“Success isn’t the same as talent. The world is full of incredibly talented people who never succeed at anything. They show up, do what they do, and if it doesn’t work out, they blame everyone else because they believe talent should be enough. It’s not. If you want to be truly successful, you can’t be content with “pretty good.” You need to find an extra gear.”
― Tim S. Grover, Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable
The ATTEMPTED THEFT of New Hanover Regional Medical Center Hospital by Kevin Maurer/Cape Fear Collective, Drug-Trafficking Christian Ministers and Christians of BOTH PARTIES, Bill Cameron and his Family and their Live Oak Bank was BACK IN THE NEWS this morning!!!
The endowment is designed as a charitable nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation but has not been given the official sign-off to operate as one. Its ability to carry out actions using the hospital sale proceeds is entirely dependent upon the N.C. Attorney General’s approval.
Shortly after commissioners approved the multi-billion sale, A.G. Josh Stein’s office announced it was closely reviewing the transaction to ensure full compliance with state law.
President-Elect Joe Biden
Hidden away culling Family from his Thanksgiving Dinner Invite List due to new COVID-19 Guidelines
Former President Barack Obama's LONGEST Gay Lover, Reggie Love
Lifetime Member at Chicago's Man's Country Gay Bathhouse Rahm Emanuel
Chris Lu, Executive Director, Obama and Biden Transition Projects
Center for Presidential Transition
November 17, 2020
Dear President-Elect Joe Biden,
FIRST, let me congratulate you on your clear win. I actually worked HARD for you, since my Kenan Family worked so hard AGAINST you. My mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan of Raleigh, now 97 and sound of mind, worked with Roman Catholic Popes beginning with Pius XII or XIII (when JFK's generation flipped to supporting Liberty), as America's TOP CATHOLIC NAZI -- including with Pope Francis to keep Trump in power.
My Episcopalian wealthy Kenan relatives associated with co-founding UNC, being the prime force behind the Southern States Seceding, and later leading the 1898 Wilmington Coup d'Etat for Jesus Christ, the GOD of White Supremacy -- since the New Testament states that Slaves MUST obey their Masters as if the Masters were JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF!!!
Naturally, Christians mostly voted to support Donald Trump, and blacks mostly did not -- despite so many of them WORSHIPING the god that ENSLAVED THEM!!! Barack Obama was raised by a Christian White Woman and his Kenyan father was NOT descended from slaves, so Barry is harder to place in this picture, but I LOVE how YOU were cleverly placed in this meme:
And I loved how Lady Gaga's designer PUNKED Michelle Obama over it all -- with a CLASSIC "Toilet Bowl" dress:
Now, to be CLEAR where I am coming from, in 2016, I TOTALLY SUPPORTED Bernie Sanders, and then voted AGAINST Trump by pulling for Hillary Clinton, but later was GLAD Trump won -- because despite his DESTRUCTION of Democracy, we were LONG OVERDUE to have the HYPOCRISIES of Christianity EXPOSED!!!
And in this year's election -- first thinking Bernie Sanders was just too old to run, I supported Congressman Eric Swalwell -- the FIRST to drop out -- due to REALISM. So then, I supported Kamala Harris, despite her muddy past -- until I saw that Sanders was NOT too old to run, and supported him until that CHRISTIAN, DRUG-TRAFFICKING, CLINTONISTA, Congressman James Clyburn pulled you out of LAST and you WON the Primaries like a TURD PULLED OUT OF THE TOILET!!!
It is anyone's guess how long this will go on -- SORRY you have to DEAL WITH IT!!!
And if you don't mind my saying so, both Jill Biden and Kamala Harris are GORGEOUS -- even without any MAKE-UP!!! We've all seen how UGLY Hillary Clinton is if she hasn't painted on her face:
Remember: Pastor Bill Shillady, Bill and Hillary's years-long Methodist Spiritual Advisor, supported Hillary's plan to be a METHODIST LAY MINISTER after she lost in 2016.
My FAVE Methodist MEME!!!
Before I go further, I need to emphasize that I know a LOT of the USA's TOP SECRETS -- but I got them from observing my Kenan Family, my CIA/Exxon-Mobil/US State Department Drug Mafia CAPTORS in Puerto Vallarta, and the DEMOCRATS here on the Lower Cape Fear, even more than the Republicans -- they running the Hard Drugs for Jesus -- and many of them are CLOSET-CASE HOMOSEXUALS just like Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel!!!
So I CAN'T be PROSECUTED for that, and they only could try to murder me, imprison me, or nut-house commit me -- ALL of which they did repeatedly, except for completely killing me. This is ALSO why when I finally figured out how to contact Colin Powell's retired Chief Protocol Officer Army Col. Dorothy Newman, SHE could not respond -- since SHE has TOP SECURITY CLEARANCES -- like YOU do, so you have to know about all of this, too!!!
Col. Dottie Newman (in high hair). was a DOCENT at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta when I knew her.
So, I'm NOT going to tell you that you must DISAVOW the god of White Supremacy, Jesus Christ -- TOO MANY AMERICANS would flip right out!!! It's not like we live in the Netherlands, where many of my mother's people came from. Only about SEVEN PERCENT of the Dutch even believe there IS a god, anymore!!!
And here is Pope Francis's CLAIM TO FAME:
ANYONE who gives the Catholic Church a DONATION supports raping children.
And here are links to a few true stories that I will KEEP THROWING IN YOUR FACE -- unless you make a CLEAN BREAK with my Kenan Family's Exxon-Mobil, the Bush Family's CORRUPTED Christian CIA, and all those associated with these HUGE DRUG TRAFFICKERS -- including my former employer Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, Georgia -- who distributes all of the HARD DRUGS flown into Maxwell AFB, from Maine to Florida:

Our Hard-Drug Trafficking, Democratic, Greek Orthodox Mayor of Wilmington, North Carolina, Vassilios Avgerinos "Bill" Saffo:
Our Evangelical Democratic Sheriff Ed McMahon -- who partnered with the Roman Catholic Church's Knights of Columbus (renamed to not freak out Protestants), in a BLUE LIVES MATTER march calling Blacks "Niggers" and claiming they will soon KILL THEM in a RACE WAR led by the Christian Churches:
Sheriff Ed "Pull My Finger" McMahon:
I had to write Pope Francis and the Arch-Bishop of North Carolina, Luis Rafael Zarama, DEMANDING they call off their NAZI DOGS!!!
So, I will be WATCHING YOU very carefully, to see if you are a NAZI CATHOLIC DOG, and to lighten up as I close, I'll leave you with these:
Something to tickle the funny bone of Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel, and Reggie Love, especially:
And HERE is the ULTIMATE GOAL -- and don't you DARE pardon your predecessor -- let him try to PARDON HIMSELF and see what the Courts think of THAT!!!
And I remain ENTIRELY IN SERVICE to God, the USA (and Mexico), and in some ways to my family.
Scott David Kenan
Cyber-General Five Stars (self-appointed)
Mexico y Estados Unidos
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