Betty and Frank Kenan
Betty Kenan (center), and her stepson Thomas S. Kenan III (right), today:
And Frank Hawkins Kenan with his brother James Graham Kenan:
First of all, I have met NONE of these Kenans in person, although I have communicated directly and indirectly with Tom Kenan many times. I have spoken with Tom via phone from the offices of Kenan Oil in Chapel Hill (from his desk there and by kindly help of Lee Shaffer, President then of Kenan Oil -- and Tom Kenan's roommate at UNC Chapel Hill), later to head Kenan Advantage Group,, now the largest trucker in the USA, Canada, and Mexico, before his retirement a few years ago.
I spoke with Betty Kenan once in 2011, and was so surprised that she answered her home phone, I was vague and nice to her, saying nothing of substance except THANKS for the Kenan charitable work.
And in 1990, I spoke with James G. Kenan, after his law offices in Atlanta gave me his home number. "Uncle Jimmy", as he is often called was VERY kindly, and gave me the number of his wife's nephew, noted lawyer, writer, race car driver, and stunt pilot, Gregg Loomis, and then met him in his law office for advice after I had been first arrested and released on my own recognizance for trespass that year -- before Judge Linda Warren Hunter of Dekalb County, Georgia had me detained for that first-ever charge of trespass for fifteen weeks WITHOUT BOND, until I forced her to trial with Writ of Habeus Corpus against Sheriff Jarvis.
My parents were very active in working with Judge Hunter -- because they had with Nixon Aide John Ehrlichman and Newt Gingrich, among others, set up the Stone Mountain Narco-Ring with help of people including "Sonny" Jimmy Humberto Montaño Prieto, whom I knew and had trouble from in Puerto Vallarta -- and Sonny worked with the Episcopal Church, and the same Cathedral St. John Divine where Tennessee Williams's Poet's Stone is located (google for MUCH info on all of that!!!).
Two years ago, the online Dekalb County Court records were wiped CLEAN of all these things (but I still have the original paperwork), and in 2010, MANY proceedings were falsely brought against me, all being dismissed except a permanent Restraining Order (gotten in absentia on false pretenses) by Christal Presley (who is one of Sean Hannity's best friends as well as friend to my mother and sister Jane).
Also a couple of credit card company suits that show dismissed (I had long before then moved to Mexico), but until two years ago, American Express had shown I was CONVICTED (in absentia), then it was later back-changed and I have screen captures proving that.
As I have said, being the son of America's top literal NAZI is NOT good for your health or sanity -- but I'm doing just fine, now.
One point I was trying to make is that it was Gregg Loomis,, who told me when I made a joke about the Kenan name being in Chronicles I of the Bible, that maybe we were actually Jews-in-hiding, and he went ballistic, saying that the only people the wealthy Kenans hated more than "niggers", were Jews!!!
But I am not certain that is true of ALL of them, because while Frank and his son Tom are TOP supporters of the Republican Party and UNC Racism, Betty Kenan (when I searched records a couple of years ago), has ONLY given money to Democrats, and while James G. Kenan remained Episcopalian his entire life, his wife and his children were all Roman Catholic -- and two of his kids became Catholic Clergy of NOTE!!!
Catholics just don't GO for that Racist Non-Sense (not MODERN clergy, anyway), and BOTH James G. Kenan and Betty Kenan TWICE DECLINED the prestigious William Richardson Davie Award from the University of North Carolina Trustees -- seemingly IMPOSSIBLE for a Kenan to decline!!! (There HAS TO BE more to this story, no???)
In research tonight, I discovered that Kenan Advantage Group was considering selling itself half a year ago (which has not happened), and it was expected to fetch about $2 Billion. Also, my college friend "Bear Graham's" family's oil company distributes Shell Oil products -- now the KAG is probably supplying THEM with that (but certainly not in 1973)!!!
>>> AN EMAIL I SENT TONIGHT TO ANTHONY CARMICHAEL OF CAROLINA APARTMENTS, which did NOT go through the AMWAY system, which claims, repeatedly, to be down. Since I have NO email addresses of the others mentioned in it, I will email it FIRST to Carolina Apartments' email address of record, since the owner and the manager are mentioned.
Anthony Carmichael
Hi Anthony – Just thought I’d drop you
a note since we keep crossing paths – and without incident. Something like a week
and a half ago, I passed you right outside the Carolina Apartments while you
were listening to what most people call “Gangsta Rap”, and you didn’t even seem to
recognize 6’ 11” me as I passed within two feet of you, which usually means a
person is really high.
Then, today, when I left the building
to go to the beach, you sat in a car out front with a guy with a HUGE gold
cross on a chain and his many teeth that showed were rimmed in gold – a style
associated with black Drug Mafia, and you guys were laughing like hyenas.
Now I’m not saying you don’t have a
right to do that – or that it proves anything wrong at all, but given what I
have been blogging lately – that I DID visit both the US Justice Department Raleigh
office and the Wilmington DEA office as well as this: -- and had other contact with them as
well, and that they ARE interested in the business dealings of certain
residents including Mr. Cutter, Tomi Matheson, Jennifer McCracken, Anthony
Humphrey, and you, I HOPE you realize they are likely watching all of you and
of course monitoring all your electronic communications.
I’m not paid by anyone, and I do NOT
pretend to be an agent for them, which I am not – nor am I doing surveillance for
them. I just want you to understand completely what seems to be going on.
As I blogged just a week or so ago,
during one of my calls to them, I asked if they record all calls, and they said
they don’t anymore, because due to President Obama’s orders to the NSA, ALL
calls and other private electronic communications, including Facebook messages,
closed groups, etc., are now recorded and saved by the US Government, and they
just have to ask the NSA which then gives them all the evidence they want.
A week later, I ran into some
Wilmington cops who confirmed this and said the Police Department here can ALSO
ask for and get any of this evidence.
As you might know, Mr. Cutter and I
have a friendly deal and I am trying to find a new place to live ASAP. And
happy that all of us have had no “incidents”, I thought I’d do you the favor of
checking what you have for the public to see that they might find suspicious,
that perhaps you might want to remove (although they have according to NSA
rules, already recorded all of it – but you never know what they might have
missed, so far).
In LINKED-IN, a David Matthews (but no
one else), has endorsed you for Public Speaking, Coaching, Public Relations,
Negotiations, and Business Development. Now I know several people who do these
things either self-employed or working for corporations, and they have constant
jet-lag, speaking all over the USA, and two of them in many foreign countries.
But it is rare that only one person
would endorse you, and I BET the Drug Enforcement Agency and the Justice Department
they work with finds this a little peculiar too.
Just sayin’, and “A word to the wise
is sufficient,” as the Catholic nun I had for seventh grade always used to say.
And best of luck with developing
Carmichael Industrys – I assume you have letterheads and other proof required
by the US Government of an ACTUAL business with this misspelling – or was this
just an error one place – or actually deliberate?
I see that one activity of yours is
selling Amway, which is where I found out how to email you. Your page there,, with the
handle “preach” makes it sound like you are an ordained minister too – is that
the case?
Jenny McCracken told me ten days ago
she had just gotten THREE job offers and would be starting a job soon, so I
guess she must be starting this week and won’t be in the apartments much
anymore – except after work, like Anthony Humphrey. It is nice to see our
Carolina Apartments residents making a better life for themselves!
Scott Kenan
Tennessee Williams and me -- the night in 1981 that we went to the White House party and the Kennedy Center Honors.
Oh, if life were just that SIMPLE, again -- LOL!!!
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