I can't believe so many are foolish enough to comment here: "stop counting now" -- when for years and years and years, REAL PEOPLE have counted mail-in ballots allowed as long as postmarked on or before Election Day that couldn't possibly arrive until AFTER Election Day!!!
An OVERNIGHT argument with a Christian who LOVES Mark Twain -- according to his Facebook Profile:
34You and 33 others
- Suzi Naves I never need an invitation to be an "asshole" or a Christian -- same thing!!! My Kenan Family put Trump into power with the help of Vladimir Putin who signed a contract for my Kenan Family's lifelong employee Rex Tillerson as soon as Trump was elected for Exxon-Mobil,Bank of America,Kenan Advantage Group, to develop Russia's Oil Reserves worth HALF A TRILLION DOLLARS to my Kenan Family!!! And your profile photo on Facebook identifies YOU as a SATAN WORSHIPER -- so WHAT are you doing defending Christianity -- unless it is DEVIL WORSHIP -- LOL!!! Here is your photo for anyone too lazy to check it out:
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- · 20h
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- Scott KenanSo you're a Christian? Or an asshole? I'm confused. Also, why would a billionaire (only half a trillion) feel so threatened by a post about God that he would feel the need to troll? Just curious. Hasn't someone as rich as you got better things to do? I dunno, like jetting around the world doing...you know...billionaire stuff? Why waste your time here, unless you're afraid. The days of your Kenite kin are numbered, after all.1
- Wow
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- · 5h
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- Kenny E WinchesterI'm a Metaphysician -- not a Christian, since the New Testament and Science (God) prove Jesus could never have ascended into a physical Heaven that no one can locate. I LOVE what Jesus taught as a Jewish Reformer, and like it as much as I like what the Buddha taught. I HAVE an asshole, and LOVED the top meme on your FB this morning that the Dems and Repubs are just two cheeks of an ASS -- PERFECT!!!
You did absolutely no research on me or you would know I am barely above homeless -- because my lying mother claimed to corrupt Republicans and Democrats alike that I am BIPOLAR, which shrinks claim I am not, so Democrat D.A. Benjamin R. David convicted me of crimes I never committed -- but I forced those to be reversed. I am NOT in the Kenan line of inheritance of one of the largest fortunes in the world, but as the Bible Dictionary says, KENAN means "The Sadness" (depression), or "Unbridled Greed and Acquisitiveness" -- which perfectly describes my wealthy relatives. On Facebook, I PRACTICE how to respond to people like you who don't do research before trying to tear people apart -- the opposite of what Jesus taught. My Political Blog that's gotten nearly two million hits so far, is my ACTUAL serious writing and full of smartassiness and irreverence. Google "Scott Kenan blog" to find it. I just looked up "Kenite" and see it has to do with copperworkers and metal smiths in ancient Israel. Kenans are Scots/Irish (Ulster-Scots, to be precise), with no known Jewish blood at all.
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