Anthony Carmichael only shows a few teeth when he opens his mouth. His buddy he sat laughing like a hyena with in a car in front of these apartments -- as documented in this blog a few days ago -- is a black guy with heavy gold cross on a chain around his neck and at least six front teeth rimmed in gold.
Just what EVERY Christian Mama -- black, white, or even palomino -- would be PROUD to call her son!!!
Jennifer McCracken, hand hiding her un-shaved partial beard, typically looks more like this, in her Mor(m)onic quest to control Anthony Humphrey (no photo), who Jenny tells me will have sex with me any time, but Anthony tells me he only likes sex with men if they overpower him and thrust it deeply into his rectum.
Thinking that Anthony had to have been kidding, I did NOT report this before -- but now I think he might have liked it -- given his penchant for violence. I've also documented in this blog that Mr. Humphrey had twice before claimed he would have his buddies beat the crap out of me because what Jennifer had told him of what I posted on blog about him was "interfering with (his) pussy", meaning his many female fuck-buds -- a LOVELY CHRISTIAN WAY to refer to women, Anthony professing that he is a TRUE CHRISTIAN to his BONE (boner???).
And Anthony ALSO screamed at me in the elevator the day drops of water hit him from my rain-hood, he claiming I had just pulled AIDS out of my faggot ass, and attempted to murder him, thereby -- giving him the right to kill me then and there -- but as he put his jugs of laundry chemicals down to free his hands, the door opened and I fled.
When I filed for a Restraining Order with "ex parte", Judge Faison, scheduled a hearing, denying the "ex parte", but saying I really should file CRIMINAL charges, not Civil -- and REALLY this says VOLUMES about the state of violence and intimidation that is considered rather pedestrian in Wilmington.
At that same time, I explained to Judge Faison how Jamie Sutherland of Chicago Wells Fargo had with Fox News Talking Head and Lawyer, Daliah Saper, illegally and unconstitutionally tried me in absentia on a completely false charge of LIBEL, essentially getting in the "judgement" copyright to ALL my writing of note -- to the day I DIE!!!
And Jamie only asked for $50,000.00 -- and NOTHING else -- and getting $500,000.00 (plus court costs), but at least the Cook County Courts Inspector told me if I can get there, I will easily be able to have it all thrown out and then sue them for fortunes.
I will, soon enough!!! But after I take care of this: -- and the funny thing is that after about five PUBLIC denials from her that I met Jenny McCracken first in Costello's (gay) Piano Bar the same night I ran into lawyer David Nash -- who with Republican Judge Chad Hogston and Public Defender Emile Zvejniecks -- who did NOT let me know that local Democratic Party 3rd Vice Chair Ryan Lee Burris's roommate, then, John Mann (an admitted international narco-trafficker under guise of being a private equities trader -- which I several times saw him working at on his computer, without fully being allowed to see the screen, who Emily told me WOULD testify against Mr. Nash on MY behalf, only admitted to the opposite after saying Mr. Mann should appear in Court soon since he was not there when I was brought in in jail clothes.
When Mr. Mann showed up and sat behind David Nash, Emily Zvejniecks told me, "Oh sorry, I forgot to tell you he's testifying for Mr. Nash."
Anyway, Jennifer McCracken is looking more and more like this Protestant Christian woman, nowadays.
And the other thing, is that Judge Faison was a Christian minister before becoming a Judge. As is well known, black Christians have traditionally been MORE hateful to gays than any other group -- which stifles people from saying what they don't think they want to hear. I had forgotten about that fact until Judge Faison seemed SHOCKED to learn that Barack Obama is well known to be gay (especially outside the USA).
The last couple of months, even a majority of BLACK FOLKS in Wilmington are WELL AWARE OF THIS -- but NOT Judge Faison!!!
I have been getting messages via various methods from people ALSO abused by Wilmington Police and Defender Emily Zvejniecks. Without now identifying her, this is one of the more egregious. Also, I keep forgetting to say that while she represented me brilliantly, Defender Jennifer Harjo told me to ONLY email her at her PRIVATE email address -- as all in the Courts System KNEW that Ben David had full access to read ALL emails ending
- Today
1. Because I keep running into apartments manager Tomi Matheson -- and we keep relating intelligently and in very friendly ways -- and after I told her the story of today's MAIN EVENT, she said, "Can Jenny really have THAT much power???" And she seemed as flabbergasted about it as was I.
I DID explain to her that I've had several conversations with George Cutter, who is now completely cool with me -- the real problem being that international narco-traffickers got him and Tomi to believe a lot of lies about me -- I mean Jenny as Christine Hutchins knew ALL ABOUT the murder of BBC Star Colin Stuart Hamilton in Puerto Vallarta -- and that his body had to be DUG UP a five hour drive away!!!
She also knew of playwright Del Shores's narco-trafficking -- and defended David Nash and Ryan Burris VEHEMENTLY
But THIS was the MOST DAMNING thing she revealed:
Jennifer INSISTED that Republican Judge Lindsey Luther is ABOVE REPROACH (which no HUMAN ever is).
Read more here:
Not only did Judge Luther decide to combine my requests for Restraining Orders against Jennifer McCracken and Anthony Humphrey together -- as one case -- which she'd told EARLIER petitioners in that Court could NOT be done, she granted the Orders to EVERY petitioner whose defendant did NOT show for Court!!!
This Christian Harlot and Deacon at First Presbyterian (also Ben David's church -- where he was elevated to Elder), did NOT ask ME if I wanted that -- and DISMISSED both Orders, protecting the DRUG MAFIA -- just like now deceased Rev. Jim Holderness of that same congregation had PROUDLY told me he and Pastor Ernie Thompson had elevated Ben David to Deacon (in 2011) -- TO PROTECT HIM FROM CRITICISM OF HIS HOLY CHRISTIAN WAYS!!!
Anyway, George and I are so cool now, that HE said, "As I've told you, some day we'll have a beer together and LAUGH about all of this!!!" -- which he NEVER said before, but was cleverly aping MY words from several previous conversations.
And as ALL people of intelligence and knowledge of Law know, George and Tomi's ABSOLUTELY KNOWING that Anthony Carmichael and Jennifer McCracken are International Drug Dealers -- or intimately connected to that -- means that they will be held liable in COURTS, if they don't find a way to get them out of these apartments ASAP!!!
I believe the Law allows the building to be SEIZED by government, if they don't -- but it is TRICKY, since Local Law Enforcement and Courts are so DEEPLY in the pockets of Drug Mafia -- set up by my own parents and others when Mom and Dad lived here in the 1980s and 90s.
And the way things are going, they would be better off moving me to a lower floor apartment with more room but at same rent (but not on whatever floor Anthony Carmichael lives on).
This would also be EVIDENCE that Mr. Cutter and Ms. Matheson were NEVER consciously aware of giving safe harbor to international narco-traffickers.
As Mr. Cutter has told me, his lawyer charges $500.00 per hour -- and we will have MANY, MANY hours in jury trial with my lawyer DESTROYING the PERJURIES of Ms. McCracken and Mr. Carmichael -- and if we are NOT convinced that Mr. Cutter and Ms. Matheson were simply BAMBOOZLED by those two, we will destroy THEIR perjuries too (they committed many in the first hearing).
2. I spoke with Bank of America HQ today, and they explained that they had SOLD my debt to a collection agency in 2012 (so there had been a miscommunication between the Branch Manager and me, then). I'll file for bankruptcy to deal with this, eventually.
They are completely cool with me now -- and my account is protected from raid by that collector.
Jeanette Latham actually died on April 25, 2013, so Gerry Miller of had NO REASON to claim this past Tuesday, that her mother-in-law had JUST DIED and crying, claimed she could not talk about ANYTHING, then.
PROVING that Lee Gosney did NOT die of cancer -- like Lee told me he was on his deathbed of.
Mike Massicott and Patrick Stansbury ALSO left FAKE CHRISTIAN nice messages.
And it was both Robert Arnold Trayhan (about Lee/Pentagon Publishing doing HUGE business distributing drugs with mafia and paying off Wilmington area politicians), and Evan Fish (former top cocaine distributor in the State of Maine for two years -- who told me he was ALWAYS supplied there by Lee Gosney of Pentagon Publishing (aka "TOPGRAD").
And they both claimed that Lee traveled as an AUTHORIZED speaker for both Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous (which I already knew he did some years before being fired by Patrick Stansbury in 2010 -- Lee always drinking fairly heavily at our Christmas Parties with no "Drunken Effect")!!!
Evan Fish was MURDERED by Wilmington Police September 2011, because he knew too much -- and the Wilmington Star News CONTINUES to cover it up!!!
Today, when I called Gerry Flynn's land-line at home/office, 770-266-6904, she refused to take the call. Later, her phone had either blocked ME or ALL calls, as the message was that it was not now taking incoming calls.
THAT was when I finally found Jeanette Latham's obituary -- and called Gerry via Pentagon Publishing's main number, 404-262-3121, got her extension, and she AGAIN refused the call, so I left a message, very pleasantly, explaining that if she does NOT call me, I will make certain that the DEA and US Justice Department understand that she prefers to side with the NARCO-TRAFFICKERS -- and that if she doesn't speak with me, I will likely show up at her door. That, only because Wilmington is again DRY of marijuana, and my PTSD is acting up again. She and her husband Joel Miller ALWAYS had at least a half pound and sold it to me are very reasonable prices.
Mr. Cutter had actually called me a couple of days ago with a suggestion of how to find a good apartment away from narco-traffickers, which led to my finding a listing of landlords of apartments in the Historic District. The first one I called, a listing for owners Art and Lee Wallach at 111 Church Street, was answered at the listed number, 910-232-8628, by Mark Smith (part owner also in, as well as owning MANY apartment properties that he manages entirely on his own, the antiques business being run by his partner, there).
The apartment was PERFECT and the price was right. Mark went into LOTS of detail, because we hit it off so well, and my history with Tennessee Williams, my Kenan DNA, and deep knowledge of Wilmington history. Also, because we both knew Michael Moore of his antiques store on Castle Street -- and Charles Adams, who has now sold out and Mark told me moved to another town, recently -- we even discussing that Mr. Adams and I had had the same lover, a black guy who had been the lover of a Home Depot Vice President, now in prison for accepting bribes from suppliers.
I'm blanking on his name, but I knew him (for sexual fun), in Atlanta in over several years in the early oughts, and ran into him in Wilmington in 2011, shocked to see he had turned into a crack addict and lived in total squalor (until he moved in with Charles Adams). In any case, I called Michael Moore about 1.5 years ago from Mexico, having heard this guy had "disappeared", and Micheal said they all knew he had been murdered by Drug Mafia.
Michael should KNOW, as he is a big member in narco-trafficking Rev. James McLaughlin's (a DEFROCKED Catholic priest who refused to tell me WHY he was defrocked), St. Jude's MCC Church -- which also has very close ties to Ryan Lee Burris. And Mr. Moore is a HEAVY Republican who TOTALLY SUPPORTS Democrat BEN DAVID, D.A.!!!
Also, I once attended a "Satanist Ceremony" out of curiosity at an art gallery then on that same block of Castle Street (that while I was still here in 2012 moved to where New Elements Gallery (unrelated), is now, and Google Maps claims is a SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT substation -- LOL!!!
While still on Castle, that other gallery was where I met Han Hills of Wilmington Web, who soon BLOCKED me from my own domain,, FREEZING IT in Time, and DESTROYED my website for my book -- as documented MANY places in this blog.
Well, Mark smith and I agreed that I should have that apartment and he even introduced me to one of my soon neighbors. We agreed that I would bring back a $750.00 security deposit with the names, contact info for my last two landlords (both are positive -- especially since in Puerto Vallarta I ALWAYS paid rent before due the whole 2.5 years -- and left on good terms with the landlord), as well as proof of income and contact info to set up payments from Benefits Management. Mark expected to make the final decision Monday morning, since he was going out of town for the weekend, but encouraged me to give him the money and info this afternoon, to secure the apartment for myself.
After withdrawing the money at the bank, I returned to write up the info (he has no form to fill out for ANY of his many, many tenants), and then he called to say his Dad is not doing well with cancer -- and that he would likely have to go and stay there even longer than a MONTH!!!
Of course I was saddened to hear of this -- but then asked how he would accept and deposit his many rents, deal with any problems, etc. -- from a distant state. He had made clear MANY times that he had no assistants, although groundsmen and repair people to call on.
But he said I needed to rent elsewhere, and not to bother him again.
So I said that my narco-trafficking friend Gerry Flynn had just two days before, pulled a total BULL SHIT LIE about a death in her family -- and NOW he was full of DRUG-MAFIA SHIT, himself.
I suspect Michael Moore told him I might disrupt MARK'S Drug Business -- but I can't prove it.
And then I found Mark Smith's website for his Property Management company and my anti-virus BLOCKED me from going there:

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