Rob Wilson Direct Response Advertising and PR
P.O. Box 190146
Atlanta, GA 31119
Phone: 404-255-4924
November 30, 2020
Hi Rob,
It CERTAINLY was fun sparring with you on Facebook, yesterday. First we seemed to be totally misconnecting about the true nature of Yeshua-bar-Yosef (Jesus Christ), but when you explained that LIKE ME, you love what he taught but that the Christian religion has NOTHING to do with what Jesus was about and is in fact an EXTREMELY EVIL religion -- compared to the others.
But THEN, you started LYING about what Socialism is (an economic system in which the workers get to share in the profits and even ownership -- like today we DON'T PAY a toll to drive on most streets -- because we own them TOGETHER through our governments).
And even after I pasted in the definition of Socialism from Webster's Dictionary on the FB thread, you STILL CLAIMED that Socialism is actually about TORTURE, IMPRISONMENT, and SLAVERY OF ALL PEOPLE -- LOL!!!
Additionally, you claim that Donald Trump's philosophy is FAR BETTER and about TRUTH AND FREEDOM, while Joe Biden and similar are TOTAL SOCIALISTS and will murder everyone who disagrees with them. Had you done the SLIGHTEST RESEARCH on me -- like I have done on YOU several times over the many years we had been Facebook Friended -- and we HAD 68 FB Friends in common -- you would know I'm actually a Bernie Sanders supporter who has been surprisingly well surprised by the decisions Joe Biden has made the last few weeks.
I have come to realize, researching you even FURTHER, that you might not be a believing Christian -- but you share their ABSOLUTE WORSHIP OF MONEY and HATRED of God.
Posted on Facebook today by WECT-TV NEWS, Wilmington, North Carolina.
Top FanAnd on January 20, 2021 my Kenan Family's STOOGE, Donald Trump, will be OUT OF OFFICE!!!
Most Relevant is selected, so some replies may have been filtered out.

>>> OHMIGOD -- I just realized that if A.G. Josh Stein OVERTURNS the sale of New Hanover Regional Medical Center and System -- which he will soon be looking into -- it will be a CONTINUATION OF SOCIALISM that the County has enjoyed for DECADES!!!
Josh Stein
Part of a much longer Facebook Thread today:
Scott Kenan
What a life story! You sound like a very resilient person. I have heard of that book, "Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All."Scott Kenan
There are a number of non-believers in my friend group, so you are in good company
(if I understand some of your posts correctly.) Also a number of believers. As long as someone is not witnessing and/or judging me outright, we can all get along.
Donna Jean
Yes, I'm resilient by rejecting superstitious religions and practicing Metaphysics. The TV Movie of that got several Emmys. Donald Sutherland played my great-grandfather and Diane Lane and Anne Bancroft played my great-granny at different ages. Cicely Tyson got her first Emmy in it.
I was 71 in October, so I get to boss both of you, kids. I'm of the "don't preach in my school and I'll promise not to think in your church" school of thought.
Scott Kenan
I do remember that from years back. It was a big deal. I'm not sure I realized it was a true story. Now I want to read it. ~ My BA is in psychology, and we studied philosophy, which is, of course, the basis from which psychology grew. I love things like that---looking for ever elusive meaning, staying open to possibilities. I was raised Roman Catholic (Irish all the way back on my father's side), and I remember thinking even when I was 7 and making my first communion that the incense and pageantry was nice, but the story seemed most unlikely.I have been PUT IN MY PROPER PLACE!!! Here is a photo of me and Mom (she was six feet tall, but is now about 5' 7"), taken a month ago:
Tamara Duvall
I treasure your Big Sister example! I even copied and kept your "penny pinch" methods for meat. You also have had a fascinating life coming from Poland and living in the academic world in the US. I have met so many wonderful people on FB!
Donna Jean
The book/movie were VERY loosely based on facts. I wanted to be a Jesuit priest when I was in junior high -- but sure got over THAT!!!Scott Kenan
love the photo! Lovely that you have your Mom! You look good for what you've been through.

~ My Mom died just 8 years ago, and, sadly, just a week or so after my husband died. That was an
annos horribilis for me, obviously. ~ Her mother's family came to St. Louis
(here) in the late 1800s from Kentucky in a covered wagon caravan, as told to me by my great-grandmother a few times. Great-gran was 8 at the time. She never learned to read or write, but she could cook up a storm! She fed a nice sized extended family and farm hands, in season. She was a grim-faced old lady who lived to be near 100. Died when I was in my mid-20s.
Scott Kenan
HAHA!!! I wanted to be a nun
(the lifestyle of congregate living and study appealed to me) but I just couldn't figure out how to deal with the whole belief system within it. At some point in late grade school I realized there was no way around that. We had Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet as teachers
(K-8th), and I adored them! Smart women, a teaching order, all had degrees and most had or were working on advanced degrees.
Donna Jean
I had two EXCELLENT NUNS whom I've worked with, and in 2011 when I was homeless in Wilmington, NC, I tithed to Sister Mary Isaac Koenig's Catholic Charity for homeless -- because I was SO GOOD at panhandling without a sign -- REALLY!!! Also, my mother has been confirmed to be America's top Catholic NAZI from when JFK's generation flipped to supporting Liberty (I knew all of JFK's sisters and Jackie Kennedy Onassis and the Reagans in the early 1980s), until a few years ago. Mom has apologized for absolutely destroying my financial life four times in my life -- but NOT for ordering my MURDER in cooperation with the CIA and Republican Party -- and she NEVER makes amends so by Catholic rules will burn in hell. She's my TOP ADVERSARY and it was her HATE of me that was the spiritual gymnasium on which I got my STRENGTH!!! But I'm fine, and forgive her -- but she can't talk about it. Here is that nun:This is Mother Mary Austin who inspired my love of Math. She looks austere but was a sweetheart, and the three girls were in my 7th grade class when I had her:
Scott Kenan
Good for you for making amends with your Mother. ~ So many nuns have turned to social activism in such a good way. They live independently, dress like the rest of us, and work for the common good. 
Scott Kenan
I might not have survived your Mom if she was my Mom! Goodness!
Donna Jean
Mom REFUSES to make amends by restoring some of the wealth I lost when her people made me lose my nearly paid off 4-bedroom house and Art Collection to flee to Mexico -- and then later helped those who stole copyright to my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams when Scott Rudin and the Producers of most of the Harry Potter films were looking to buy it, so a million or two there. But I published it in blog format so anyone can read it for free, and it includes both Professional and Customer Reviews from when it sold on Amazon before they stole copyright. I will make a fortune writing my family's influence on US History going back to the 1730s -- which I'll begin writing soon, now that Trump NAZISM of my mother is being defeated. ·
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Donna Jean
Yes Ma'am!!! I expect to get over my addiction to Politics about the time Biden takes office. Right now, I'm working directly with NC Atty. Gen. Josh Stein
, CT Sen. Richard Blumenthal and others -- sending evidence against my Kenan relatives who put Trump into power!!! Facebook banned my blog as FAKE NEWS, but ALLOWS my alt blog that is the same with narrower graphics -- LOL!!! ·
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Scott Kenan
we certainly all can take a breath with a sigh of relief with the waxing of sanity
(Biden, et al.) and the waning of the maniac.
Since I last commented here, I cooked my Thanksgiving Dinner that I put off I was so busy writing -- garlic/herb marinated pork tenderloin, and I made a big batch of Marinara Sauce that an actual Italian Countess taught me how to do in 1982. The recipe is in this chapter:

Bee Mosca is HIGHLY SECRETIVE and I did NOT use spyware to learn about her.
This is a continuation of my posting ONLY my responses to Bee, begun here:
>>> Re: PS Thank You
Hi Bee,
One thing that became clear is that the CIA or Putin's hackers -- or whoever it is -- blocked my emails of blog postings to you since I began sending them to you after we first had contact.
Yes. I'm interested in Drug Corruption especially regarding addictive prescription drugs as well as street ones. My sister works for Israeli-based Teva Pharmaceuticals, one of the five companies NC Atty. Gen. Josh Stein SUED over Opioid Promotion, although the Sacklers get the most attention. John D. Rockefeller -- who ran Standard Oil FOR Henry Flagler who owned more stock which he left to my Kenan Family in 1913 that still runs it all is considered the FATHER of high-tech drug discovery and production.
In the last months, I worked directly with Senators Richard Blumenthal and Ed Markey and knocked ONE totally corrupted Dem, Congressman Joe Kennedy III, whose office staff I've known for years and who is financed by Kenan Controlled Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America, etc. Joe was WINNING until I sent Ed Markey and Massachusetts Press all the evidence -- and then he lost to Markey by a MILE!!!
I'm very proud of my achievements, but don't have the time to take on new fights. Currently I'm working with A.G. Josh Stein, the US State Dept., CIA, FBI, and NSA giving them TONS of info on how my Kenan Family corrupted both Dems and Repubs.
I ONLY am alive because I REFUSE to be a COWARD and NOT A PUBLIC PERSON!!!.
Actually, I'm 6' 11" (2.10 meters) -- so had NO CHOICE about it --especially living in MEXICO -- or with Latinos Otros:
As long as you act like a scaredy-cat and hide away and act like you are in a panic you will get MORE and STRONGER harassment from them because THEY KNOW HOW TO MAKE YOU DANCE!!!
Just this afternoon, I had TWO death threats by crazed Trump Christians who live within a few miles of me -- on Facebook, of course -- which is run by the Christian CIA, Vladimir Putin and my Kenan Family and their Drug Trafficking Christian Churches. But I am protected and no one has tried to break into my house in two years, nor do they cat-call me a child-molester on the streets here anymore!!! Not trusting FB to kick them off for that, I ridiculed them and then blocked them and will sleep GREAT tonight.
So continue doing what you are doing and continue getting the same results!!!
Let me know how it goes.