I can't believe no one has compared this current Kim Davis Bible-Poopin' scene in Kentucky with the true story about the Scopes Monkey Trial in Tennessee!!! Inherit the Wind (1960), was my FAVE movie for years and years -- when I was a wee child!!!
My NEW FAVE Source of TRUE NEWS!!!:
In the last hour, this posting was hit MANY TIMES by people searching "Patrick Lee Stansbury" (of www.pentagon-usa.com):
Patrick Stansbury's LINKED-IN photo from https://www.linkedin.com/pub/patrick-stansbury/73/5a5/568
And Patrick is ONLY endorsed by his Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, Michael Massicott:
When you go there, Pentagon Publishing only sells the AD SPACE in these publications and publishes NOTHING -- Mike's FIRST lie (all VERY professionally presented, in contrast to Patrick Stansbury's profile, Patrick being a POT- and METH-HEAD, who was busted three times (up to "distributor"), while I worked for him.
Then click the little arrow to the right of all the MANY IMPRESSIVE endorsements -- to see who ELSE is part of their network of "AT&T MATRIX", the part of the company dedicated to NAZI DOMINANCE through drug addiction of the inferiors -- in conjunction with my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan and the Republican Party (includes both Clintons, Rahm Emanuel, etc.).
But here is the funny part of the posting that so many are finding by googling Patrick's name, lately (especially after I posted the last blog posting):
In the last hour, this posting was hit MANY TIMES by people searching "Patrick Lee Stansbury" (of www.pentagon-usa.com):
Patrick Stansbury's LINKED-IN photo from https://www.linkedin.com/pub/patrick-stansbury/73/5a5/568
And Patrick is ONLY endorsed by his Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, Michael Massicott:
Mike Massicott (back), with his SUPER COOL father-in-law, Dr. Edward Price (now deceased), his wife Carolyn (Price) Massicott, who often bragged to me that she had "saved" Mike from the HOMOS -- LOL!!!
And their peculiar children.
Mike used to stretch and show off his SUPER-HOT body in trunks on swimming junkets we went on with others from work in the early 1990s, and in 2010, admitted to me how much he LOVES being the center of a "Manwich" (three guys in a row with the center both butt-penetrating with and being butt-penetrated by a penis).
When you go there, Pentagon Publishing only sells the AD SPACE in these publications and publishes NOTHING -- Mike's FIRST lie (all VERY professionally presented, in contrast to Patrick Stansbury's profile, Patrick being a POT- and METH-HEAD, who was busted three times (up to "distributor"), while I worked for him.
Then click the little arrow to the right of all the MANY IMPRESSIVE endorsements -- to see who ELSE is part of their network of "AT&T MATRIX", the part of the company dedicated to NAZI DOMINANCE through drug addiction of the inferiors -- in conjunction with my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan and the Republican Party (includes both Clintons, Rahm Emanuel, etc.).
But here is the funny part of the posting that so many are finding by googling Patrick's name, lately (especially after I posted the last blog posting):
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Drug-Rush Limbaugh's AVATAR from the online community SECOND LIFE(see: http://secondlife.com/ ), which is ALSO favored by my former employerPatrick Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc. ( www.pentagon-usa.com ). Patrick's employees Michael Massicott, Gerry Flynn, and Joel Miller all reported to me that Patrick uses female avatars to pick up guys for "fun and profit" there. That's why I have assumed that some do major NARCO-TRAFFICKING behind avatars on SECOND LIFE.
Patrick ALSO claims to be an ORDAINED MINISTER with a CHURCH on Second Life, which got THESE two Christians SUPER-OUTRAGED!!!
What I found, today, was right where the retaining wall changes, just in front of the white car.
Hard to read the photo I took, but mostly clear in person: "Free it (??) Freedom from niggs, fags, beaners (Mexicans)".
I've blogged about Jennifer McCracken/Christine Hitchens MANY places recently, she knowing DETAILS about BBC Star and leader of the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group, Colin Hamilton's MURDER by drug mafia BEFORE anyone I know in Mexico did -- and also defended other likely Narco-Traffickers like playwright Del Shores, local Democratic Party Officer Ryan Lee Burris, and lawyer David Nash, the ONLY local I plan to PROSECUTE and SUE FOR DAMAGES.
And she WAS, I saying I planned to call the church office as I know THEY would be horrified too, and want to remove it ASAP. Jenny and I talked some more, and she recommended I explore the beautiful gardens surrounding the church, there, which I replied to thusly: "Yeah, I'll do that NOW, so we don't end up returning together to Carolina Apartments (one block up Market Street). If anyone sees us together, we will BOTH RUIN OUR REPUTATIONS!!!"
That totally cracked her up, and she walked on, and I explored, soon deciding to just walk to the office and tell them about it, which I did.
You have to be a LONG reader of this blog to know I have blogged about the first person I met in Wilmington on December 30, 2010, the day I arrived, Christopher Wright Rogers:
Christopher Wright Rogers, who with his then girlfriend, Cindy Beatty, ended up slumming for six weeks in my apartment on S. 8th Street, until I kicked them out -- discovering they had stolen things from my files to give to D.A. Ben David, along with a Wilmington Detective, whose card they had with the stolen loot. Later, Chris took me to court trying to get a Restraining Order under false pretenses (recently blogged about), with a City Detective at his side COACHING HIM!!!
- Grainger & Joshua Wright, Wrightsville Beach was named after their father Joshua Grainger Wright as well as
- Thomas H. Wright, Episcopal bishop
are buried in the boneyard, there, shown in Wikipedia, here!!!: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._James_Episcopal_Church_(Wilmington,_North_Carolina), who TOLD ME that only ONE of the Episcopal Clergy then assigned there, Spring 2011, was part of the local DRUG MAFIA, but he was being TRANSFERRED and Chris got PANICKED over who would represent the Episcopal Church after the guy left!!!
I believe it ALL WORKED OUT(for better or for worse)!!!
(And I DID tell the lady in the office ALL ABOUT my politics -- except I forgot to tell her I can prove in Court of Law that Sewanee/Episcopal Church MURDERED Tennessee Williams -- with Republican Party, CIA, and FBI -- just like Jackie Kennedy Onassis warned us would happen.)

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