Al Gore interviewed Gen. Honore', September 2014, for The Climate Reality Project, https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Climate-Reality-Project/124319561009313, whose predecessors were both founded by Al Gore in 2006 (Al Gore with Rahm Emanuel and Mayor Villaraigosa helped sell Barack Obama to Big Banks and Wall Street in early 2008, as reported by Huffington Post and others, then).
1. NO ONE is all good or all bad (with the possible exceptions of Ted Cruz and Rick Santorum), and if YOU can't find good in everyone, then you might have been brainwashed by US Media, the Republican Party, or the FAKE side of the Christian Church.
2. It is no revelation to say that Fox News is mostly disinformation and propaganda of and for those living in fear and hate, but after the clerk was JAILED in Kentucky for defying the Law regarding Marriage Equality, with most "respected" conservatives, including Justice Alito -- one of the MOST conservative -- calling for the woman to resign, Fox News online posted TWO opinion pieces in equal prominence, one stating she should resign, and Judy Miller's piece (the only one remaining this morning), that she should be FIRED!!!
They gave and give TONS of coverage to the nuts supporting that clerk, as well.
BUT, the fact is WELL KNOWN that it is impossible to FIRE an elected official like the clerk!!!
Well, that is the nature of FOX NEWS, no???
The options are impeachment (not likely in such a conservative state), changing the Law or the certificates to PLACATE the woman, so that another office can issue marriage licences or her name is not on them -- resignation, or continuing in jail for contempt.
This has some interesting implications for officials here in Wilmington who are known to be part of or to protect the Mexican Cartel Mini-Hub that Wilmington, North Carolina is.
In this CNN piece, Michael Franklin, Head of the DEA, Wilmington, North Carolina, discusses WHY Wilmington is a Mexican Cartel Mini-Hub:
>>> BREAKING!!!: Sarah Palin just correctly used the word "purview" in an interview with Jake Tapper on CNN. She's been STUDYING UP to improve her Comedy Act!!!
1. The MOST important thing for residents of metro-Wilmington to ask themselves is if THEIR elected officials and THEIR "Faith Leaders" are NOT working to STOP narco-trafficking in REAL ways (rather than to punish the un-cooperative or stupid of them, like D.A.Ben David), then they are either a PART of it -- or possibly too SCARED of it.
In my un-scientific but extensive discussions with men and women on the streets of ALL persuasions, races, and creeds, from most conservative to most progressive, ALL see the stranglehold of the Drug Mafia (its public ACTING part being mostly white or black people, who are BRIBED or blackmailed by the actual Mexican Cartel), as the MOST destructive thing in the City of Wilmington -- and if can't be completely stopped (drug use has ALWAYS been part of the human experience), it MUST be divorced from our Public Officials, aka Our Government.
2. Of the currently-serving Government Officials I have found proof of their involvement in support of the Cartel:
District Attorney Benjamin R. David cannot be fired, since he was elected, with NO Republican opposition, last time -- due to his WORLD CLASS Public Relations -- and the Republican Party seems COMPLETELY in the pockets of the Cartel, except for a few with good intentions but no idea how to run a political campaign.
Police Chief Ralph Evangelous was hired by the City, and if the City wants an un-corrupted Police Chief, they will find the MOXIE to deal with this.
Sheriff Ed McMahon was elected, and last fall, his REAL opponent was his opponent in the primary, whom he handily beat. I have been told I need to speak with Ed McMahon's predecessor (the same person, I believe, but did not follow that closely since I was in Mexico a year ago).
I don't know much about the members of City Council or the County Commissioners, so cannot comment (for now).
Judges Sandra Ray, Chad Hogston, and Lindsey Luther cannot be fired, but must be disciplined by the State Courts System (HIGHLY unlikely), resign, or be tolerated until the next election. While I have suspicions about Judge Noecker, in 2011, when Christopher Wright Rogers (with a City Detective sitting at his side supporting him, detective identified elsewhere in this blog), brought a FALSE Restraining Order to his Court -- particularly with two specific places to forbid me whether Chris was there or not, the libraries downtown and at Cape Fear Community College, the latter I'd never visited, were the ONLY places I was still allowed in downtown Wilmington (then without car), that had public wifi, the Mafia already having gotten me permanently kicked out of every coffee house the had it for false reasons. When I explained not Chris's reasons, but the ridiculousness of that request, Noecker struck it from the Order before approving it.
Now it's true I have joined and am getting quite involved with the Democratic Party, but have no interest in running for Party or elective office. Half these corrupted officials are Democrats, and Ryan Lee Burris, 3rd Vice Chair and webmaster for the local Party was elected to that position within the Party, so I assume he cannot be fired, either.
3. And while on the subject of DRUGS, I still have not received a call from Mike Franklin, Head of the Wilmington DEA -- as Mike Williams, Head of the Raleigh Office said I should specifically speak with -- and Mike Franklin was HAPPY to find my blog.
Facing REALITY, it is best that they only monitor my blog for info, now, although in person in a give-and-take, I could be more SPECIFICALLY helpful to them. Besides, the Building Guard who escorted me the day I visited the local office, told me I could snail mail important info and HE would make sure it gets to the right person (which I might do, but right now, I don't think they need more than is in this blog).
4. This posting, http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/08/first-presbyterian-wilmington-nc-not.html, has taken over FIRST PLACE in the weekly tally (of those on local politics, only), from this one, a close second: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/08/i-squeezed-judge-lindsey-luthers-pussy.html.
5. I tried contacting James Anderson, yesterday, but got no answer on either his land line or cell -- both having generic voice-mails giving only the number I reached, so back to the drawing board, and I DO have the info on how to contact Vicki Gilmore, Denison 1974, via the company where she is a consultant -- even a public speaker -- she and James long divorced now and she remarried with a child. I'm not certain I should go that route, so I'm gonna think about it some more -- and try calling later, but do NOT want to just leave a message since I can't TOTALLY confirm they are James's numbers.
6. The day Jennifer McCracken and I had a discussion in the hall of Carolina Apartments -- and then she as Christine Hitchens CONFIRMED they are one and the same (not realizing she had finally admitted that): #5 in this posting, although "Christine Hitchen's" blog comment making it CLEAR came a day later and is posted in a LATER posting: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/08/i-squeezed-judge-lindsey-luthers-pussy.html.
I forgot to report that in that same discussion, Jenny told me she had gotten THREE job offers, and would very SOON be going back to work!!!
Since that was now a week ago, and Tuesday will be the first day back after a holiday, I think it is safe to assume she should be ON THE JOB Tuesday (or at least later this week), no??? Assuming it is not so GRAND that she would have to give up her DISABILITY BENEFITS, it would NOT be a professional job that might give a couple of weeks before starting.
In ANY case, I'll be watching for her movements here on the hall -- and report them with the HAPPY NEWS when she begins!!!
Last night, she and Anthony Humphrey were testing new electronic communication from behind their closed apartment doors (which do NOT stop sound waves). Either they had set up Skype or similar, or it was just speaker phone on cells or walky-talkies.
I could hear both voices quite clearly, and without bothering to remember WHAT they discussed, it was clear they were "giddy-high", so maybe on marijuana -- or just the JOY of now being so friendly, after Anthony told me so many times how much he HATES her and her controlling games.
He said the reason he had NOT responded to my emails was because they didn't relate to his current projects -- and that he didn't know ANYTHING about narco-trafficking in Atlanta -- the thing his deep knowledge of had firmly cemented our connection, especially his knowing of the part the wealthy Kenans play in THAT crime as well an many others!!! Heck, even his cell phone has Atlanta's original area code, 404.
I asked him why -- especially his being so impressed that Gen. Colin Powell's Chief Protocol Officer, Dottie Newman, was a friend of his and my saying she'd saved my life in 2010, was his prompting to immediately pull out his book and business card, and say we had to meet -- did he not refer me to OTHERS with my important info if he was too busy with other things, he IMMEDIATELY BELLOWED:
So I accused him of being a Bush/Cheney/Gore flunky protecting Dick Cheney's HALLIBURTON, whose own EMPLOYEES told me they knew their company had CAUSED the oil spill, then bamboozled BP into taking responsibility.
General Honore' got ANGRIER and screaming GREATER "naughty words" at me, so I told him to fuck himself or I would fuck him with a PRISON TERM, soon enough!!!
3. And while on the subject of DRUGS, I still have not received a call from Mike Franklin, Head of the Wilmington DEA -- as Mike Williams, Head of the Raleigh Office said I should specifically speak with -- and Mike Franklin was HAPPY to find my blog.
Facing REALITY, it is best that they only monitor my blog for info, now, although in person in a give-and-take, I could be more SPECIFICALLY helpful to them. Besides, the Building Guard who escorted me the day I visited the local office, told me I could snail mail important info and HE would make sure it gets to the right person (which I might do, but right now, I don't think they need more than is in this blog).
4. This posting, http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/08/first-presbyterian-wilmington-nc-not.html, has taken over FIRST PLACE in the weekly tally (of those on local politics, only), from this one, a close second: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/08/i-squeezed-judge-lindsey-luthers-pussy.html.
5. I tried contacting James Anderson, yesterday, but got no answer on either his land line or cell -- both having generic voice-mails giving only the number I reached, so back to the drawing board, and I DO have the info on how to contact Vicki Gilmore, Denison 1974, via the company where she is a consultant -- even a public speaker -- she and James long divorced now and she remarried with a child. I'm not certain I should go that route, so I'm gonna think about it some more -- and try calling later, but do NOT want to just leave a message since I can't TOTALLY confirm they are James's numbers.
6. The day Jennifer McCracken and I had a discussion in the hall of Carolina Apartments -- and then she as Christine Hitchens CONFIRMED they are one and the same (not realizing she had finally admitted that): #5 in this posting, although "Christine Hitchen's" blog comment making it CLEAR came a day later and is posted in a LATER posting: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/08/i-squeezed-judge-lindsey-luthers-pussy.html.
I forgot to report that in that same discussion, Jenny told me she had gotten THREE job offers, and would very SOON be going back to work!!!
Since that was now a week ago, and Tuesday will be the first day back after a holiday, I think it is safe to assume she should be ON THE JOB Tuesday (or at least later this week), no??? Assuming it is not so GRAND that she would have to give up her DISABILITY BENEFITS, it would NOT be a professional job that might give a couple of weeks before starting.
In ANY case, I'll be watching for her movements here on the hall -- and report them with the HAPPY NEWS when she begins!!!
Last night, she and Anthony Humphrey were testing new electronic communication from behind their closed apartment doors (which do NOT stop sound waves). Either they had set up Skype or similar, or it was just speaker phone on cells or walky-talkies.
I could hear both voices quite clearly, and without bothering to remember WHAT they discussed, it was clear they were "giddy-high", so maybe on marijuana -- or just the JOY of now being so friendly, after Anthony told me so many times how much he HATES her and her controlling games.
He said the reason he had NOT responded to my emails was because they didn't relate to his current projects -- and that he didn't know ANYTHING about narco-trafficking in Atlanta -- the thing his deep knowledge of had firmly cemented our connection, especially his knowing of the part the wealthy Kenans play in THAT crime as well an many others!!! Heck, even his cell phone has Atlanta's original area code, 404.
I asked him why -- especially his being so impressed that Gen. Colin Powell's Chief Protocol Officer, Dottie Newman, was a friend of his and my saying she'd saved my life in 2010, was his prompting to immediately pull out his book and business card, and say we had to meet -- did he not refer me to OTHERS with my important info if he was too busy with other things, he IMMEDIATELY BELLOWED:
So I accused him of being a Bush/Cheney/Gore flunky protecting Dick Cheney's HALLIBURTON, whose own EMPLOYEES told me they knew their company had CAUSED the oil spill, then bamboozled BP into taking responsibility.
General Honore' got ANGRIER and screaming GREATER "naughty words" at me, so I told him to fuck himself or I would fuck him with a PRISON TERM, soon enough!!!
And that was that.

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