All Supreme Court Justices, President Biden, V.P. Kamala Harris, BOTH Barack and Michelle Obama, The Clinton Foundation, Jamie Raskin, Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, and Eric Swalwell -- then on a LARK, I also sent it Received Receiver to Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity (the CATHOLIC NAZI Mafia), and then my OWN Congressman, David Rouzer:

I would ALSO like to say that V.P. Kamala Harris ALSO sent "special thanks" -- perhaps her Jewish husband has had a HEALING EFFECT on her!!!

The Supreme Court Justices who sent me a "nod of thanks" were either Jewish or Roman Catholic -- or one each.


* * *

The top image I lifted from Lucas Kunce's email --
he FORGOT that Nancy Pelosi and her husband Paul made MORE MILLIONS in Insider Trading of Stocks than anyone else in Congress!!! She PARTNERED with the Sinatra Family in getting info to make many millions from their sale of the VISA logo, that had begun with BankAmericard. Bank America started the FIRST true consumer credit card while I was in grade school (as I recall the news back then).

And it was Patricia Sinatra -- Frank's fave niece -- who sat me down on the Banks of the Cape Fear River and told me how Old Joe Kennedy got Frank to have his Mafia Pals in Chicago stuff ballot boxes in Chicago and steal the election from Nixon for JFK. JFK did not find out about it until LATER -- and he and RFK went after the MAFIAS with a VENGEANCE!!!

More on Mr. Kunce in a minute.

Robert "Rob" James McKinney, Jr. (in black), on his front porch with his original roommate, James "Aaron" Gallimore, Jr., recently. 

Jonathan Deputy -- then partnered in Hard-Drug Trafficking with Democratic NC State Representative Deb Butler and HER BOSS, Gov. Roy Cooper (another DEMOCRAT FROM DRUG-HELL), was the Apartments Manager who PUNCHED ME and threatened to KILL ME and even STEAL COPYRIGHT to any NEW BOOK I WRITE -- because he was PARTNERED with Democratic District Attorney Benjamin R. David, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and President Barack Obama in STEALING my copyright to my Tennessee Williams memoir when Scott Rudin and the Producers of most of the Harry Potter movies were looking to buy MOVIE RIGHTS!!!

It was about 6:15 PM when I stepped out on my deck and "Rob" McKinney was driving his electric-powered bicycle around the backyard. So I asked him how the repair of his car is going and when he expects it will be repaired.

I ALREADY KNEW that Rob's previous stories that had constantly changed about what had happened Friday night of last week at the PEAK of our ice storm. His latest had been that he ran into a median turning from driving north on Independence Blvd. to driving west on Wrightsville Ave. He hit it so hard that his bumper, hood, front panels, etc., were crumbled CRUMPLED and the radiator forced out of place. Oil and or gasoline were ALL OVER THE ROAD.

There are NO MEDIANS near that intersection, and the poles one might hit are either huge hollow metal ones, or farther away, regular creosoted telephone poles -- ALL of which would show at least a SCAR from so hard a hit. They don't -- nor is there evidence of an oil spill -- gasoline would simply have evaporated.

Today, I simply and calmly told Rob that Jack from upstairs had told me not only that he knows you, your father, and your uncle in New York run the McKinney Drug Mafia in association with Jon Deputy and his crowd -- he only placed you here next to his partner Sherry Hall Spivey, one of the BIGGEST Hard-Drug Traffickers in town.

It was LONGEST-TERM resident of my building (about 15 years), John "Gray" Hunter, who told me the FBI had interviewed him THREE TIMES in the years before I moved in about it -- and that Police Cars and Sheriff's Deputies in cars often sat on our street surveilling them. But since I had many times witnessed huge Drug Deliveries unloaded into her house and out-buildings -- or back OUT -- I KNEW -- and Gray Hunter confirmed -- that the FBI, Police, and Deputies were only PROTECTING HER TRAFFICKING -- and it took her PIT BULLS attacking a child who had to go into surgery, to get them FORCED OUT!!!

Sherry Hall Spivey

I told Rob that Jack ALSO ADMITTED that he and his girlfriend, Katlyn or Kaitlyn Addington ALSO TRAFFIC MAJOR HARD DRUGS in partnership with the McKinney Drug Mafia, and he HOPES to save up enough money to SPLIT NAZI/CHRISTIAN WILMINGTON -- ASAP!!!

I believe Jack KNOWS I can get him BUSTED -- and that is the ONLY WAY OUT of Christian Drug Trafficking HELL -- and it usually only gets you FURTHER DRUG MAFIA TRAINING in Democratic Sheriff Ed McMahon's Jail -- where ONLY CHRISTIAN PROPAGANDA and a few torn-up old novels are in the reading matter they allow inmates to read. They ALSO have Christian Worship and Study Groups -- but NONE for Muslims, Jews, etc. -- here is why:

Muslims, Jews, and Atheists are SMART ENOUGH not to be HUGE CRIMINALS like Christians feel they have a RIGHT TO BECOME and not pay for it -- because JESUS already paid for their Sins -- LOL!!!

So, the BOTTOM LINE is that Rob MIGHT WELL have been part of a DRUG-DEAL-GONE-BAD with the guy a quarter mile south of where Rob CLAIMS he had his accident, and since Rob says he was travelling NORTH on Independence Blvd., he could EASILY have come from there.

Plus even a TOTAL DRUG ADDICT is smart enough not to -- IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WORST ICE STORM IN YEARS -- run out into a major thoroughfare and discharge a GUN several times with no reason -- LOL!!! 

The Christian Police probably told the fool to CLAIM THAT!!!

ALSO, Rob claimed earlier this week that the car was towed to his father's JET-MULCH, WILMINGTON, and he and his father had lined up FIVE MECHANICS who would work ONLY ON REPAIRING HIS CAR UNTIL FINISHED, expecting to complete it in ONE DAY (this past Friday), although it might take into Saturday (yesterday), but NOW he claims with LUCK they will complete it by THIS COMING FRIDAY!!!

I told Rob that while I appreciate the excellent marijuana he has been selling me for years now -- at a reasonable price -- he, his father and uncle, and Jack and Kat upstairs must STOP SELLING ADDICTIVE DRUGS for the Democratic Party and Christian Joe Biden -- IMMEDIATELY!!!

Also, that I've sent his info -- and will THIS BLOG POSTING, ALSO -- by secured servers to President Biden, the Justice and State Departments, and the FBI and CIA and NC Atty. Gen. Josh Stein as well -- and gotten RECEIVED RECEIPTS from them ALL!!!

>>> BOY, did Rob look SHOCKED!!!

Then, before driving off to get some dinner, Rob simply asked me, "Do you feel safe???"

My answer:

Jesse Louis Jackson, Jr. with his wife, Sandra Lee "Sandi" (Stevens) Jackson.

Historians all know that BOTH OF THEM were convicted of CRIMES while Jesse, Jr., was in Congress -- and he was FORCED TO RESIGN.

Not only THAT, but Jesse JUNIOR also was bedding GUYS -- just like Barack Obama whose marriage to Michelle was arranged by Jesse Jackson SENIOR and Rev. Jeremiah Wright -- who was NOT MUSLIM as Republicans claimed -- but who ran the LARGEST CALL-BOY SERVICE for CHRISTIAN BLACK POLITICIANS in the USA!!!

BOTH of them used that Call-Boy Service -- and Rahm Emanuel -- partnered with the CIA and Vladimir Putin and my Kenan Family, Rex Tillerson/EXXON-MOBIL, KNEW IT and THAT is how he BLACKMAILED OBAMA for the Christian Democratic/Republican Party -- and Putin's DREAM of BUYING THE ENTIRE USA with my KENAN FAMILY of Chapel Hill, NC!!!

And THIS EVENING on MSNBC's PREMIER CHRISTIAN PROGRAM, Politics Nation, Al Sharpton had on Jesse Jackson, Jr., and ANOTHER TOP BLACK CHRISTIAN MINISTER claiming the ONLY WAY to save the USA from the Republican NAZIS is to EMBRACE GOD as HEAD OF THE USA!!!

The VAST MAJORITY of Christians voted for TRUMP -- and 63% of those who voted for Biden DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD -- or at least think God is TOTALLY POWERLESS and NEVER responds to prayers!!!

Al Sharpton made MOST OF HIS MILLIONS in Business Partnership with Donald Trump -- 2004 through 2016. Then QUIT THAT to be in charge of MSNBC's campaign to PUT TRUMP BACK IN OFFICE -- paid for by my Kenan Family's LOBBYISTS from EXXON-MOBIL, Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group, etc.

A shot of MO U.S. Senate candidate Lucas Kunce. In the background, an alleged uncut sheet of common Beta cards can be seen. (Image attributed to MSNBC)

#4. Some Of The Results Of Representation For Magic

Finally, we have a real-world outcropping of Magic: The Gathering in the wild. During a recently televised news interview with Lucas Kunce, a man running for U.S. Senator in Missouri, something very interesting popped up behind the Senate candidate.

We cannot confirm or deny that that is actually an uncut sheet of common Beta cards from Magic behind Kunce, but if it is, that's pretty neat. This shows that Magic: The Gathering's popularity is peaking, as now it is clear that even federal political candidates have some stake in the game.

Do you have any other examples of games like Magic: The Gathering showing up in media? How many of these have been coordinated in part by Wizards of the Coast? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Posted in: Card Games, Games, Magic: The Gathering, Tabletop, Wizards of the Coast | Tagged: antiques roadshow, emma stone, jerry seinfeld, jesse eisenberg, Lucas Kunce, magic, movies, MTG, seinfeld, spider-man, thomas middleditch, tobey maguire, tv, WotC, zombieland

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Missouri is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to MOR(M)ONS -- who are BIGGER HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKERS THAN CHRISTIANS -- since Mitt RomneyHarry Reid, and ALL MORMONS WORLDWIDE know that the Garden of Eden was ACTUALLY IN MISSOURI -- and YOU PEOPLE trust these ASSHOLES with our COUNTRY???

Lucas Kunce, Democratic Candidate for US Senate from Missouri

January 30, 2022

Dear Mr. Kunce,

My name is Scott David Kenan, and I am "GOD-ORDAINED" to expose the crimes of the NAZI-Christian Democrat/Republican Party that my Kenan Family with its TOP BUSINESS PARTNER in the OIL REFINING AND SELLING BUSINESS -- who is Vladimir Putin.

Additionally, nearly EVERY DEMOCRAT who is a CHRISTIAN (and Jews-Gone-Bad -- like Rahm Emanuel, Diane Feinstein, and Chuck Schumer), has been TOTALLY BOUGHT by Lobbyists for my family's EXXON-MOBIL, Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group, Coca-Cola, the Episcopal Church USA, etc. -- ALL CONTROLLED by the Kenans of Chapel Hill who ALSO PUT TRUMP INTO POWER!!!

HuffPost, CNN, The Intercept, the Daily Kos, and even MSNBC have reported REPEATEDLY that Exxon-Mobil's TOP LOBBYIST completely controls Joe Biden, Joe Manchin, Nancy Pelosi, but there is NO ACCOUNTING for Kyrsten Sinema -- who needs a giant ENEMA!!!

Since you deployed to Afghanistan, you HAVE TO KNOW we only went there to protect the CIA'S HEROIN SOURCE -- after the TALIBAN STOPPED Opium Production!!!

See how production went SKY HIGH after TRUMP came to office???

I interviewed MANY (over 50), ACTIVE MARINES in early 2010 -- who SWORE they were COMMANDED to protect US Air Force Planes in Afghanistan as they were loaded with Heroin for the US Market. Much was flown to Maxwell AFB, where my employer of 20 years (until he FIRED ME for finding out and PUBLISHING IT ON BLOG EARLIER in 2010), Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., in Snellville, GA 

-- and THEN my own PARENTS and SISTERS told LIES to get me PERMANENTLY COMMITTED to the NUT-HOUSE, but Colin Powell's retired Chief Protocol Officer, Army Col. Dorothy Newman -- with the help of Delta Airlines -- got me "safely" to Puerto Vallarta for Political Exile -- but the EXXON-MOBIL/Barack Obama/Fox News/Benjamin Netanyahu DRUG MAFIA in partnership with El Chapo Guzman (two of his sons held me hostage in P.V. in 2010 for five weeks until I managed to SNEAK OUT -- and they TOLD ME how they are Obama's, Emanuel's, Tucker Carlson's, Newt Gingrich's, and later Pete Buttigieg's TOP SUPPLIERS of Hard Drugs).

The mainstream Press in the USA has reported many times how Donald Trump made the deal with President AMLO of Mexico to sell the USA TONS OF FENTANYL -- which is CHEAPER TO MAKE THAN HEROIN and FIFTY TIMES AS POTENT AND ADDICTING. THIS so we could WITHDRAW from the no longer needed POPPY FIELDS of Afghanistan.

As soon as Biden got Episcopal Church Drug Trafficker Pete Buttigieg (he TRIED to get PUTIN'S BEST FRIEND and Drug Trafficker Rahm Emanuel to head the DRUG TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT, but PROGRESSIVES STOPPED THAT)Pete soon went to MEXICO to firm up that DRUG DEAL for Joe Biden and my Kenan Family with the NAZI CHRISTIANS of BOTH PARTIES. Then Biden ABANDONED Afghanistan -- since Trump had set it up so he HAD NO CHOICE.

But BIDEN -- refuses to release Humanitarian Help to the Afghan People who are now CAUGHT IN HELL -- and even has worked to be certain no one else keeps them from STARVING, TOO!!!

Well, I see you are NOT ALLIGNED with other Politicians, so I recommend you KEEP IT THAT WAY!!!

This will be posted on my blog and then emailed to my 390 Political Contacts. It THEN will be sent via secured servers to everyone from Supreme Court Justices and TOP DEMOCRATS who are or were PRESIDENTS, as well as TOP DEMS in CONGRESS.

I had never even heard of you, but you sent me a SOLICITATION today, so MUST HAVE HEARD OF ME and wanted to see WHAT I KNOW!!!

So, GOOD LUCK in your candidacy and BEWARE THE CHRISTIANS!!!

Pervitin = Methamphetamine = Adderall

Biden only cares that the GOP thinks he has a HUGE DICK like LBJ!!!


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