Ms. Trump, 38, studied communications at North Carolina State University before leaving and ultimately earning a degree in pastry arts from the French Culinary Institute in New York.
She began dating Eric Trump in 2008 and after obtaining her pastry degree joined the team of Inside Edition as a coordinator. She and Eric married in 2014.
While on the campaign, President Donald Trump confessed that he “couldn’t pick her out of a lineup.”
According to Trump’s niece Dr. Mary Trump, the president said he “barely even knew who the f*ck she was,” until she gave a powerful speech supporting his presidency.
Since then, Lara has become the top host of the TrumpTV on the president’s campaign channels.
Lara and her werewolfian husband, Eric Trump:
When Linda Wilkins-Daniels (who is in Bishop William J. Barber II's actual congregation), stepped down about a year ago after being the PRESIDENT of the African-American Caucus of North Carolina Democrats for four years, they presented her with these FLOWERS!!!
"When you have real power, Jesus says that you'll lay it down so that somebody else can have some power. Real power will lay itself down on behalf of the powerless."
– Reverend Raphael Warnock
Linda Wilkins-Daniels
-- Ralph Warnock will be SUNK in Georgia if the Republicans exploit the sex-scandal with his former wife (like they sunk Cal Cunningham in NC), who (Warnock's ex-wife, Ouleye Warnock), is a top person working with my friend Mayor Bottoms of Atlanta. He ALSO is close with Democratic Operative Tom Houck, who had been MLK's white-boy driver and who admitted to me at a Democratic party in January 2010 that he gave J. Edgar Hoover the info to assassinate Dr. King. Recently, he led Civil Rights Tours at the MLK Center (until COVID stopped them). Houck was Hillary Clinton and Rahm Emanuel's TOP SUPPORTER in ATL, and Rahm Emanuel is partnered with El Chapo Guzman and Benjamin Netanyahu in Hard Drug Trafficking. Many news stories about that have recently been breaking, and last night I wrote to Joe Biden's Transition Team in an attempt to keep Biden from appointing Emanuel as a top advisor or Cabinet member and am just about to send Biden more proof of my claims. Christians have GOT to stop supporting Hard-Drug Traffickers just because they are Democrats hiding up Jesus's skirts. Here is my old posting about Tom Houck: ·
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AuthorScott Kenan
Nothing in politics surprises me, especially when it comes to J. Edgar Hoover. I tried to access the Tom Houck website but it is disabled.Linda Wilkins-Daniels
Here is his new gig -- at the MLK Center -- of all places. I knew Julian Bond and his family well because they often ate Sunday Dinner at the Magic Pan restaurant in Cumberland Mall, Atlanta, when I managed it 1983 - 1985. I remember when it was a SCANDAL that two of King's top deputies, Bond and John Lewis
competed for that Congressional seat, and of course John Lewis was allied with what became the Clinton Family Drug-Trafficking Machine. John Lewis LIED in 2016, claiming Bernie Sanders NEVER marched with Dr. King in the original Edmund Pettus Bridge march, DESPITE all the clear photographic evidence that Sanders was there, but Black Christians believed John Lewis and that was what sunk Sanders' campaign for Drug Trafficking Hillary to get the 2016 nomination -- just like Hyper-Clintonista James Clyburn managed to sink Sanders' campaign in favor of Biden this year. BTW: My Kenan Family CONTROLLED Selma, AL politics at that time -- just google "Dan Kenan House Selma" to see the antebellum mansion!!!
I spent the last two days contacting Joe Biden's Transition Team to try to influence him to SEPARATE from his top advisor Rahm Emanuel, who is a huge trafficker with El Chapo Guzman and Benjamin Netanyahu -- and with GW Bush -- blackmailed Obama over his homosexuality to be part of that. I really am fearless, and now I'm preparing to confront a big phony Christian Minister here in Wilmington who happens to be black. I got tired of tearing apart WHITE Christian Ministers -- LOL!!! ·
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Linda Wilkins-Daniels
BTW: I support Warnock's candidacy because as big a Christian Drug Trafficker as he is, he's STILL BETTER than ANY Republican -- THIS is how PATHETIC the Christian Religion has made America!!!

SOME Wilmingtonians will remember Gwenyfar's KINDNESS when she hosted my reading of the following chapter of my memoir in 2011, and nearly every seat was filled.
I was HOMELESS THEN -- due to my immediate family helping the ENTIRE Democratic and Republican Parties -- and CHRISTIAN CHURCH ESTABLISHMENT -- in trying to kill, jail, or nut-house commit me -- and BEFORE Democratic D.A. Benjamin R. David with a Fox News Talking Head/Lawyer in Chicago with a Wells Fargo Advisors Exec -- and Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama were so upset with me that I was PUBLISHING THEIR DRUG-TRAFFICKING and SEXUAL SECRETS!!!
The Fourth Street Bridge (viaduct), that I then lived under.
Genesis Block is excited to welcome Jermaine B Armour to our Business Community. Mr. Amour is Pastor of Saint Luke - Wilmington, a prolific speaker and thought leader in the Wilmington community.
Notice that Pastor Armour is wearing BLUE BLOCKERS -- and more GOLD than a TRUMP!!! -- which was what Wilmington Christian Police and Sheriff's Deputies ALWAYS WORE (the shades) -- when I was HOMELESS in 2011 - 2012 here -- so that Citizens KNEW they were part of Mayor Saffo's, D.A. Ben David's, Sheriff Ed McMahon's, and then-Police Chief Ralph Evangelous's DRUG MAFIA in partnership with TOO MANY of Wilmington's Christian Churches -- both Black and White.
Pastor Jermaine Armour
Genesis Block
Sabrina Cherry, DrPH, MSPH, MTS
Assistant Professor, School of Health and Applied Human Sciences
Michelle Bethea
Salt Air Heating & Cooling
November 19, 2020
Dear Pastor Armour and Witnesses at Genesis Block,
I had signed up a couple of months ago to receive Genesis Block's emails -- because I, too, support any org that helps our Black and other Minority Businesses get started. I live in Wilmington SPECIFICALLY to expose the CRIMES of my Kenan Family, my parents setting up the Christian Drug Mafia here under orders of Pope John Paul II, and my wealthy Kenan relatives of Chapel Hill having LED the 1898 Wilmington Coup d'Etat -- all for the GLORY OF JESUS CHRIST THEIR SAVIOR!!!
Then with the White Supremacist Episcopal and other Churches, put Donald Trump into the Presidency -- since Trump is the BEST CHRISTIAN in the USA.
And when I saw you are from Syracuse, New York -- and have advanced Ministerial Degrees, I thought THANK GOD -- A YANKEE who got a REAL Christian Theology Education -- but then I watched most of this (through where the Skype crapped out), and you spoke as IGNORANTLY as your CONGREGATION must be to employ you!!!
AXE instead of ASK -- repeatedly. I lived in Atlanta 1983 - 2010, and before the end of THAT TIME, ATL blacks had CORRECTED that trashy "Ebonics" -- and you used MANY DOUBLE NEGATIVES when your intention was to use only a single one -- NEGATING YOUR SEEMING INTENTION.
Or was that DELIBERATE???
Your Mama must be ASHAMED of you -- if still alive!!!
And in FAIRNESS, I was VERY IMPRESSED with your Church's command of electronic messaging, service-conducting, and its organization -- you MUST be a GOOD BUSINESSMAN -- and Churches are BUSINESSES FIRST, and god last -- if at all.
I also felt BAD FOR YOU and your CONGREGANTS because after sustaining MAJOR DAMAGE from Hurricane Florence two years ago, your Sanctuary was CLOSED until March 2020 for MAJOR (and impressively excellent), renovations -- to be CLOSED AGAIN almost immediately for COVID-19.
But even at your OPENING SERVICES, you could only fill the ground floor 1/3 full with NO ONE in your extensive balconies. You are in the SAME BOAT with most other Christian Churches -- and not just here in Wilmington -- people are FLEEING CHRISTIANITY like it's a SINKING BOAT!!!
THIS is why Wilmington's Churches got into selling ADDICTIVE DRUGS FOR JESUS!!!
Well, perhaps if you are NICE TO THEM possible next Republican North Carolina Senator Lara Trump and her hubby, Eric, will WORSHIP WITH YOU!!!
Hitler's Army marched fortified by Methamphetamine (Pervitin and Adderall are other names for it).
And William Rand Kenan, Jr. -- a DEVOUT PRESBYTERIAN-cum-EPISCOPALIAN -- originally of Kenansville and Wilmington, North Carolina, not only as the controlling stockholder in Standard Oil of New Jersey (ESSO, later EXXON), paid 39% of Hitler's Campaign Funds to be first elected Chancellor of Germany, and then he built the OIL REFINERIES in Germany that produced not just the MAJORITY of motor fuels to fuel Hitler's Armies -- but the PETROCHEMICALS of which Pervitin was only ONE!!!
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