1. Turns out there was a "comedy of circumstances" yesterday, and the same guy is coming to look at possibly being my roommate, later today.
2. The Kenan Steeple and "Six-Foot Kenan Cock" were LIT UP last night, after NOT being lit the whole time I've been in this apartment -- I take that as a "Sign from God" for me to make amends with Rev. Ernie Thompson of First Presbyterian, but it might take me a little time to figure out how best to approach him.
And the further "sins" of First Prez revealed in that phone call to me yesterday, are that the house between the one across the street from me and Kenan-paid-for Boney Hall (part of the First Prez complex of buildings), was given over by First Prez to "Interfaith Ministries" to use to house people in need. I cannot find out more about "Interfaith Ministries" as it is such a generic name, but the problem is that so many of its windows keep getting broken and it has deteriorated into a SLUM PROPERTY, that neighbors are angry with First Presbyterian for significantly harming property values in this neighborhood -- and First Prez has REFUSED to provide a list of its tenants so my neighbors can track down if any criminals live there.
3. Having now been about three weeks, and my last college boyfriend from Denison University has NOT replied to my phone call or emails, I have decided to go ahead and reveal his identity. If he was dishonest with his friends or family (or wife), he can explain it all to them now (if they get wind of this):
Bert Bennett III, psychologist (I called him "Bear Graham" in this posting: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/09/i-find-kindred-spirit-and-other-things.html)
Bert's "nekkid friend" who ran around the manor house in Winston Salem was a Reynolds -- as in Reynolds Tobacco, and his brother, Graham Bennett, runs the family Oil Company, Quality Oil, https://www.qualityoilnc.com/, which is Shell Oil associated (and now supplied by www.theKAG.com, or Kenan Advantage Group -- if THEIR claims on web are accurate), as well as owning the GOGAS gas stations around Wilmington, where I do sometimes buy gasoline!!!
Graham Bennett, President of Quality Oil
4. As to Pope Francis (Pancho), in the United States goes, he's doing more GOOD than bad, but my "Cherokee Smidge" (1/16 -- making me first cousin to native Americans of ALL stripes), will not let this go without commenting, briefly:
In today's reality, the Catholic Church making this GOD-HATING missionary who enslaved native Americans in service to Spain and Catholicism a "Saint", only means that Catholics are now allowed to PRAY to Father Serra, so he can intercede with "God the Father" -- like many Christians ask Jesus to intercede with Papa-God, but NOT like a SEPARATE GOD like all Christians ALSO pray to Jesus -- breaking the first of God's Commandments that there is only ONE GOD, as Jews and Muslims believe.
The Catholic Church does not claim to have the power of making Saints -- but only of CORRECTLY identifying them for Catholics to pray to like this.
>>> AND ADDING INSULT TO INJURY, Pope Francis only required ONE "proven miracle" associated with Father Serra, when the Church requires at least TWO before sainthood can be declared.
Pope Francis is SO hating of the Native American Race -- he was born in South America to two Italian immigrants, so is 100% European, himself -- and for years supported the NAZI US CIA-installed dictatorships in Argentina, only cleaning up his act so he could wear "sheep's clothing" to be Pope -- and the last Popes beginning with Pius, excepting John XXIII and John Paul I, ALL have clear ties to NAZISM and Adolph Hitler.
Francis also declared the American Bishops and Cardinals were "generous" in exposing child-molesting clergy, when EVERYONE in the USA knows the EXACT OPPOSITE is true!!!
And I've always valued Rev. Ernie Thompson's take on Saints in the Presbyterian Church -- they being ALL those who honestly seek God (regardless of religion).
5. And that (strangely), brings us to this:
>>> AND NOW, MY COMMUNICATION WITH RICHARD A. POOLE (one-term Chair of the New Hanover County Democrats, now their First Vice Chair):
Dear Mr. Poole:
From: Richard Poole <rapoole2000@yahoo.com>
To: Scott Kenan <scott@scottdavidkenan.com>
Cc: Joseph Faulk <jfaulk001@nyc.rr.com>; 2redeyes <2redeyes@theblackcatshoppe.net>; info <info@roycooper.com>; Elizabeth Redenbaugh <eredenbaugh1@gmail.com>; bill.saffo <bill.saffo@wilmingtonnc.gov>; council <council@wilmingtonnc.gov>; scoop <scoop@huffingtonpost.com>; editorial <editorial@nytimes.com>; 60m <60m@cbs.com>; newsroom <newsroom@wwaytv3.com>; breakingnews <breakingnews@starnewsonline.com>; breakingnews <breakingnews@newsobserver.com>; wilmjourn <wilmjourn@aol.com>; sarmstrong <sarmstrong@kminc.net>; teri <teri@benefits-management.org>; partnership <partnership@wilmingtondowntown.com>; wilmingtonsbestrentals <wilmingtonsbestrentals@gmail.com>; toconis <toconis@aol.com>; thom <thom@goolsbylaw.com>; rjkus <rjkus@aol.com>; wilmingtononfire <wilmingtononfire@gmail.com>; rhodes1005 <rhodes1005@yahoo.com>; Susie Werner <swerner@ec.rr.com>; ryanleeburris <ryanleeburris@gmail.com>; erniefirstonthird <erniefirstonthird@gmail.com>; benjamin.r.david <benjamin.r.david@nccourts.org>; lindsey.m.luther <lindsey.m.luther@nccourts.org>; Jennifer.Harjo <Jennifer.Harjo@nccourts.org>; dollarlois <dollarlois@att.net>; 1kikiwin <1kikiwin@gmail.com>; gingertindall <gingertindall@hotmail.com>; KHolditch <KHolditch@cox.net>; info <info@tennesseewilliams.net>; pjwillisnola <pjwillisnola@aol.com>; bojones <bojones@verizon.net>; cppabert <cppabert@gmail.com>; officeofthechief <officeofthechief@wilmingtonnc.gov>; emcmahon <emcmahon@nhcgov.com>; scottdkenan <scottdkenan@aol.com>; kenan5 <kenan5@aol.com>; jkenan02 <jkenan02@gmail.com>; duffyjr3 <duffyjr3@verizon.net>; connor.kenan <connor.kenan@gmail.com>; joyeckel <joyeckel@yahoo.com>; telliottk <telliottk@gmail.com>; asaddik <asaddik@citytech.cuny.edu>; laurencelarry1 <laurencelarry1@aol.com>; mitchdouglasicm <mitchdouglasicm@aol.com>; runningsun <runningsun@earthlink.net>; casapacifica99 <casapacifica99@yahoo.com>; ChadHogston <ChadHogston@gmail.com>; Christian.Ferney <Christian.Ferney@duke.edu>
Sent: Tue, Sep 22, 2015 6:23 pm
Subject: Re: FIRST for Ernie Thompson of First Presbyterian -- then for Elizabeth Redenbaugh and the Democrats (some still support narco-trafficking Clintons!!!), and many others as well . . .
No one is arguing and YOU are a TRAITOR to the US Constitution. I hope to have you arrested within three months. You CANNOT answer direct questions so are a REAL (current style) REPUBLICAN!!!
My first choice of colleges was your Oberlin, but too expensive, so I got in but no scholarship, so expected to go to Michigan, your Law School, which also accepted me, but my kindly high school basketball coach got me into Denison where I excelled -- and had grants in aid. Funny how we had similar schools choices, no??? I'm older by two years.
Sorry my Kennedy-connected pal, Elizabeth unseated you -- but then you did little to help her get elected to NC State Senate, did you??? I'm thinking you MUST be tied to narco-trafficking -- but I have no direct evidence. You were a Federal prosecutor from DC, and I am friends with Rudy Renfer, whom I've spoken with by phone from Mexico as well as met with in person in Raleigh. http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/08/after-speaking-with-rudy-renfer.html
So look to argue for your innocence/freedom in Court, sir.
All that typed, I can't take you off a list you are not on, but I WILL refrain from emailing you copies of blog posts -- unless I mention you in them. I REFUSE to talk behind anyone's back.
As a "partial Cherokee" I am PROFOUNDLY OFFENDED by this NAZI, God-Hating action of the Pope -- whom I give much credit to as well. He's HUMAN and imperfect, like ALL of us!!!
In today's reality, the Catholic Church making this GOD-HATING missionary who enslaved native Americans in service to Spain and Catholicism a "Saint", only means that Catholics are now allowed to PRAY to Father Serra, so he can intercede with "God the Father" -- like many Christians ask Jesus to intercede with Papa-God, but NOT like a SEPARATE GOD like all Christians ALSO pray to Jesus -- breaking the first of God's Commandments that there is only ONE GOD, as Jews and Muslims believe.
The Catholic Church does not claim to have the power of making Saints -- but only of CORRECTLY identifying them for Catholics to pray to like this.
>>> AND ADDING INSULT TO INJURY, Pope Francis only required ONE "proven miracle" associated with Father Serra, when the Church requires at least TWO before sainthood can be declared.
Pope Francis is SO hating of the Native American Race -- he was born in South America to two Italian immigrants, so is 100% European, himself -- and for years supported the NAZI US CIA-installed dictatorships in Argentina, only cleaning up his act so he could wear "sheep's clothing" to be Pope -- and the last Popes beginning with Pius, excepting John XXIII and John Paul I, ALL have clear ties to NAZISM and Adolph Hitler.
Francis also declared the American Bishops and Cardinals were "generous" in exposing child-molesting clergy, when EVERYONE in the USA knows the EXACT OPPOSITE is true!!!
And I've always valued Rev. Ernie Thompson's take on Saints in the Presbyterian Church -- they being ALL those who honestly seek God (regardless of religion).
5. And that (strangely), brings us to this:
The Confederate Memorial in Wilmington stands in front of First Presbyterian. If you DIVORCE IT from the racist Confederate part -- it is truly beautiful and poetic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederate_Memorial_(Wilmington,_North_Carolina)
Since it is inscribed to Gabriel James Boney and Charlie Boney was in my Discovery Class there, when I actually found a "Message in a Bottle" that was cradled in the statue's arms, I climbed up, retrieved it, and presented it to Charlie the next Sunday -- as reported here:
>>> AND NOW, MY COMMUNICATION WITH RICHARD A. POOLE (one-term Chair of the New Hanover County Democrats, now their First Vice Chair):
Dear Mr. Poole:
Thank you for your blunt comment. I appreciate TRUTHFULNESS above most other things.
However, you must tell me what thing(s) you are offended by to get off this list that you are in no way an important part of. YOU have not received nearly all my blog posts the last month like most at the core of this list. And I doubt you mean to say you find my considering your Party Head, Ms. Redenbaugh, Sister Mary Isaac Koenig, and Father Bob Kus my local "guardian angels", offensive.
I doubt that you are offended that I knew Jackie Kennedy Onassis, as well as most of the other Kennedys of JFK's generation -- and been inside some of their homes, and even worked on a project with Pat Kennedy Lawford. Perhaps you don't like that Wilmingtonian Danny Sinatra's mother, Patricia Sinatra, admitted to me that Old Joe Kennedy got them to pressure the Gambinos into stuffing ballot boxes in Chicago to steal the election from Richard Nixon -- without JFK's knowledge.
Well, she told me the problems caused by selling majority ownership in their Bank of America to my wealthy Republican Kenan relatives who turned it NAZI, and we work together to fix it.
So lacking SPECIFICS from you, I REFUSE to be offended by YOUR EXISTENCE -- unless you do not fill in the details for this list you see exposed to consume.
Barring that, I assume you either suck Ryan Lee Burris's cock -- or do narco-business with him (or my former employer, www.pentagon-usa.com).
EVERYONE is offended by many things -- nothing to get uppity about!!! FACE the truth of what offends you -- and God will set you FREE to Love and Laugh!!!
Please reply by dawn tomorrow, Wednesday, morning, or I might publish this on blog for the many hundreds of daily readers to see.
Muchos Gracias,
Scott David Kenan
Richard Poole sits to far left here. I sit directly behind him. Ryan Burris sits at the far right end of my row.
-----Original Message-----
To: Scott Kenan <scott@scottdavidkenan.com>
Cc: Joseph Faulk <jfaulk001@nyc.rr.com>; 2redeyes <2redeyes@theblackcatshoppe.net>; info <info@roycooper.com>; Elizabeth Redenbaugh <eredenbaugh1@gmail.com>; bill.saffo <bill.saffo@wilmingtonnc.gov>; council <council@wilmingtonnc.gov>; scoop <scoop@huffingtonpost.com>; editorial <editorial@nytimes.com>; 60m <60m@cbs.com>; newsroom <newsroom@wwaytv3.com>; breakingnews <breakingnews@starnewsonline.com>; breakingnews <breakingnews@newsobserver.com>; wilmjourn <wilmjourn@aol.com>; sarmstrong <sarmstrong@kminc.net>; teri <teri@benefits-management.org>; partnership <partnership@wilmingtondowntown.com>; wilmingtonsbestrentals <wilmingtonsbestrentals@gmail.com>; toconis <toconis@aol.com>; thom <thom@goolsbylaw.com>; rjkus <rjkus@aol.com>; wilmingtononfire <wilmingtononfire@gmail.com>; rhodes1005 <rhodes1005@yahoo.com>; Susie Werner <swerner@ec.rr.com>; ryanleeburris <ryanleeburris@gmail.com>; erniefirstonthird <erniefirstonthird@gmail.com>; benjamin.r.david <benjamin.r.david@nccourts.org>; lindsey.m.luther <lindsey.m.luther@nccourts.org>; Jennifer.Harjo <Jennifer.Harjo@nccourts.org>; dollarlois <dollarlois@att.net>; 1kikiwin <1kikiwin@gmail.com>; gingertindall <gingertindall@hotmail.com>; KHolditch <KHolditch@cox.net>; info <info@tennesseewilliams.net>; pjwillisnola <pjwillisnola@aol.com>; bojones <bojones@verizon.net>; cppabert <cppabert@gmail.com>; officeofthechief <officeofthechief@wilmingtonnc.gov>; emcmahon <emcmahon@nhcgov.com>; scottdkenan <scottdkenan@aol.com>; kenan5 <kenan5@aol.com>; jkenan02 <jkenan02@gmail.com>; duffyjr3 <duffyjr3@verizon.net>; connor.kenan <connor.kenan@gmail.com>; joyeckel <joyeckel@yahoo.com>; telliottk <telliottk@gmail.com>; asaddik <asaddik@citytech.cuny.edu>; laurencelarry1 <laurencelarry1@aol.com>; mitchdouglasicm <mitchdouglasicm@aol.com>; runningsun <runningsun@earthlink.net>; casapacifica99 <casapacifica99@yahoo.com>; ChadHogston <ChadHogston@gmail.com>; Christian.Ferney <Christian.Ferney@duke.edu>
Sent: Tue, Sep 22, 2015 6:23 pm
Subject: Re: FIRST for Ernie Thompson of First Presbyterian -- then for Elizabeth Redenbaugh and the Democrats (some still support narco-trafficking Clintons!!!), and many others as well . . .
Dear Scott-
I am offended by your email. Please take me off your list.
Thank you.
Richard Poole
On Sep 22, 2015, at 5:12 PM, Scott Kenan <scott@scottdavidkenan.com> wrote:
I’m not looking for an argument. I just don’t want to get these emails any more.
Richard Poole
* * *
No one is arguing and YOU are a TRAITOR to the US Constitution. I hope to have you arrested within three months. You CANNOT answer direct questions so are a REAL (current style) REPUBLICAN!!!
My first choice of colleges was your Oberlin, but too expensive, so I got in but no scholarship, so expected to go to Michigan, your Law School, which also accepted me, but my kindly high school basketball coach got me into Denison where I excelled -- and had grants in aid. Funny how we had similar schools choices, no??? I'm older by two years.
Sorry my Kennedy-connected pal, Elizabeth unseated you -- but then you did little to help her get elected to NC State Senate, did you??? I'm thinking you MUST be tied to narco-trafficking -- but I have no direct evidence. You were a Federal prosecutor from DC, and I am friends with Rudy Renfer, whom I've spoken with by phone from Mexico as well as met with in person in Raleigh. http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/08/after-speaking-with-rudy-renfer.html
The Weather Continues . . . : After Speaking with Rudy ...
After Speaking with Rudy Renfer, Assistant US Attorney in His Office, the Recept at NC Democratic Party in THEIR Offices, Mike Williams of the DEA in ...
All that typed, I can't take you off a list you are not on, but I WILL refrain from emailing you copies of blog posts -- unless I mention you in them. I REFUSE to talk behind anyone's back.
On National Voter Registration Day, we celebrate the tireless fight of many – including Rep. John Lewis – who worked to secure voting rights for all. We must ne...
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