Can you say, "I love Jesus as a ROMAN CATHOLIC and Jesus SHOOTS LOOTERS DEAD ON SIGHT!!!"
"Jesus, Trump, the Rapture, the ANTI-CHRIST and Microchips -- Oh NO!!!":
An Associated Press photographer snapped a photo of Zaplitny lingering over elections workers, a loose face mask hanging below her nose. The Republican later posted the photo on her Facebook page, which also features a painting of Jesus Christ with his arms resting on Trump’s shoulders, numerous debunked right-wing memes, and a lengthy post about the rapture, the Antichrist and microchips.
Clearly Jeffrey Toobin IS NOT MELANIA TRUMP!!!:
“I am writing to share with you that our investigation regarding Jeffrey Toobin is complete, and as a result, he is no longer affiliated with our company,” Duncan’s memo reads. “I want to assure everyone that we take workplace matters seriously. We are committed to fostering an environment where everyone feels respected and upholds our standards of conduct.”
That time I met Jackie Kennedy Onassis at Jean Babette Stein and George Plimpton's party, January 11, 1982:
Even after four years of this person putting his character on daily display for the world to see, you decided he best represents the character and the values of this country. You decided he best represents your character and your values.
To be clear, this was never about a difference of political opinion. We've gotten through that before. This was about a fundamental difference in morality, integrity and decency and a person who exemplifies none of those things.
Where are your calls for love and mercy when police across the U.S. slaughter Black and Brown -- or Gays, like me?
Or when Trump fanned the flames of racism across the country by openly endorsing White Supremacy?
Well that is FINE -- except Pope Francis as a priest in Argentina worked CLOSEST with the CIA DEATH SQUADS and DRUG TRAFFICKERS of all Catholic Clergy in that country -- and flip-flops on his positions TODAY!!!
Doug Rutherford and his family, 2016.
"Shoulda been Bernie" (on the beak -- if you have a small screen) -- is CORRECT -- but we must deal with what we got.
Weird -- I saw the writing on the beak first, only the other at bottom after blowing the size up. Well,
Bob Jones
-- these are the MOST boring couple of comments I've ever made on one of your threads!!!Bob Jones
: My incredible discussion online in your thread just below this with @Doug Rutherford -- and our continuation by phone for 11.5 minutes was (the part on Facebook) the MOST partisan-appearing I have ever been -- and I found Doug to be as fast as I in his replies. But on the phone, we quickly found all kinds of common ground, and it was obvious to me that since I've not been allowed to follow my writing profession except as a blogger since late 2009, so I have been watching ALL sides of News Coverage, and doing constant research as well all of those years (motivated by my near and far Kenan relatives having put Trump into power to develop Russia's Oil Reserves with Vladimir Putin and my Patriotic and Moral Obligation to expose Kenan Crimes), and people like Doug who runs TWO companies and is raising a family as well, have no time to research so easily get locked into one point of view and are unaware of what else is going on. So I went to bed last night and all I could do was think about his and my conversations and realize how important it is to have COMPASSION for others -- and ourselves as well, since we ALL suffer from the limitations of the Human Mind and the Time we have. So with the understanding that this refers to ALL of us to some extent, a MEME from my friend Walter Five
-- whom I featured in my blog posting yesterday -- https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2020/11/my-spiritual-givetake-and-some-attacks.htmlYour. Conversation ended with writing profession
Bob Jones
OK, I first removed your extra period, but I still couldn't make sense of this comment -- UNTIL I thought that you had REMOVED your MEME and the comments beneath it that @Doug Rutherford and I had been going at it under. I had to refresh your Facebook Timeline FOUR TIMES before Facebook finally showed it is still there. Anyway, I preserved Doug's and my back-and-forth on my blog to be the heart of my next posting on blog. Also, I was glad to see that
Kerry Glatts
added a comment that you and he walk like penguins. I don't know WHY Kerry refuses to re-friend me -- it's not like being my friend will TURN HIM GAY!!! It never did that to you -- HA!!!
' xlink:href='%23b'/%3e%3cuse fill='black' filter='url(%23c)' xlink:href='%23b'/%3e%3cpath fill='url(%23d)' d='M3 8.008C3 10.023 4.006 14 8 14c3.993 0 5-3.977 5-5.992C13 7.849 11.39 7 8 7c-3.39 0-5 .849-5 1.008'/%3e%3cpath fill='url(%23e)' d='M4.541 12.5c.804.995 1.907 1.5 3.469 1.5 1.563 0 2.655-.505 3.459-1.5-.551-.588-1.599-1.5-3.459-1.5s-2.917.912-3.469 1.5'/%3e%3cpath fill='%232A3755' d='M6.213 4.144c.263.188.502.455.41.788-.071.254-.194.369-.422.371-.78.011-1.708.255-2.506.612-.065.029-.197.088-.332.085-.124-.003-.251-.058-.327-.237-.067-.157-.073-.388.276-.598.545-.33 1.257-.48 1.909-.604a7.077 7.077 0 00-1.315-.768c-.427-.194-.38-.457-.323-.6.127-.317.609-.196 1.078.026a9 9 0 011.552.925zm3.577 0a8.953 8.953 0 011.55-.925c.47-.222.95-.343 1.078-. 7.029 0 00-1.313.768c.65.123 1.363.274 1.907.604.349.21.342.44.276.598-.077.18-.203.234-.327.237-.135.003-.267-.056-.332-.085-.797-.357-1.725-.6-2.504-.612-.228-.002-.351-.117-.422-.37-.091-.333.147-.6.41-.788z'/%3e%3c/g%3e%3c/svg%3e)
Nope. Still there!
Coming back soon!!
Scott Kenan
It’s not over yet. Corruption will be exposed. Supreme Court will decide.
Doug Rutherford
Actually, that might be a possibility, but my research of you shows you have NO STANDING -- and by that I mean that my mother is the retired TOP CATHOLIC NAZI in the USA -- ask
Bob Jones
and our mutual friend
Linda LeBoutillier
who both knew Mom years ago -- my Kenan Family that controls Exxon-Mobil,
Bank of America
Kenan Advantage Group
, the Ku Klux Klan and runs worldwide HARD DRUGS with the Christian CIA, Bush, Cheney, and Clinton Families, put Trump into power with Vladimir Putin who signed a deal worth HALF A TRILLION DOLLARS for Kenans to develop Russia's Oil Reserves. I do now or have worked with Jackie Kennedy Onassis, several of JFK's sisters and their husbands, Ron and Nancy Reagan, former President of Mexico Vicente Fox
(who worked for Kenans as an Exec of Coca-Cola before he went into Politics),
General Colin L. Powell
, Lt. Gen.
Russel L. Honoré
-- and now with Josh Stein, Atty. Gen. of North Carolina, the US State Department, FBI, CIA, and NSA. You can google
"scott kenan the weather continues" to find my Political Blog that has gotten 1.9 million hits so far. What the HELL have YOU ever done or whom have you KNOWN that has inside info???
Scott Kenan
whatever dude. I don’t argue with Democrats!!

Doug Rutherford
-- You ARE a writer -- but unlike me, have not been published except on FB and you have no REAL AUDIENCE!!! The pen is mightier than the sword.Scott Kenan
Sorry. I have a real job. Owner of 2 businesses. You have done nothing.
Doug Rutherford
Yes, ALL of our Presidents after JFK and Eisenhower have been corrupted by my Kenan Family and the Bush Family (except Jimmy Carter, who was weak -- being a Christian). My last date was with George Bush's cousin and he and I were up all night discussing that. It's in my blog -- but you are TOO STUPID TO READ!!!Doug Rutherford
Go back to the sad Hell you flew out of. You never even hit the link to find out about Whale's Tale. Good-bye -- have the last word if you must.
Scott Kenan
hhmmm. Up all night with him? I get it now!I don’t read trash.
Doug Rutherford
I just left you a voicemail at Steel City Containers and will begin sending you my blog posts via your secured server!!!And then Doug Rutherford and I had a FUN 11.5 minute call and I agreed not to try to steal him from his wife, and we are FRIENDS!!!
That was enjoyable. Have a nice night Scott!!

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