Well, I AM!!!
Although due to my emotional expenditure on the Democratic Unity Dinner -- and a "Period of Adjustment" getting more in understanding of my new roommate, an eight-year veteran of the US Marines who "fell off the wagon" after his honorable discharge and lived in circumstances similar to my rough ones of late, for years, now WELL on his way to the recovery Pope Francis promised God will always deliver when he spoke to the inmates in a prison.

Remember: Not all Wounds are physical -- and not all Decorations, given.
The first thing I want to say is that I owe NC State Senator Josh Stein an apology for my too-sudden, too-vehement words at the very end of the evening. I told him if he did NOT take the info I will soon send him SERIOUSLY and DO SOMETHING (including open campaign promises about it), I would make CERTAIN that he does not win.
The NERVE of me!!!
I showed no common decency, and no respect for his office, but here is how it happened. When Elizabeth Redenbaugh completed her final remarks and adjourned the dinner, I suddenly realized that NO ONE had addressed the ONE topic MOST IMPORTANT TO WILMINGTONIANS of all stripes: the near ABSOLUTE CORRUPTION of Party officials of BOTH Parties in this region (although generally it is a Republican Party and Clinton Family problem -- President Obama has continued to improve, and ONLY protects the One Percenter's percentage -- and the CIA/US State Department's Narco-Trafficking, still, but since he is still in office and MUST correct things in a proper timeline that is PRACTICAL, he cannot be judged on this until he's completed his term).
The NERVE of me!!!
I showed no common decency, and no respect for his office, but here is how it happened. When Elizabeth Redenbaugh completed her final remarks and adjourned the dinner, I suddenly realized that NO ONE had addressed the ONE topic MOST IMPORTANT TO WILMINGTONIANS of all stripes: the near ABSOLUTE CORRUPTION of Party officials of BOTH Parties in this region (although generally it is a Republican Party and Clinton Family problem -- President Obama has continued to improve, and ONLY protects the One Percenter's percentage -- and the CIA/US State Department's Narco-Trafficking, still, but since he is still in office and MUST correct things in a proper timeline that is PRACTICAL, he cannot be judged on this until he's completed his term).
And WHO KNEW that Huffington Post would report prominently on THIS, Today. Remember, Jimmy Soni, who built that site into what it is today (now working on HuffPost, India), sits on the Board of the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University, and now ANOTHER HuffPoster, Daniel Katz T’80, P’14, sports blogger with Huffington Post, former partner and portfolio manager at Apex Capital,LLC, and also Alisa Worth T’01, Nevada Senate Democrats executive director, sit on the Kenan Board.
My FAVE graphic from KIE, http://kenan.ethics.duke.edu/, is now a few years old.
The REPORT TODAY (perhaps a tetch off-topic):
So this being in the most "mainstream" and helpful of the Internet News Corp, it is SILLY of anyone to get "uppity" over ANY of my word or image uses. I think the problem that Richard Poole and I had came from his being too influenced by the PURITAN strain of Christianity (which Catholics are NOT)!!!
A few examples of REAL OBSCENITY:
So this being in the most "mainstream" and helpful of the Internet News Corp, it is SILLY of anyone to get "uppity" over ANY of my word or image uses. I think the problem that Richard Poole and I had came from his being too influenced by the PURITAN strain of Christianity (which Catholics are NOT)!!!
A few examples of REAL OBSCENITY:

And I'd also like to say, that it was a PLEASURE speaking with and hugging New Hanover County District Court Judge Robin Wicks Robinson:

Robin is the slightly shorter one, and female.
At the time Judge Robinson just happened to run into me in a Court House hall -- she in her robes -- and she offered her hand and thanked me for returning to Wilmington to continue my Quest, I blogged that "a couple" of Judges had done so -- just to protect her identity.
I also want to say that I DID make brief eye contact with Ryan Lee Burris (and a lot more with his boyfriend, who sat directly behind me during dinner -- but NOT sex under the table or some-such).
Ryan has a challenging past and getting to know my roommate has helped me more fully understand Ryan's "Kampf" (auf Deutsch), and as I've always told Ryan (but not for FAR too long of a time), no matter what else happens, I'd seen into his heart and sampled the EARNESTNESS of his work, so by Hook or by Crook, we'd end up on the same side.
There's a TETCH of Devil in Ryan (and I likely contain the rest).

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