"The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans believe people are fundamentally bad, while Democrats see people as fundamentally good." With that philosophical premise, former Oklahoma Rep. J.C. Watts (R) isolated the differences between members of the two political parties in the clearest manner I've ever heard, and the implications of his statement are considerable, as it explains many Republican policies for at least a generation.
This is worth VERY serious study!!!:
And in other news, blog hits have continued to ZOOM -- and since I stopped emailing to my "List of 500", they have ZOOMED MORE!!!
Looking over Google Statistics for both blogs, it is very clear that the CHIEF postings of interest the last month, driving hits to this blog, concerned things relating to these matters:
1. The murder of Colin Hamilton. The CHIEF source to of international information on that (but not of the claiming of his body by relatives, or of a memorial at his favorite bar, Apaches, in Puerto Vallarta, is THIS BLOG!!!
The two gay servers at Apaches ALWAYS were my allies against local drug mafia -- but that female owner and her lesbian lover were so FIERCE when drunk (frequently), they once chased me down the street to beat me up -- they being PART of the Drug Mafia (like Colin Hamilton, unfortunately).
And of the four write-ups on Colin's murder I found, photos of him were the CROPPED one I stole from elsewhere a couple of years ago, and the Vallarta English electronic newspaper stole the version I HAD CROPPED, exactly from this blog.
And I got all MY info from "Christine Hitchens", who by these words in comment to this blog about my running into Jennifer McCracken, an international narco-trafficker living on my floor in Carolina Apartments, Wilmington, North Carolina, PROVED not only that Christine has ALWAYS been Jennifer. but that she is SO DEEP IN narco-trafficking in Mexico, that only SHE knew how Colin Hamilton was murdered, and how his body was found -- she the source of the news reports in Mexico and Colin's native England, via "theft" from this blog, which I do NOT complain about -- but rather BRAG!!!
But BEST is that the last couple of days have PROVEN that at least Republican Judge Lindsey Luther, Deacon at First Presbyterian -- the HYPER-RACIST church that caused the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898 -- and REMEMBER, President Woodrow Wilson who RE-SEGREGATED the United States Government, including the Armed Services, had been a prominent member of that DEVIL-WORSHIPING "church" as well -- with my wealthy Kenan Relatives, leading to ALL the Jim Crow Laws then being passed within two years, and Judge Luther's husband Evan, also a top member of First Prez now -- and New Hanover County Sheriff's Detective, is a TOP advocate of "God's People taking up the LARGEST ARMS and murdering ALL who disagree with them" -- just as William Rand Kenan, Senior (an elder, like D.A.Ben David is now), and the Pastor, then had led the MURDEROUS RAMPAGE against blacks, then.
My intention is to write all of the CRIMES I know about of the Republican Judges in Wilmington (but the D.A., Sheriff and Police Chief are all Democrats and part of this current plot), and email, then snail mail it to ALL Judges in Wilmington -- with top and Superior Court Judges being sent it by certified mail. But not tomorrow, as I need to look for an apartment.
2. The second draw of hits to this blog is George Cutter, owner of the Carolina Apartments, which implicates him in things at a FAR higher level than I had imagined. Besides the two postings about him I noted, yesterday, as getting SUPER HITS long after I posted them, this one is also in that category: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/08/six-calls-last-night-after-george.html
3. Of course Jennifer McCracken is getting TONS of "research interest" (and so are my old boyfriends who turned out to be Drug Mafia, Marc LaFont of 1330 South Broadway, Santa Ana, California
Marc LaFont with surgically enhanced chin: http://tributefolders.com/contactus.htm
-- and to a lesser extent, Steve Poynter, of Seattle, who is partnered with Marco GUZMAN for many years now, although Steve told me he can't STAND Marco's "disgusting gooey foreskin" -- so I guess he just loves the Guzman narco-trafficking profits, no???
Yesterday, I had dozens of photos of Steve Poynter, a flight attendant and sometimes Union Head at Alaska Airlines -- even saved new photos I found on Marco Guzman's Facebook page -- but I am now BLOCKED to Marco's page -- and all but this ONE photo of Steve have been scrubbed from my computer. Also, last night the internet was RICH in photos of the two of them, but it has been SCRUBBED and now NOT ONE exists -- at least not to me!!!
Even this Facebook Page which contained MANY photos of Marco and Steve together last night, is VACANT of photos of either of them, tonight!!!: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Esteban-and-Marcos-Hacienda/193860120768268
Major Guzman Narco-Traffickers!!!
I do know Steve met Marco in Mexico City and brought him back to the USA about 15 - 20 years ago. And I have PLENTY of physical photos of them -- still in my possession!!!
Enough for tonight!!!

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