The minister of this "religion", practiced at First Presbyterian, Wilmington, North Carolina, that has MY last name EMBLAZONED all OVER IT!!!:
Rev. Ernest Trice Thompson
The District Attorney who serves as Elder:
Democrat Benjamin R. David
The Judge who presides as a Deacon there:
Republican Lindsey Luther
And LOOK by what margin Judge Luther won -- EASILY within the margin of manipulation of the polls!!!:
A 13-vote separation!!!
And Judge Luther's husband, a Detective with New Hanover County Sheriff's Department, Evan Luther, not only posted the TOP image on this page on his Facebook Page, but his one, too:

The "Ultimate Arsenal"
And this morning, I found he must be reading this blog, now, as on September 3, he published someone else's cool story of an interracial "cop incident" in Mississippi -- but I think he's just trying to improve his PR, and if you want to see it, you can find it yourself!!!
I spoke with my mother in Raleigh, late yesterday afternoon, and we got into a civilized "Scott talks, Mom listens" and I was able to get all the way through my telling her how Imran Anwar (previously a Talking head on BOTH Fox News and CNN for ten years), was now HEAD of Microsoft's Cloud Computing, and the likely source of much of the hacking of my computers.

And researching NOW, I find no more claims he heads Microsoft Cloud Computing -- but is a lesser consultant for them.
He DID, however, invent the internet in Pakistan and gets royalties from everyone who uses it!!!
And my report of dealing with Mr. Anwar several years ago, and his ADMISSION that Bush/Cheney planned 9/11 with the Saudi Royals and the Bin Laden Family -- which he said EVERYONE at Fox and CNN knows -- and it is just SAD that Americans don't care!!!:
Mamacita Mia
And then this morning, by googling "Gerry Flynn-Miller, Raleigh Way, Bethlehem, GA" I got my former co-worker's home phone number, and got through to her on my second try.
Gerry, a double agent for Patrick Stansbury of, and my co-worker for twenty years, 1990 - 2010, had WARNED me that the NAZI SYSTEM/Drug Distibution that Patrick and Mike Massicott run there was FAR bigger than I could imagine -- and they planned to kill me.
All photos (and I had many), of Gerry and Joel Miller, her husband, have been scrubbed off my computer as well as both of my blogs, but this is me with my FIRST Pontiac Vibe in front of their house, 2010.
Gerry told me this morning that her mother-in-law, Jeanette, who lived with them in the suite to the left of the garage, here, just passed, and she is NOT up to talking to ANYONE right now, so I will send this to everyone at Pentagon Publishing so Gerry knows I'll give her a break-of-time before contacting her -- but I might go for Patrick and Mike's metaphorical THROATS, sooner than that!!!
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