Christianity: the ORIGINAL FAKE NEWS:
To nhcnaacp@gmail.com nhcnaacp@gmail.com, gvlasits@gmail.com gvlasits@gmail.com, bojones@verizon.net bojones@verizon.net, jkenan02@gmail.com jkenan02@gmail.com, mikekenan@comcast.net mikekenan@comcast.net, kenan5@aol.com kenan5@aol.com, duffyjr3@verizon.net duffyjr3@verizon.net, connor.kenan@nordicwi.com connor.kenan@nordicwi.com, lenaludwig@gmail.com lenaludwig@gmail.com, contact@ncjustice.org contact@ncjustice.org, contactgov@nc.gov contactgov@nc.gov, info@joshstein.org info@joshstein.org, officeofthechief@wilmingtonnc.gov officeofthechief@wilmingtonnc.gov
Cc scott@scottdavidkenan.com scott@scottdavidkenan.com
Today, I ESPECIALLY THANK GOD that I met Patricia Sinatra in June 2011, at a street festival by the Cape Fear River here in Wilmington, North Carolina, and she told me how Frank had gotten EVERYTHING out of the Mafia before he left his estate to his family, how Old Joe Kennedy had gotten Frank to get his Mafia pals in Chicago to stuff ballot boxes and steal the 1960 election from Richard Nixon (which JFK only learned of AFTER the election -- why Bobby Kennedy fought the Mafia so hard), and how as Frank's FAVORITE niece, SHE ran Sinatra Enterprises and sold control of their BankAmerica to Kenan-controlled NationsBank that reverted to the original name, Bank of America, and turned it NAZI -- which the Sinatras ALL HATED!!!Patricia also asked me to help get her son who lived here in Wilmington, Danny, over his Adderall/METH addiction, but I could NOT, and in 2015, Danny was sent to THREE YEARS in California Prisons for Drug and other crimes.
That said, I ENJOYED smoking Marijuana right at the base of Market Street at the river with Danny Sinatra's expanded family, including his father-in-law "Confederate Dollar", a Raleigh Police Officer FIRED for refusing to follow illegal Police Orders. We'd have our backs to the Police Cameras and lean out over the river, where we could drop the joint if cops approached -- and MANY PEOPLE joined us there and in that, then!!!
And I am THRILLED that between Bob Jones, his wife Diane Catrambone, and my recent LOBSTER FESTS, my own mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan of Raleigh, is hankerin' to eat some LOBSTER, which she now knows she can get frozen claws costing only $7.50 for enough for a good dinner!!!
Dr. Seuss began as a Political Cartoonist -- and created this one in 1941. Here is one more recent:
I've had a WONDERFUL DAY, today, after speaking with Mom, my sister Jane, and my brother Mike -- I was unable to reach my younger sister, Julie.
And THEN, I came across THIS posted on Facebook by the TRASH-HOLE CHRISTIAN BITCH, Deborah Dicks Maxwell, whom I've had BAD WORDS WITH several years ago as well, and can't wait to deliver THIS POSTING via Secured Server to her and the local NAACP!!!:
Deborah Dicks Maxwell
You don't have to be WHITE to be a CHRISTIAN BITCH!!!
Deborah Dicks Maxwell posted this on the county NAACP's Facebook Page, today.
Truth's Table
8 hrs.
Today, we acknowledge our indigenous neighbors who are yet separated from their ancestral lands through 500 years of exploitation, white supremacist terror, and political injustice. YET they are still here.
As people of faith, our prayer and purpose for this season is to tell the truth that the faith of the pilgrims was not faith in the One True God, Jesus Christ, the brown-skinned man acquainted with legalized oppression.
There is no reason to glorify the origins of “Thanksgiving.” So our intention is to take time to acknowledge the stolen land we live on as we fix our hopes on the LORD who will restore a hundred fold. “No longer will they build houses and others live in them, or plant and others eat” Isaiah 65:22
We hope you will join us in committing to educated solidarity, remembrance and honoring the heritage and ongoing liberation struggles of native peoples.
This land is NOT our land.
Sorry, Deborah Dicks Maxwell, my Kenan Family used Christianity and force converted their 900 African Slaves because the New Testament says slaves must obey their Masters like they are Jesus Christ. Any way you cut it, Christianity is the religion of White Supremacy and may the NAACP -- or at least the New Hanover County Chapter of it -- all go to HELL for calling Jesus Christ the one true god. My grandfather was a Klansman and participated in the 1898 Wilmington Coup d'Etat while in high school -- and my relative William Rand Kenan, Sr., manned a Colt-brand "Gatling Gun" and mowed down blacks indiscriminately for Jesus Christ -- was then an Elder at First Presbyterian -- and their descendants controlling Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America
, Kenan Advantage Group
, the Ku Klux Klan, Episcopal Church, etc., put Trump into power for Jesus Christ, the ONLY Pagan Idol still worshiped other than by Hindus. That said, I'm part Cherokee and honor my Native American roots -- and THANK GOD I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN!!!
A map of American history we don't usually see... Check out https://native-land.ca for an updated, clearer visual.
What did you expect from a BLACK-MAILED (by drug-trafficking George W. Bush) HOMOSEXUAL???
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