1. Yeah, if you are like me, it is VERY DIFFICULT to take a gorgeous woman who is named or goes by "TeTe" seriously.
TeTe Murray Cox is the author of the Facebook messages to me that I posted here: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/09/isolating-jennifer-mccracken-and.html, and that represented less than half of our back-and-forth. And this last posting is the latest of mine to go SUPER-VIRAL (at least relatively), so
I had planned to email that posting to ALL Judges from Judge Hockenbury down, but only can find HIS email address, which is short two letters of his surname handle -- either an error, or it is so old, it came from the era of only up to eight letters allowed, when I was "scotke".
And I frequently run into a page listing ALL email addresses of New Hanover County Judges -- as recently as two weeks ago -- but now Google search engine will not yield it.
I eventually FOUND them all, and emailed all the JUDGES in Wilmington Courts at about 5:00 PM!!!
I also plan to text to both George Cutter and Tomi Matheson, a link to my last posting for obvious reasons -- and neither of them read this blog or have email addresses they share with me.
AS TO THE FATE OF TeTe: in later messages to me, she begged me not to publish her name, photo, or phone number, and I said I WOULD DO THAT, only if she did not call me by noon today. And this morning, she has -- rather than call me -- either BLOCKED ME on Facebook, or pulled her entire Page off, so SOMETHING has gotten WORSE.
I changed my mind as I can't decide if she is real or fake (I know she's a real person due to her comments on the pages of Southern Roots (hair) Salon, B & H Motorsports, and Cape Fear Rescue Mission), and it HORRIFIES me that she might have made up the story of her boyfriend's fate with Wilmington Police and Emily Zvejniecks -- although having actually experienced WORSE myself from Ms Zvejniecks and Wilmington Police MURDERED my friend Evan Fish -- the story itself is MORE than believable to me!!!
So, there is no point in my publishing her phone number (which Law Enforcement can easily get, and only they should need it -- I'd hate for her to have to abandon it if published in Public).
But the OTHER possibility is that she is just a clever decoy, meant to trick me into SOMETHING.
I changed my mind as I can't decide if she is real or fake (I know she's a real person due to her comments on the pages of Southern Roots (hair) Salon, B & H Motorsports, and Cape Fear Rescue Mission), and it HORRIFIES me that she might have made up the story of her boyfriend's fate with Wilmington Police and Emily Zvejniecks -- although having actually experienced WORSE myself from Ms Zvejniecks and Wilmington Police MURDERED my friend Evan Fish -- the story itself is MORE than believable to me!!!
So, there is no point in my publishing her phone number (which Law Enforcement can easily get, and only they should need it -- I'd hate for her to have to abandon it if published in Public).
But the OTHER possibility is that she is just a clever decoy, meant to trick me into SOMETHING.
And now, a word about Judge Jay Hockenbury, whom I chance-met in 2011, in the Subway on Front Street, now next to the Dollar Taco store.
At that time, I was tied up in several of D.A. Ben David's many false charges in Court, and the amiable Judge immediately stated he could NOT discuss any of that since one or more of them might eventually end up in Superior Court -- but he COULD discuss the Law and related matters in general, which we DID -- motor-mouth-ed-ly -- until he had to return to work.
Jay Hockenbury was the ONLY kindred spirit I had in Wilmington then -- but we had no other contact.
And BEST for me, is that he is a devout Evangelical -- and a REPUBLICAN!!! Just read this article to understand him a little: http://www.starnewsonline.com/article/20090812/ARTICLES/908129950?tc=ar
This image reminded me of visiting with my Mom and sister Jane when I first returned to the States from Mexico, late June of this year. I commented on my niece's loaded Honda sedan with leather and skylight sitting in Mom's driveway for the summer, while Taylor worked as an intern in New York City, before returning for her senior year at UNC Chapel Hill.
Sister Jane said, "Oh Mike's kids are all TOTALLY SPOILED!!! They never had to work for ANYTHING (Connor and Max DID both work as servers at Chili's -- perceived then as a COOL job). They just did athletics programs all summer to excel at that (which they DID excel at), and played. They had NO experience of working like we did, growing up."
And Jane continued to say that Taylor had been whining about having to work 9-5 as an intern -- and wondered WHAT she would do in a REAL JOB after college -- LOL!!!
Jay Hockenbury was the ONLY kindred spirit I had in Wilmington then -- but we had no other contact.
And BEST for me, is that he is a devout Evangelical -- and a REPUBLICAN!!! Just read this article to understand him a little: http://www.starnewsonline.com/article/20090812/ARTICLES/908129950?tc=ar
Scott Kenan shared Sandra Beckham's photo.
“The Bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass murderer. This may be the single most important key to the political behavior of Western Civilization.”
― Robert Anton Wilson
― Robert Anton Wilson
This image reminded me of visiting with my Mom and sister Jane when I first returned to the States from Mexico, late June of this year. I commented on my niece's loaded Honda sedan with leather and skylight sitting in Mom's driveway for the summer, while Taylor worked as an intern in New York City, before returning for her senior year at UNC Chapel Hill.
Sister Jane said, "Oh Mike's kids are all TOTALLY SPOILED!!! They never had to work for ANYTHING (Connor and Max DID both work as servers at Chili's -- perceived then as a COOL job). They just did athletics programs all summer to excel at that (which they DID excel at), and played. They had NO experience of working like we did, growing up."
And Jane continued to say that Taylor had been whining about having to work 9-5 as an intern -- and wondered WHAT she would do in a REAL JOB after college -- LOL!!!

And after MOST of the last five years living in Mexico, I am OVERWHELMED by all the choices in all the supermarkets, now BEYOND upscale!!!

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