World's Shortest Man Dies At Age 75
Chandra Bahadur Dangi, a native of Nepal, stood just 21.5 inches tall.
Me with a volunteer when I was homeless in 2011 -- at the King's Breakfast, put on monthly by Pine Valley Church of God, Wilmington, NC
This is BETTER animated!!!: THIS ain't the reason I feel like a King, but as I was taking a salt water treatment of my blistered foot (and sunning/relaxing), at Kure Beach today, a woman joked that the seagull walking near me as I ate lunch was a "beggar" -- which the bird WAS. I replied that I had actually been homeless living under a bridge in Wilmington four years ago -- but NOT NOW!!! And we got into a discussion of current events, in which she sounded quite reasonable.
Jamie Lee Sutherland styles himself as "Rooster" Sutherland,, because his cock (displayed prominently to me at his pool-side in Mismaloya, Mexico), is pretty big and can really CROW (or at least "spit")!!!
But google within this blog to learn about this weather vane atop First Presbyterian Church, Wilmington, North Carolina to see why the congregants there call it "The Six-Foot Kenan Cock"!!!
And then she said (after I told her that Jamie Lee Sutherland,, had told me he saw Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel in his private gay bathhouse several times when O was a Senator), "As my husband always says, 'I don't know WHY someone doesn't spend the thirty-five cents to be rid of him!!!'"
That mystified me, really, so I asked what she meant, which is that a bullet costs that much, and I IMMEDIATELY went apoplectic on her -- especially since she said it so casually as if everyone agreed with that (at least at her Christian church, which she admitted to), and got even FAR more vile with her than I had with local Judge Lindsey Luther in this blog posting, BOTH of them EARNING it: (it causing her not to miss a beat -- AND that posting is, discounting the Colin Hamilton MURDER/Jennifer McCracken aka Christine Hitchens/George Cutter RELATED postings, far and away the most popular this entire week!!!), and I finally had to stand up and literally SHOO the 60-year-old woman to get her to move on, which she did with the bearing of someone who OWNS THE WORLD!!!
Republican Judge Lindsey Luther, Deacon of First Presbyterian, Wilmington, NC. Her husband, Evan Luther, in very good standing there also, posted THIS prominently on Facebook:
Bruce Lee. His wife, Tammy Stanley, told me that the cancer drugs kept him flaccid but she STILL could suck him off good!!! So next time Ben David had me in jail on false charges, the Kool-Aid spiked with "stay-flaccid" drugs, I tried it -- and BINGO, I had something fun to do while passing the time (self-pleasurizing)!!!
Tammy Stanley
Three quick observations:
1. An adviser and I decided it best that I find an apartment in a better area than the ones I looked at so far, so back to the beginning on that!!!
2. Strangely, after ascertaining that the "fire escape" outside Jennifer McCracken's window is NOT a legal fire escape so no problem with her little lounge set up on it -- she has now REMOVED it -- LOL!!! (But I DID see the Fire Inspecter here that day -- and he only said it was for "another matter".)
3. Although Anthony Humphrey took Monday off inexplicably, he worked the rest of the week, and I enjoyed an elevator ride with a friendly young woman who had let herself in and out of his apartment while he was at work. Tonight, I heard him telling another female voice in the hall, "I NEVER lie!!!"
I wish he and Jenny, both, acted like they knew the front doors to these apartments might as well be paper -- as far as voice/sound transmission goes. Also, the frequent stream of people who are NOT residents coming and going via the outside fire stairs next to the window by my writing desk at all hours is COMICAL, and makes it appear they come here to BUY SOMETHING (or get laid) -- but don't want to be seen in the lobby or elevator.
I actually located TWO old Denison University friends -- the two who were in the FIRST gay group at Denison University in 1972 - 73 with me, and did the taped/live call-in show!!! Funny, was that Dean Hansell, that year Head of Denison Community Association had listed it as a club to join, and only the three of us showed up, but NOT Dean, whom I'd shared a bed with in a month-long anti-poverty program in western Tennessee the year before and had a CRUSH on, but thought he had to be straight.
Dean Hansell went on to co-found GLAAD, and here is seen accepting the first "Founder's Award" in 2013, Bill Clinton even paying him homage at that ceremony!!! Wells Fargo was one of two TOP sponsors, Wells Fargo, Chicago, which Jamie Lee Sutherland, as seen above, had BRAGGED to me that he did on average $24,000,000.00 per month in narco-trafficking for Wells Fargo Bank -- AND Wells Fargo, Chicago got the LARGEST fine in history to that time for laundering NARCO-MONEY in June of 2010 -- LOL!!! -- Jamie even tried selling me his house, "Casa Vista Los Arcos",, in Mismaloya where The Night of the Iguana was filmed, when I was SURE I'd sell movie rights to my book, since my agent had proven to me that the producers of the Harry Potter films (an eventual turn-down), as well as Scott Rudin,, who never replied, had had serious interest.

Who loves Bill Clinton? Barbara Bush does
BUT, today, I found "Bear Graham" as I shall call him until I know how free I can be on blog, living in west-of-me North Carolina, where his family owns an Oil Company, but he is a self-employed professional, but NOT the dentist of same name I found years ago.
Here is the story as I wrote it back then, beginning with some Rush Limbaugh, Elton John, Tom Kenan silliness!!!:
I can't help thinking back to Rush Limbaugh's wedding that I reported at the time, in early June, 2010. I probably called him Drug-Rush Limbaugh (I can be cruel at times, although he's earned it -- or perhaps his name led him to drugs. I just checked and it IS his given name, in fact Rush Hudson Limbaugh is a III!).
But CNN online posted a story on the story in Rolling Stone today:"Unlikely Bedfellows" that quotes Elton as saying he continues to value Rush's friendship, that Rush was one of the first to call and congratulate him on his new baby, and that he thinks if he called Rush, he could get him to endorse gay civil unions on air.
Well, Rush did pay Elton $1,000.000.00 to play at his fourth serial wedding -- and told Elton to be sure to bring his partner, David Furnish. I'm still wondering what he paid my distant cousin Tom (Thomas S. Kenan III) to throw the Hawaiian extravaganza wedding at Tom's hotel in Palm Beach, The Breakers (part of the property is pictured above).
I've long been wild about Elton. In college (Denison University), my senior year (1972-73), a junior, Dean Hansel, then president of the Denison Community Association, listed a new social work organization that year: a Gay Students' Group. Two friends (James Anderson and "Bear Graham") and I joined -- or founded it, when we discovered it was only the three of us who showed up for a meeting.
I had the idea of doing a radio show of what it was like to be gay at Denison, and a young DU student that I found -- I forget his name -- under the guise of Appley Putt Productions (named after his canine mutt), taped and cobbled together 45 minutes of interviews and then we had 45 minutes of call in questions. No one gave us a difficult time.
The show was interspersed with Elton John songs because I insisted Elton was gay. Apparently, I was the only one outside Elton's circle who had this opinion then, because none of my compadres agreed with me -- but eventually, they found out. I've always thought I'd some day know Elton John, but unlike this same feeling that proved true with Tennessee Williams (and I have a new this-type feeling about The Pet Shop Boys) and the fact that Elton bought the two top floors of a condo tower in Atlanta, where I lived for 27 years, I have not yet met him.
But I find it interesting to know that Dean Hansel, with whom I actually platonically (and painfully, since I had a major crush on him then) shared a bed for a month in 1972 in West Tennessee on a social-working venture in an impoverish black, rural community eventually came out and even became a major gay rights activist. He also served as a Police Commissioner for the City of Los Angeles, and the law firm where he is a Directing Partner, is suing the State of Arizona on behalf Mexico, pro bono.
Bear Graham is a dentist in North Carolina. James Anderson was shot on the streets of Manhattan, recovered, married a woman, and then moved to Florida and was never heard of again. I seem to have become what I announced in college I REALLY wanted to be: an Appreciator of the Arts.
And in that role, I would like to see Tommy, or Tom Kenan, as he's generally known, show us more of what he hints at in the YouTube video I posted on this blog a few days ago: . He talks of being some kind of chorister himself, and he talks of how Mary Lilly Kenan Flagler (later Bingham) had gotten all A's in Music, but had truly excelled in The Social Graces, in which she achieved A+'s. And that was how she managed to be the most responsible for the Kenan family getting funded for all its activities.
To honor Mary Lily, I think Tom and his fellow choristers should mount a musical review for public consumption. Something played out in period costumes. I see the marquee now: TOMMY KENAN AND THE SOCIAL GRACES TELLS ALL.
And what am I? One ham clapping.
So I DID speak with Bear Graham by phone, then emailed him today. He never acted like a real homosexual -- although he was fun as a true friend and to cuddle with -- and now he's happily married for many years, with children. I'm THRILLED he's so happy -- and that we reconnected, today!!!
And then, I FOUND James Anderson, now apparently single and in the western USA. I'll get up the steam to call him, tomorrow (I hope)!!!

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