I immediately saw one GLARING error in the above -- do YOU???
I'll list it at the bottom.

>>> NOW LET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS (much on my plate, today)!!!
My email exchange with Joseph Faulk (aka "Testosteroni" or "Testo"):
Well, please stop thinking and enjoy the NEXT posting, ready to email out in a minute. You should be PLEASED AS PUNCH (and Judy), that I sought out the Venus Fly Trap (TeTe Murray Cox???), today -- and document it!!!
Re: Your trial vs your car 

From | Scott Kenan scott@scottdavidkenan.comhide details![]() |
To | Joseph Faulk jfaulk001@nyc.rr.com |
Cc | scottdkenan scottdkenan@aol.com, bill.saffo bill.saffo@wilmingtonnc.gov, council council@wilmingtonnc.gov,dollarlois dollarlois@att.net, teri teri@benefits-management.org, cppabert cppabert@gmail.com, bojones bojones@verizon.net,breakingnews breakingnews@starnewsonline.com, breakingnews breakingnews@newsobserver.com,newsroom newsroom@wwaytv3.com, eredenbaugh1 eredenbaugh1@gmail.com |
Well, please stop thinking and enjoy the NEXT posting, ready to email out in a minute. You should be PLEASED AS PUNCH (and Judy), that I sought out the Venus Fly Trap (TeTe Murray Cox???), today -- and document it!!!
PS: I can't be held responsible for anyone's fees who loses to me -- and I DOUBT we will go to Court. Your PERSISTENT BELIEF in my failure at EVERYTHING has been noted by Legal Authorities -- so keep it up!!!
Your and Mr. Cutter's suggestion that I remove my appeal so he can legally "RETROACTIVELY" evict me PROVES you are a NAZI!!! At least Cutter is NOT addicted to injections of Testosterone, daily Cialis, and Poppers and Porn, to have a LIFE, so HE gave up on that, realizing I would NOT agree, and if I can't find a reasonable solution by trial time -- WE WILL HAVE THE TRIAL WITH JURY!!!
If you gave a SHIT about me, really, you would be encouraging me to get with Legal Aid Society about lawyering up.
I think you should check at courthouse for details on withdrawing your appeal before it's too late. It's not a step to delay until the court date Oct. 19. Cutter would have to consult his lawyer well before that, and you might be responsible for his legal fees. Cutter says that his lawyer is $500/hr, and that you might incur your own lawyer-and-court costs totaling $6000. And if the trial cannot be canceled and you lose the case, the financial penalty can be large and you can lose your car.
Finding an apartment thru authentic rental agents is unlikely: you've already experienced two turn-downs. But yes, I do think something will turn up.
My expectation is that you will arrange to put your stuff in storage. Live for a period in "cheap" hotels/motels. Sometimes just live out of your car, with visits to the gym for showering.
And let's keep CALM as we do our best.
From: Joseph Faulk <jfaulk001@nyc.rr.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2015 8:53 PM
To: Scott Kenan
Subject: Your trial vs your car
Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2015 8:53 PM
To: Scott Kenan
Subject: Your trial vs your car
I think you should check at courthouse for details on withdrawing your appeal before it's too late. It's not a step to delay until the court date Oct. 19. Cutter would have to consult his lawyer well before that, and you might be responsible for his legal fees. Cutter says that his lawyer is $500/hr, and that you might incur your own lawyer-and-court costs totaling $6000. And if the trial cannot be canceled and you lose the case, the financial penalty can be large and you can lose your car.
Finding an apartment thru authentic rental agents is unlikely: you've already experienced two turn-downs. But yes, I do think something will turn up.
My expectation is that you will arrange to put your stuff in storage. Live for a period in "cheap" hotels/motels. Sometimes just live out of your car, with visits to the gym for showering.
And let's keep CALM as we do our best.
I didn't even realize until re-reading this this morning, that Joseph Faulk is the very EMBODIMENT OF EVIL (in MY life, not likely in yours)!!!
It is rooted in his policy of ABSOLUTE APPEASEMENT, which is how he became a hermit -- fearing not just society's great and small slights against gays, historically, but due to his insistence on seeing the UGLIEST and MOST FEARED outcome as the MOST LIKELY.
He has the OPPOSITE of my temperament, but despite his constant attempts to control me and pull me into his lonely hell-of-his-own-making, he continues to support me in things that I need that his gifts of money can buy.
He loves me.
But he has become stingier as his money has increased and my needs have increased (day-to-day category). He QUIT smoking three packs per day of cigarettes -- over $1,000.00 per month in savings where he lives -- half a year ago -- but now is losing weight (opposite of what happens to every just-quit smoker I ever heard about), so I assume he's on some kind of SPEED, but rather than Meth, he likely gets it prescribed by the same doctor who gives him unnecessary Testosterone injections -- because he has the money and demands it.
And ANY fool in the USA knows that one's car cannot be taken in any judgement (other than in re-possession) -- unless I had bought a new luxury car, out of sync with my circumstances, and even THEN I'd be allowed to purchase a reasonable car, forfeiting the difference.
Funniest, is that Joseph, in his vision of my returning to my life while homeless here in Wilmington several years ago, IMPLIES THAT HE WILL BUY ME A GYM MEMBERSHIP -- so that I can SHOWER -- LOL!!!
Well this is ALL TOO SILLY, and I have much to do.
>>> IF YOU DIDN'T FIGURE IT OUT: "Baited breath" (think of a fish hook), is how the ignorant think of it, and spell the wrong word, therefore. "bated breath" (meaning abated, or held), is correct.

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