Tuesday, November 3, 2020

MORE for Will Knecht and Richard Poole -- the HEADS of New Hanover County Republicans and Democrats -- including My APOLOGY to Mr. Poole's WIFE!!! / UP-DATE on America's Former TOP ROMAN CATHOLIC NAZI, My MOTHER, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan -- Now of Raleigh:


Mom and I -- just over two weeks ago.

A DIRECT QUOTE of Richard Poole -- Head of Democrats -- who NEVER RIDICULES THE RIDICULOUS -- like God's People do:

Conversely, Chair of the New Hanover County Democratic Party Richard Poole had a differing opinion about the inclusion of the blimp. In a statement delivered to WECT, Poole said the following:

“New Hanover Democrats care about hurricane recovery, healthcare, clean water and good education. We believe that the Baby Trump Balloon is a distraction from the issues we all care about. The New Hanover County Democratic Party is laser focused on electing candidates who will improve issues that New Hanover County voters care about.”



My next-door neighbor and pot supplier, Robert "Rob" James McKinney, Jr., stopped by late this morning, and said that YOUNG VOTERS will put Biden into office -- they don't usually vote much, but EVERYONE HE KNOWS (Rob is about 24), has made SURE that all of their friends got registered and voted for Biden.

And that is EXACTLY what Michael Moore -- the last guest last night on MSNBC's "The Eleventh Hour with Brian Williams" claimed last night at 11:55. Michael Moore and Brian Williams are BOTH DEVOUT ROMAN CATHOLICS!!!

When I told Rob I'd met his father, Bob McKinney, SENIOR's, wife, Leslie McKinney via Facebook: https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2020/11/i-will-connect-with-will-knecht-head-of.html, Rob FREAKED OUT -- until I explained that she and I had discussed NOTHING and I told her that BOTH Bob and Rob McKinney are NICE GUYS.

Rob told me that she is so EVIL, he absolutely HATES HER and has BLOCKED Leslie McKinney on Facebook.

Well.  At least it's not just my KENAN FAMILY -- that has EVIL MEMBERS!!!

That is Richard Poole on far left, bent over, me with white hair in the row behind him, and Ryan Lee Burris (who died two years ago of a DRUG OVERDOSE) -- hand-to-mouth -- at the end of my row.

This was at the Fall 2015 Democratic Party ORGANIZING SEMINAR -- led by THEN Party Head, Elizabeth Redenbaugh!!!


To countychair@newhanovergop.org countychair@newhanovergop.org, wknecht@wendell.com wknecht@wendell.com, vicechair1@newhanovergop.org vicechair1@newhanovergop.org, vicechair2@newhanovergop.org vicechair2@newhanovergop.org, tgoolsby@bog.northcarolina.edu tgoolsby@bog.northcarolina.edu, eredenbaugh1@gmail.com eredenbaugh1@gmail.com, rapoole2000@yahoo.com rapoole2000@yahoo.com, acsgdl@state.gov acsgdl@state.gov, nuevolaredo-acs@state.gov nuevolaredo-acs@state.gov, info@joshstein.org info@joshstein.org, info@roycooper.com info@roycooper.com, contact@ncjustice.org contact@ncjustice.org, rzapple@nhcgov.com rzapple@nhcgov.com, harper.peterson@ncleg.net harper.peterson@ncleg.net, deb.butler@ncleg.net deb.butler@ncleg.net, bill.saffo@wilmingtonnc.gov bill.saffo@wilmingtonnc.gov, council@wilmingtonnc.gov council@wilmingtonnc.gov, officeofthechief@wilmingtonnc.gov officeofthechief@wilmingtonnc.gov, office@wilmingtondowntown.com office@wilmingtondowntown.com, bschachtman@whqr.org bschachtman@whqr.org, breakingnews@newsobserver.com breakingnews@newsobserver.com, peacebsteelman@gmail.com peacebsteelman@gmail.com, emcmahon@nhcgov.com emcmahon@nhcgov.com, benjamin.r.david@nccourts.org benjamin.r.david@nccourts.org, jennifer.harjo@nccourts.org jennifer.harjo@nccourts.org, bill@cameronco.com bill@cameronco.com, kevin.maurer@gmail.com kevin.maurer@gmail.com

Cc scott@scottdavidkenan.com scott@scottdavidkenan.com

Will Knecht



Richard Poole


November 3, 2020

Dear Messrs. Poole and Knecht,

FIRST, I owe Mrs. Poole an APOLOGY -- while I know her to be QUITE TALL as well as QUITE PUSHY, I do NOT know her to be "TRASHY" -- as I claimed yesterday. I apologize for that!!!

Otherwise, I just want all of you to know -- and of course I'm sending this also to my List of 150 Political Contacts, 39 of whom (including to ME), are BLOCKED BY HACKERS from receiving them -- MOSTLY anyone on local government or North Carolina Legislature and Courts internet servers.

I just want you ALL to see this up-date regarding my MOTHER who set up the Christian Drug Mafias of Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA under Orders of Pope John Paul II:

>>> Oy VEY!!! Mom just is NAZI through and THROUGH -- but she's unlikely to win with her pussy-squeezing, whores-paying-off TOTALLY "CHRIST-LIKE" Donald Trump:

To jkenan02@gmail.com jkenan02@gmail.com, mikekenan@comcast.net mikekenan@comcast.net, kenan5@aol.com kenan5@aol.com, duffyjr3@verizon.net duffyjr3@verizon.net, connor.kenan@nordicwi.com connor.kenan@nordicwi.com, lenaludwig@gmail.com lenaludwig@gmail.com, bojones@verizon.net bojones@verizon.net

Cc scott@scottdavidkenan.com scott@scottdavidkenan.com

Hi All,

FIRST, congratulations to JULIE -- last night on MSNBC, the Lt. Gov. of Pennsylvania was BRAGGING about Chester County -- which is headed for NINETY PERCENT of registered voters VOTING -- a likely RECORD for any county in the USA!!! I wouldn't mind living in Chester County -- AGAIN!!!

Also, THANKS to Bob Jones, who last night on Facebook offered to drive ANYONE to the polls today, if they haven't yet voted and Bob didn't say they had to agree with him.

I LIKE that "Pennsylvania SPIRIT"!!!

Here in Wilmington, on Facebook, Trump supporters are already saying they have their GUNS and LOTS OF AMMO to shoot up the town if Biden wins, but they are COWARDS and won't do it here, anyway.

I spoke with Mom this morning, and Mom is CERTAIN that God will ensure that Trump WINS, and I told her that ANYONE who voted for someone who PROMISED to limit MY HUMAN RIGHTS hates ME -- and that includes HER. She said she ONLY voted for Trump to STOP ABORTIONS -- and he did (make progress on that), and so that is somewhat understandable -- but the BIBLE PROMOTES ABORTION the only place it is mentioned -- in certain circumstances -- and NEVER CONDEMNS IT -- so her problem with abortion has NOTHING to do with the Bible or Christianity.

THEN, Mom said she did it BECAUSE I WAS MENTALLY ILL!!! So I asked her why MY experience with Mental Illnesses would cause her to vote for TRUMP. I pointed out to her that SHE had LIED to Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Judges, etc., claiming I was BIPOLAR long AFTER my shrinks said I was NOT, and then I was later diagnosed to have Complex PTSD, which I'm getting better at controlling with meditation and marijuana. Then she HUNG UP on me!!!

Mom ATES THE TRUTH which means she absolutely HATES GOD.

My computer just got CORRUPTED by the wealthy Kenans and Vladimir Putin's people again, and won't let me change "ATES" to "HATES" above -- LOL!!!

This email will soon be featured on my blog -- which will mostly be further notes to the Democratic and Republican Party HEADS in my county who run Hard Drugs together with the Christian Churches: https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2020/11/i-will-connect-with-will-knecht-head-of.html

Happy ELECTION RETURNS, everybody -- I'll be drinking with FRANK SINATRA!!!

"Yes, Frank, please make it a DOUBLE!!!"




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