Wednesday, January 12, 2022

EVERY Democrat in Wilmington, NC Whom I Spoke with the Last 10 Days HATES JOE BIDEN MORE than They HATE DONALD TRUMP -- since Trump is HONEST about HATING GOD!!! / Harry Reid INSISTED the Garden of Eden was in Missouri -- NO WONDER Idiot Christian Democrats LOVE HIM!!!


Mormons ABSOLUTELY MUST BELIEVE these concepts and a MAN who is GOOD gets to take his MULTIPLE WIVES and RULE ONE PLANET in the Universe with his BITCHES!!!

ALL adult Mormons MUST wear these undergarments -- although I met SEVERAL on the beach at Mismaloya, Mexico who wore NORMAL modest swimwear -- and CLAIMED they HATED MITT ROMNEY!!!

ALSO on the beach at Mismaloya, I met several FRIENDS of Mayor Rahm Emanuel and President Obama -- who knew them ALSO from visiting Man's Country Gay Bathhouse in Chicago:

And JUST LIKE THIS CLAIM of old that Mitt Romney can't be criticized for being MOR(M)ONIC, Harry Reid can't be criticized EITHER -- DESPITE any REAL CHRISTIANS UNIVERSALLY CONDEMNING such foolish HERESIES.

In the Mormon Church EVERY SINGLE CLERGY MEMBER, from Congregation Leader to the HEAD TWELVE APOSTLES, is NOT PAID BY THE CHURCH (all must have FULL TIME occupations to support themselves) -- even young men who must spend TWO YEARS as Missionaries must actually PAY ALL THEIR OWN EXPENSES

And EVERY MORMON must tithe 10% of income to the Church and the Mormon Church gets access to everyone's INCOME in unstated ways, and REFUSES to perform ceremonies in TEMPLES that allow them to go to "HEAVEN" -- until they are PAID UP IN FULL!!!

THAT MONEY IS USED TO TRAFFIC DRUGS -- and is how the Mor(m)on Church became LARGER than even the Episcopal and Presbyterian Churches in 

I never paid much attention to Harry Reid -- because YEARS AGO he singlehandedly STOPPED the construction of the HUGE CAVERN to store US Nuclear Waste (spent rods from power plants, etc.) -- after getting his CRONIES to get the contracts to construct it -- as I remember from back then about $2 BILLION or TWICE THAT TODAY was spent BEFORE Harry shut it DOWN!!!!

It is perfectly situated well inland so an invading force could not easily reach it to STEAL that material for TERRORISM, in geologically stable ground, and the USA is now storing those materials ALL OVER THE COUNTRY so that Terrorists can EASILY break into SOME OF THEM.

I always KNEW that at HEART, Harry Reid was a MORMON TRAITOR!!!

And here are SOME OF THE WAYS that MORMONS have harassed me over the YEARS!!! -- far more than members of ANY CHRISTIAN DENOMINATION including the Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Black Christian Churches of EVERY DESCRIPTION, and Mayor "Bill" Saffo's Greek Orthodox Church (kissing cousin to Vladimir Putin's RUSSIAN Orthodox Church!!!)

REMEMBER: Jennifer McCracken, a self-admitted "Jack-Mormon", who was a practicing Lesbian, heavy alcohol drinker and drug addict, lived two doors from me in Carolina Apartments, then one of the BIGGEST DRUG-DISTRIBUTION and CRACK-WHORE cat-houses in Wilmington, under the ownership of George Cutter.

"Jenny", who had gotten FULL DISABILITY FOR BIPOLAR 1 (in the first year, one can make UNLIMITED MONEY without losing Disability), told me she had stashed SEVERAL MILLION DOLLARS of her Drug Profits in Banks in Florida.

And Jenny is who KNEW THE CIA MURDERED the Head of the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group, Colin Stuart Hamilton, how the murderer had buried the body FIVE HOURS AWAY, and then Mexican Authorities actually CAUGHT HIM and as soon as he led them to the body, the CIA FORCED MEXICO TO FREE HIM!!!

Colin Hamilton is the ginger, then Wilmington, NC native Stanley Winborne III, and me.

ALSO, Jennifer McCracken admitted that she got her DRUG MAFIA ORDERS from her MOTHER, who frequently visited her, so I photographed her mother's license plate:

And Ms. McCracken -- now married to a HOT YOUNG GAL and PAID FOR by all those millions of dollars -- Jenny is FAR TOO UGLY to attract a man or woman -- no matter HOW SWEET her pussy is to EAT!!!

Jennifer McCracken in 2011 -- BEFORE she turned OLD AND GRAY.

 -- admitted that her BROTHER of a different surname (Jenny got her last name from a PREVIOUS marriage to a man that produced CHILDREN, whom I've also met), got the CIA to DELETE ALL OF MY G-MAIL ACCOUNTS, and Jenny said her brother is a TOP CIA AGENT AND TOP DETECTIVE on DEVOUT CHRISTIAN SHERIFF ED MCMAHON'S FORCE.

Well, HERE is some of the OTHER TROUBLE caused me by MORMONS -- including by Tennessee Williams's closest male friend Vassilis Voglis's MALE LOVER whom he put through ART SCHOOL and now Mark Beard is a FAMOUS ARTIST -- but TOTALLY ADDICTED TO XANAX and producing almost NOTHING, today:

Mark Beard's great-grandfather was one of the THREE Joseph Smith dictated the BOOK OF MORMON to, and TODAY his family owns the LARGEST MORMON BANK!!!

IN FACT, it was Mark Beard who kept telling me that Tennessee Williams was really JUST A BITCH, which COLORED my early drafts of my Memoir -- until GREGORY MOSHER CORRECTED MY MEMORY -- my GOD, what these GOD-HATERS will do to those of us who are NAIVE!!!

That is Vassilis Voglis in front of me with his hand on Mark Beard's shoulder -- while Mark's DECLARED BOYFRIEND, Georg Osterman sits in plaid in front of Mark -- Thanksgiving Dinner on Staten Island, 1981 -- as documented here:


PBR Apologizes After Rogue Employee Encourages Twitter Users To ‘Try Eating A–‘

January 4, 2022, 2:53 pm

Flores noted that most reports of disappearances are for people who came from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

Josué, a 24-year-old migrant from Honduras, said he had little choice but to leave his country. “I come from Honduras. You get out of there because of crime: you can’t live, there is a lot of poverty, work is scarce and what you earn is very little. There is no improvement,” he said. 

He added that risk-taking was the only way to reach the U.S. “It’s worth the risk because … the one who doesn’t take the risk doesn’t win.”

Watch: Rep. Jamie Raskin on His Son’s Suicide, Jan. 6, and the Second Trump Impeachment

In a poignant interview, Raskin discusses two unthinkable tragedies.

DAVID CORN (an actual close neighbor and friend of Jamie Raskin -- for YEARS so knows him BEST -- this is REALLY REVEALING!!!!)

Washington, DC, Bureau Chief

>>> THIS POSTING will be emailed to my 390 Political Contacts -- as well as sent via Secured Server to Biden, Harris, BOTH Obamas, Sanders, Schumer, Schiff, Swalwell, Manchin, and Sinema -- ALL OF WHOM ALWAYS send me RECEIVED RECEIPTS!!!


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