Monday, January 10, 2022

Preparing to PROSECUTE Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel for STEALING Copyright to My Memoir of Tennessee Williams -- then TRYING to KILL ME with the CIA!!! / Prez Biden Has Stated: "NO 'Executive Privilege' for Former President Trump!!!" -- So, What's GOOD for the Repubs Applies to the DEMS, TOO!!! Biden's Policies Will GUARANTEE Obama and Emanuel are PROSECUTED, NO???


>>> First my EMAIL to Clay Aiken, just sent:

Hi Clay!!! I was the last assistant to Tennessee Williams, at 6' 11" the TALLEST and most OUT HOMOSEXUAL of the mostly GAY or BI Male Kenans, and work for the Constitution, like YOU !!!


Cc Scott Kenan,,,,

Dear Clay,

I just saw on the internetic news that you are running as a Dem for US Congress from NC District 6. I was FORCED to Political Exile in Puerto Vallarta TWICE (think "Night of the Iguana" film), where John Huston's assistant gave me the TOUR of the old movie set -- and my blog posting of that was used by P.V. City Government to PROMOTE TOURISM!!!

I am copying my brother Mike -- as well as the TOP OUT GAY DEMOCRAT in NC, Matt Hughes, who TOTALLY disrespected me, and is a DRUG TRAFFICKER with the Christian Dems who are the BIGGEST Drug Traffickers here in Wilmington: President Bill Clinton and Sect. of State Hillary Clinton -- who work for the Bush/Cheney alliance and are paid for by Thomas S. Kenan III -- just like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema -- and for that matter, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, Coach Lou Holtz, and many others. Christians of BOTH PARTIES HATE GOD!!!

I actually KNOW many of those I just named!!! My last overnight date was with Bush Cousin Bill Toups in fall of 2017 (yes, I'm horny), and after he planted the Bush Seed up my "rumpus room", we spent the night discussing how the Bush and Kenan Families have run White Supremacy and Worldwide Hard-Drug Trafficking with the CIA, Christian Churches, etc. -- for GENERATIONS, now!!!

I'm totally cool with Sanders, Raskin, Schiff, Swalwell, and many others -- all of whom get every one of my blog postings via email or secured server. 

Right now, I'm about to send Barack and Michelle a SECOND BLAST -- I have more friends who saw Obama and Rahm Emanuel in Chicago's Man's Country Gay Bathhouse many times, and then the two of them with Fox News, Wells Fargo Advisors, Chicago, and Wilmington, NC D.A. Benjamin R. David stole copyright to my memoir that John Lahr said made me the Authority on the last two years of Tennessee Williams's life. 

They also tried to have me MURDERED MANY TIMES -- but I've saved the PROOF to put Obama and Emanuel into PRISON for the rest of their lives.

But I have a PLAN for Obama to SAVE HIS OWN ASS!!!

I intend to add you to my email lists -- just reply, asking, if you wish to be taken off!!!

See how TALL I was compared to Tennessee when we visited the Reagan White House???:

AND, I see your District 6 includes Winston-Salem.

I attended Denison University on partial scholarship, graduating in 1973, and friended Bert Bennett III, there, and traveled with him to his family's home in W.-S. spring of 1973, and met the BEST DEM EVER to come from North Carolina: Bert Bennett, Jr.

Matt Hughes TOTALLY disrespected Bert Bennett, Jr. -- so you KNOW he really supports Donald Trump!!!

And yes, I'm copying Bert III, now a Psychologist, and Graham Bennett, who now runs Quality Oil!!! May I suggest you buy SHELL GASOLINE and NEVER Exxon-Mobil, that my Kenan Family controls???

This email will be part of what I send the Obamas tonight -- and EVERYONE ELSE AS WELL!!!

I "HEAR/TELL" that you know Donald Trump VERY WELL!!! And I LOVED finding THIS

Ciao for NOW,


Coalition of Georgia voting rights groups won't attend Biden's speech in Atlanta

By Nicole Chavez, CNN

Updated 8:58 PM ET, Mon January 10, 2022

>>> MORE PROOF that Joe Biden is OWNED by EXXON/MOBIL and Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill!!!:

USDA Secretary Vilsack’s Son Now Works for a Controversial Ethanol Pipeline Project

The “Midwest Carbon Express” will rely heavily on policies that Vilsack has been pushing for his entire career.

Tom Philpott

Former President Barack H. Obama

January 10, 2022

Dear President Obama,

I have MORE to send to you, but I NO LONGER think of you as ANY KIND OF PATRIOT!!! You are just a POLITICAL PAWN of Vladimir Putin, Thomas S. Kenan III, and yes, DONALD TRUMP, himself -- ITSELF.

So, NOW, I plan to POLITICALLY PARTNER with Clay Aiken in North Carolina -- the HEART of CONFEDERATE/CHRISTIAN and NAZI-PARTY HATE in the entire WORLD!!! Please see above.

When, this past fall, I was THROWN OUT of the Sarah Graham Kenan Auditorium at UNC Wilmington, by Dem Sheriff Ed McMahon's Deputies -- WHILE I was speaking with Nikole Hannah-Jones -- YOUR AND SECT. HILLARY CLINTON'S ADMITTED LIAISON, USCG Cdr. Susan Polizzotto, with the CIA HEROIN OPERATION in Afghanistan, got me KICKED OUT -- and even had the PUSSY-BALLS to leave a COMMENT ON THIS BLOG admitting to that!!!:

CDR. Susan Pollizzoto is in center.

And REALLY, what distinguishes my Kenan Family is that MOST MALES are GAY or BISEXUAL -- including me and my father -- they OFTEN MARRY FIRST COUSINS -- like my grandfather Joseph Emerson Kenan, Sr., married HIS FIRST COUSIN (why I am so TALL???)

Kenans are ALSO FAMOUS for coming down with TERTIARY SYPHILIS!!! Just look at THIS!!!:

WHO KNEW??? Joe Biden and Barack Obama were actually UNDER THE TABLE -- SUCKING DONALD TRUMP'S and VLADIMIR PUTIN'S DICKS!!!

So, Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel -- I WILL PUT YOU BOTH INTO PRISON (with Joe Biden and Joe Manchin, etc., TOO) -- unless you can FIND YOUR WAY OUT of this CONSTITUTIONAL DILEMMA!!!

You know how to contact me -- if you need some ADVICE.

All Best,

Scott David Kenan


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