Tomas Rios, and this is the article I refer to:
Hey Tomas: I read your CNN article on VMA Awards -- BRILLIANT (and like one commenter, I'm an oldster, 64, but EDUCATED before the dumbing down of education)!!! 

From | Scott Kenan scott@scottdavidkenan.comhide details![]() |
To | rios.tomas.a |
Cc | scottdkenan |
In any case, I was the last assistant to playwright Tennessee Williams, knew the Kennedys of JFK's generation, was to a White House party by Reagan, and now know Frank Sinatra's heirs who sold my secretly-wealthiest-family-in-Western-Hemisphere Bank of America. I was raised with swastikas on the dinner plates and daily beatings, and my mother was first confirmed to me to be the literal top NAZI in USA for the first time in 1990. I caught her on secured comm with Coach Lou Holtz -- Boehner's closest personal friend and co-strategist, who lived across the street from us in the late 1960s and was my parents' best friend, then -- at the exact moment Obama made the deal to re-open Government two years ago. Mom gets her orders from the Catholic Popes going back to Pius, and is 92 now, living in Raleigh, NC.
I've had a lot of troubles, but am now triumphant -- in MIND, at least, but it takes a while for all to manifest in physical reality.
But I get the EXACT same criticism from idiots (usually narco-traffickers, Republicans, or fake Christians -- often all three in one), as I see YOU do. I'm just not yet in the press -- except for my blog,, or its mirror with wider graphics since 1/1/14,
Know that I was perfectly prepared with keen mind, elephant-like memory, and exceptional education -- as well as many Kenans living healthily past 100, to with IDEAS and Legal Actions take these haters OUT. I've made much progress, but feel that progress accelerating as we alike-thinkers/lovers become better connected and spiritually support each other.
It was a recently retired Exxon-Mobil (one of many Kenan-controlled companies), exec I met in Puerto Vallarta who told me WHICH Kenans made the deal to with CIA and US State Department put Pena Nieto in power in Mexico, to get both the oil and the narco-trafficking profits. And it was one of the Mex Marines who hands-on captured El Chapo Guzman who interviewed me the longest about my knowledge when I was in Mexico most of the last five years in Political Exile, assisted there by Gen. Colin Powell's Chief Protocol Officer while he was Secretary of State, Col. Dottie Newman, but I have now returned to Wilmington, NC, where my family landed in the 1730s.
Also, although Tennessee Williams always said, "Sadly, youth prefers its own," I get excited over the spiritually and intellectually developed who are loving, so naturally find you very HOT -- and even come with the bonus of EXCELLENT PACKAGING!!! So, should you find yourself un-attached and pining for an "experienced" man-of-age, you might want to consider me (I'm also 6' 11" tall).
Muchos gracias por su Servicio!!!
A couple of comments from Tomas's Twitter account:
>>> WHAT I HAD MEANT TO RE-POST YESTERDAY ABOUT BEAR GRAHAM (but was in too much of a hurry to find, then):
UNC Board of Trustees sworn in in 2013. Left to right: Jeff Brown, Dwight Stone, Kelly Hopkins, and Chuck Duckett. Delivering the oath is Willis Whichard, associate justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court, a UNC alumnus.
10:36 AM (3 minutes ago)
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Dear Mr. Duckett:
First of all, I'd like to thank you for your service and loyalty to the University of North Carolina! (FUNNY, is that when I typed that last word, I first mis-typed "Carolimbaugh" -- LOL!!!) It is clear from quick research that you truly have served in some great ways. And I would like to assure you I WILL take you off my list of email recipients ASAP. I really thought after I scoured out the truth of this last posting that you are replying to, that I was FINISHED with the UNC Trustees, but now must blog and email this reply to you.
I see all Trustees show they were "elected", so I have no idea which four of thirteen of you were appointed by the Governor of North Carolina (currently Gov. "Bitterness-Made-Flesh" Pat McCrory). Call his office if you would like to know some of the phone and email conversations I have had with THAT God-Hating White Supremacist -- they might curl your hair (not that I'm saying you need hair treatments)!!!
I notice that you are partnered with Nathan Battle in BOTH companies in Winston-Salem that you are active in now, and that at GRINS Enterprises, Mr. Battle has the title "Director of Fun and General Manager at Grins Enterprises LLC". If that has anything to do with marijuana smokin' and distribution, I SALUTE YOU BOTH!!!
Mr. Battle
But all kidding aside (and my goodness, Mr. Battle is a HANDSOME MAN!!!), I see that Battle and Associates, Inc. is a MARKETING company ( ), yet the website has ONLY a link to your and Mr. Battle's email addresses. In MY experience ALL marketing companies which are actually legitimate, market THEMSELVES like crazy on the internet -- which shows clients their skills. Would you mind replying to me explaining the logical reason you do NOT???
Finally, on a personal note, in spring of 1973 (the year I graduated from Denison University), I visited North Carolina for the only time in four years, staying at my then-boyfriend, Bear Graham's house -- actually, it was a mansion with several servants, whom I related to well -- and his family was GREAT!!! His daddy taught me how to poke my finger into one of the cook's fresh biscuits and then fill it with sorghum molasses -- DELICIOUS!!! Bear Graham is now a practicing dentist there.
Also, Bear's best friend was a son of cigarette-makers, and HIS parents house was a true manor house. The guy had a suite of rooms larger than a comfortable middle-class house, and we were DELAYED in doing what we planned because this "Cigarette-Scion" had had some buddies over for a sleep over, and they were all cavorting about nekkid like a bunch of whippets for half an hour before they bothered putting clothes on -- OK, only two of them did.
This was my FIRST experience of how sexually free men were in North Carolina -- and having been born, raised, and educated a Yankee, I had had no IDEA!!!
This was my FIRST experience of how sexually free men were in North Carolina -- and having been born, raised, and educated a Yankee, I had had no IDEA!!!
Later, in the 1980s, when Wilmington had at least six multi-level gay bars (only one now, and mostly "straights" go there to ogle drag queens -- plus a small piano bar), I attended several all-male orgies in both Wilmington and Wrightsville Beach -- of course ALL those people knowing Thomas S. Kenan III -- the Toast of Gay North Carolina!!!
Well, carry on in getting past the athletics and Confederate scandals on campus. It's sure to heat up hot again soon with the next class sessions beginning tomorrow, no??? I hope to hear from you soon.
All best,
Scott D. Kenan
On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 9:43 PM, Duckett, Charles Garrison <> wrote:
On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 9:43 PM, Duckett, Charles Garrison <> wrote:
Please remove me from your mailing list. Thank you.
Chuck Duckett
WHEREAS in all well-regulated governments it is the indispensable duty of every Legislature to consult the happiness of a rising generation, and endeavor to fit them for an honorable discharge of the social duties of life, by paying the strictest attention to their education: And whereas an university supported by permanent funds, and well endowed, would have the most direct tendency to answer the above purpose:
On May 13, 2014, at 10:25 PM, "Scott Kenan" wrote:
"Silent Sam", the primary Confederate monument on the UNC, Chapel Hill campus.
>>> THIS JUST IN @ 12:25 PM, CDT:

Grammar Scofflaw, Renee Hawley (uses "off of" where "off" is correct -- see below), could not POSSIBLY have gotten a degree from UNC!!!
12:22 PM (0 minutes ago)
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I am so sorry that you are not interested in the TRUTH of endemic WHITE SUPREMACY at UNC -- primarily due to my distant Kenan relatives, who had MANY opportunities to defend or discuss this with me. I contacted Thomas S. Kenan III by home and Figure Eight Island phone as well as by email directly and through several intermediaries, but he REFUSED to discuss any of it many times.
This is all documented on my blog so we can use it in a Court of Law if a lawsuit is what is needed to remove these God-Hating WHITE "Christian" Republican types.
The result of a SECOND UNC Trustee or employee rebuffing me is that I will NOT take ANY of you off my permanent email list. I'm sure your colleagues will thank you for that!!!
On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 11:36 AM, Renee Hawley <> wrote:
Take me off of your list.
Thanks,ReneeOn May 14, 2014, at 12:24 PM, Scott Kenan wrote:
NOW, we are REALLY reclaiming a Heritage of LIBERTY!!!

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