Saturday, January 22, 2022

Have YOU Seen "Charlie Wilson's War" -- LATELY??? It is HONEST about History -- and PRESCIENT about the Future, which is both Past and Present, Now. Julia Roberts is at Her BEST and Most GORGEOUS -- a DEAD RINGER for "Texas Kate" (Schweppe) Sharp, Moldawer, then McNamara -- ALSO a Houston Socialite -- with Ties to the WEALTHY KENANS -- but MOSTLY to Me:


Here is a TRAILER for it:

>>> IF YOU VIEW THIS MOVIE, listen carefully as it is fast-paced, and MANY Politicians even still in power are mentioned, Rudy Giuliani the MOST!!! As Prosecutor in Lower Manhattan, he attempted to prosecute Charlie Wilson for doing cocaine with female prostitutes in limos and parties all over TOWN. This was TRUE, but Charlie is a WIZARD!!!

"Texas Kate" (Schweppe) Sharp, Moldawer, then later McNamara, flanked by Tennessee Williams and his sister, Rose, at the 1979 Kennedy Center Honors, when Tenn got HIS AWARD.

Kate's Obituary:

The comment I left there -- years ago (I had to be CAREFUL as Kate's closest relatives were mostly FAR-RIGHT REPUBLICANS):

I knew "Texas Kate" only briefly, but am always inspired when I recall her grand livingness. I well remember how Kate always lifted the spirits of her friend and my then employer, Tennessee Williams.

Scott Kenan
June 6, 2007

In this twelve-year-old posting, I got PRESCIENT, MYSELF -- over the long-term effects of all the INFORMATION and mostly ENCOURAGEMENT I got from Kate!!!

Without disrespect to ANY of Tennessee Williams's loving friends -- and he had many -- Texas Kate gave me ALL I NEEDED to really dig deep into the HISTORY of my Kenan Family, the MOST EVIL FAMILY in the USA. My wealthy relatives (via Exxon-Mobil/Rex Tillerson), in Oil Business Partnership with Vladimir Putin, put Donald Trump into power to GIVE the USA to Putin for Christian Profit.

Kate Schweppe grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, her family BEST FRIENDS with the Families of Frank Hawkins Kenan and his brother, James Graham Kenan (before Frank moved his brood to Durham, NC), and THERE learned how to act like the WEALTHIEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD, which Mary Lily (Kenan) Flagler and then later Bingham had been after Henry Flagler left her his ENTIRE FORTUNE -- he had endowed his earlier children years before that -- and his and Mary Lily Kenan's LOVE CHILD was raised as Mary Lily's NIECE, she eventually got the bulk of the fortune, but after at least THREE failed marriages, and drug addiction, she committed suicide

Mary "Louise" Clisby Wise Francis

GOOGLE IT to learn about this from many sources -- even me.

Frank Hawkins Kenan with the more dapper James Graham Kenan. They both died about 1996.

Additionally, Kate's FIRST husband, Dudley Sharp I, grew up best friends with Howard Hughes -- their fathers jointly owned the Sharp-Hughes Tool Company that Howard would use to launch HIS CORPORATIONS. He graduated the Naval Academy and had an illustrious Military Career, and then President Eisenhower made him Secretary of the AIR FORCE, and Dudley wrote the USA's FIRST LAWS governing Nuclear Warfare in Outer Space.

He was Ike's TOP ALLY in warning that the Military/Industrial Complex was the BIGGEST THREAT to US Democracy, but after Ike left office, his fellow Republicans THREATENED his wife and children, so he RECANTED!!!


Dudley Sharp I

THE THRILL of President Truman's CHRISTIAN MILITARY PEOPLE when our President COMMANDED dropping Atom Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki -- even though his Advisors all told him the Japanese would surrender within a few weeks -- just because they were NOT CHRISTIAN WHITE PEOPLE, so it was FUN to see how many it would evaporate, kill, or MAIM!!!

The FIRST TIME I met Texas Kate, and then the BEST CHAPTER that is full of her. Kate appeared in MANY Chapters of my memoir:

And Kate was Tennessee's inspiration for Babe Foxworth in In Masks Outrageous and Austere, in which he also based Maca tall, silent, black, observant homosexual -- on me.

Dudley Sharp III later told me that the 366-page manuscript of Walking on Glass that I had mailed Kate was found FRONT AND CENTER on her writing desk when she died, and her Latina Housekeepers had read it to her because her cancer (which Kate had not told me that she had), had made her BLIND by then -- the last time I spoke with her.

I THANK all the people that drove my last posting to HUGE HITS!!! Those of you who get it via email have not seen all I added to it later -- more info PLUS to whom I ended up sending to and then getting received receipts from -- even sending eventually to those who take complaints about NBC PROGRAMMING, and getting a receipt.

I complained that their CHRISTIAN TALKING HEADS are JUST AS CORRUPTED as Joe Biden, Donald Trump, the Bush and Kenan Families, the Obamas, Clintons, etc. -- and Jen Psaki -- whom even MSNBC, today, is TRASHING for her condescension toward BLACK PEOPLE'S RIGHTS!!!

Remember when France recently sent us a SECOND but smaller STATUE OF LIBERTY???

Well, yesterday's posting was hit by 149 hits from France -- within an hour of each other. Google Statistics shows they were sent by


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