When Jenna Toomey of Town & Country Real Estate called me about 11:00 AM today, to say my apartment application had been DECLINED because of my recent record of credit problems, I was BEYOND SHOCKED -- I having used no credit whatsoever since spring 2010, more than five years ago. I was not upset with her, as Jennifer McCracken in her (published at the time) blog comments to me under the alias Christine Hitchens had PROMISED that her Drug Mafia connections would make CERTAIN I could not rent an apartment near Wilmington.
FOOL that I am, I assumed she did not have the power to falsify TONS OF THINGS on my credit reports!!!
On the phone, the recept said that Bank of America, as recently as August 2015, had tried to collect $25,000.00 in credit card debt from me, unsuccessfully. Knowing that I HAD had that much debt with them, but in early 2012, had spoken with Joseph Marcucilli, Banking Center Manager, Downtown Wilmington -- to tell him that although I was still homeless and did not know HOW I would do it, ONLY BoA had NEVER screwed me, and I fully intended to pay them back in full with interest and penalties -- and was there any way I could re-open an account.
He checked his computer, and then smiling, said that the Bank had FORGIVEN (and he made clear NOT sold to a collection agency), my compete debt in a purge of their books of TONS of bad debts incurred before the Great Recession commenced, so as far as they were concerned, I could immediately open a new account, but had about $89.00 in fees and penalties due them, and once paid (which I did immediately), I could open an account!!!
So I opened both checking and savings accounts that have remained in good standing the entire time -- the savings closed when Jamie Lee Sutherland got every penny (about $800.00), that I had in the both via the erzatz Court Order from Cook County, IL after Jamie and Fox News Talking Head Daliah Saper of Saper Law, prosecuted me for LIBEL because I blogged that Jamie had seen Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel in his private gay Bathhouse in Chicago, Man's Country -- when Obama was a US Senator -- as can be seen MANY places on the internet just by simple googling.
And they not only NEVER legally served me, and then tried me UNCONSTITUTIONALLY as well as ILLEGALLY, convicting me in absentia, and Jamie ONLY asking for $50,000.00, and telling me he would DROP it all because I deleted that he had also bragged about averaging $24,000,000.00 per month narco-trafficking for his Wells Fargo, Chicago (which in 2010 got the LARGEST US FINE for a bank laundering DRUG MONEY in US History -- to that time).
Jamie was not only awarded TEN TIMES what he had asked for (net: $1/2 Million), but ALSO copyright ownership to my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams:
But Jamie was ALSO AWARDED copyright to EVERYTHING past, present, and future, that I blog on Google Blogger (which Google has DENIED Jamie copyright to), and Jamie was awarded copyright to ALL emails, letters, etc, that I write until the DAY I DIE on related subjects -- A PERFECT NAZI GAG ORDER!!!
And Amazon, which was selling the electronic version of Walking on Glass, did NOT believe the Court Order from Cook County, only SUSPENDING sales for half a year, pending CLARIFICATION, which I could not give -- and NEITHER COULD JAMIE, so after six months, they removed the listing (but sent ME all the money from sales).
Jamie was not only awarded TEN TIMES what he had asked for (net: $1/2 Million), but ALSO copyright ownership to my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams:
Now, you can read it for FREE, and Jamie can't TOUCH IT: http://laterdaysoftennesseewilliams.blogspot.mx/
But Jamie was ALSO AWARDED copyright to EVERYTHING past, present, and future, that I blog on Google Blogger (which Google has DENIED Jamie copyright to), and Jamie was awarded copyright to ALL emails, letters, etc, that I write until the DAY I DIE on related subjects -- A PERFECT NAZI GAG ORDER!!!
And Amazon, which was selling the electronic version of Walking on Glass, did NOT believe the Court Order from Cook County, only SUSPENDING sales for half a year, pending CLARIFICATION, which I could not give -- and NEITHER COULD JAMIE, so after six months, they removed the listing (but sent ME all the money from sales).
The Courts Inspector in Cook County told me I could get the whole thing EASILY thrown out if I just go there to do that -- which I cannot yet afford -- and then SUE THEM FOR A FORTUNE!!!
It is additionally complicated by the fact that New Hanover County, NC District Attorney Benjamin R. David's legal intern while HE had me in jail five times on eight false charges, now all dropped for NO EVIDENCE, Jeff Duncan, got his first job with Saper Law, a very small firm, and worked there at the same time Saper pulled this illegal stunt, so both are clearly connected and an action of the Republican Party/CIA Drug Mafia!!!
So I thanked the recept at http://www.toddtoconis.com/ for the info and told her I did NOT blame her company, and I had no idea, but would be right down to look over this credit report (from TransUnion), which she welcomed me to do, and there, Jenna, who had made the decision to turn me down, pointed to a HORRIFYING report, and said that looking at actions taken by the local electric company to collect a HUGE debt I owed them and they could not collect, I would NEVER be able to get electric in an apartment here, so that SEALED the turn-down.
I explained that I've had an account in good standing with that same electric company since July 31, 2015 when I got it into effect at THIS apartment in my own and same name, so that HAD TO BE FALSE.
I said this would all take a couple of months to straighten out legally -- at least two months -- but since both Mr. Cutter and "Beto", my landlord of nearly 2.5 years in Puerto Vallarta could vouch that I paid all my bills -- as well as Teri Motsinger who is REQUIRED to pay my rent and bills before she pays me and Town and Country KNOWS that, having worked with Teri for many years, I would happily put down a DOUBLE deposit for the first year.
Jenna said they could do that -- but not for ME, because of my credit report being so bad.
This is the moment I knew that either Jenna Toomey or owner Todd Toconis were COOPERATING with the Drug Mafia.
Also, I explained all of this to Joey Coffey in the Third Street Bank of America office, today, and HE was shocked, but knew little, so could not take a position, but he typed VERY extensive notes into his computer, and said BoA would conduct a thorough investigation internally, and call me after a few days when they figured out HOW this could happen IN THEIR NAME!!!
You see, yesterday morning, I had walked into http://www.wilmingtondowntown.com/ on Front Street, asking if they knew of any reasonable apartments downtown or near it -- and the guy in charge of that office kindly directed me to Town & Country Realty, which I told him I was already dealing with.
I then went on to tell him I had met with Rudy Renfer in the Raleigh US Justice Department office, who was VERY interested in my info, but then had me speak with Mike Williams in the Raleigh DEA office, who found my blog while we spoke and LOVED IT, then directed me to ONLY Mike Franklin in the Wilmington office -- and that I had visited that office and spoken with them several times as well by phone, to BUST the narco-trafficking Wilmington Officials of BOTH Parties who participate or protect it.
The guy was positive and wished me good luck, but I felt VERY uncomfortable, and just after leaving their office, I remembered that ALL the street people I've spoken with said that Downtown Wilmington, Inc is PART of the narco-trafficking, but figured that Todd Toconis having such a good reputation according to ALL I have spoken with, I would not need to worry.
But given that Jenna turned me down DESPITE knowing they would ALWAYS be paid by Benefits Management, and I had offered to pay DOUBLE deposit, which Jenna said they COULD do, but would NOT do for me, that it is TIME to DESTROY THAT BUSINESS and put Todd and/or Jenna in PRISON for being part of the DRUG PROBLEM in Wilmington.

WDI chair Robert Rosenberg (left) and WDI President and CEO Ed Wolverton (right) present Top Producer award to Todd Toconis. (Photo courtesy of WDI)
YUP!!! I think this will PROVE IT to the US Justice Department and the DEA!!! (But not for Court, which the investigators will have to find the evidence for.)
I suppose if I hear from Todd or Jenna in the next couple of days that there was a misunderstanding and they will rent me an appropriate apartment within the next few weeks, I might forgive them, rather than press for their prosecutions.
Anyway, I then ran into Public Defender Jason Minnicozzi, whom I'd had a HUGE crush on in 2011 -- mostly because he is SMART and CARING, but I LOVE Italian Packaging -- and he even wears a bow tie:
Sadly, Jason is NOT wearing a bow tie, here.
And he remembered me by name, and gave me advice as we walked to his lunch place, the Cape Fear Club, whose manager had allowed me to explore before it opened, one day in 2011.
A part of it was directing me to the local Legal Aid office, in a building with an Honest-to-God elevator operator -- something I'd not seen since the late 1950s!!!
There, they have directed me to call their Central Intake so that they can get me a lawyer with the knowledge and experience to deal with TOP NARCO-TRAFFICKERS (or a pro-bono one), as it now seems that Jennifer McCracken and Anthony Carmichael -- both PROVEN (and Jenny admits it to me in person), INTERNATIONAL NARCO-TRAFFICKERS, perjured themselves in the initial magistrate hearing to get me evicted -- as did Tomi Matheson, apartments manager.
Ms. Tomi Matheson still looks like this photo I got fom her Facebook page when she first INVITED me to friend her, then soon BLOCKED me, but her boyfriend shown here, and in charge of maintenance of both Carolina and Confederate Apartments, both owned by George Cutter is EMACIATED of face now -- like a bad METH ADDICT, and like Patrick Stansbury, also a Meth Addict is emaciated now, seen in his photo from LINKED IN, in one of my yesterday's postings!!!
AND, today, I had THREE long conversations with George Cutter, which ENTIRELY convinced me he has been DUPED by his manager and her narco-trafficking friends. Mr. Cutter now has NO ill will toward me, so I hope I can find an apartment before we are forced to the Trial by Jury, but will begin working on BOTH that and LAWYERING UP, so I am prepared in EITHER case!!!
And THEN, I just tried getting my credit reports from Annual Credit Report online, which DID completely verify my identity, but when I hit the button to send them to me so I could print them off from all three agencies, it replied that it could NOT send them to me until I spoke by phone with their rep, giving a link to a page with their phone number, but when I hit that link, the page had NO phone numbers -- or even mailing addresses, and when I hit the "back" button, I was BLOCKED from trying it again.
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