I'm not certain what brought Rusty Hooks, Jr. of Arbor Advantage tree service to mind so strongly now -- he was my employer of well over a month in 2011, while I still had the shotgun apartment on South 8th Street, across the street from the self-described "Team Padezanin" Drug Gang of several houses of WHITE neighbors, including (Hand-Painted Homes was the drug front, although previously a well-respected, legitimate business), George and Cheryl Padezanin, several local grade-school teachers, and a professor from UNC-W.
And Peter and Jess DeMaria had the other half of the shotgun house -- including their Crack or Meth Lab, which they REMOVED in the middle of the night after I blogged about it then -- LOL!!!
Peter DeMaria https://www.linkedin.com/in/peterdemaria
Jess DeMaria https://www.linkedin.com/pub/jess-demaria/37/67/5b4
My landlord, Kenneth Jernigan, claiming he had a job promoting the City of Wilmington and traveling for that frequently -- actually set up DRUG DEALS, and evicted me after Ben David had me in jail so long on the FALSE CHARGE made by David Nash, I was too behind in rent to catch up (in absentia, was the hearing held without my getting notice of it -- LOL!!!).
Also, When I told Kenneth Jernigan about the Meth Lab I had chased out of his property before it BLEW UP by accident, Jernigan told me to MIND MY BUSINESS and leave them alone!!!
Also, When I told Kenneth Jernigan about the Meth Lab I had chased out of his property before it BLEW UP by accident, Jernigan told me to MIND MY BUSINESS and leave them alone!!!
Cheryl Padezanin was actually a friend, going back to their growing up together in Pennsylvania, of my free-loading roommate of six weeks, Cindy Beatty:
And also freeloading with Cindy was her gay boyfriend, Chris Wright Rogers, who confirmed that only ONE of the Episcopal Clergy at St. James (at that time), was involved heavily in Narco-Trafficking.
Chris Rogers
ANYWAY, back to Rusty Hooks, Jr.

I don't have a photo, but he was built just like this but had red hair.
Chris Rogers and Cindy Beatty BOTH told me that Ben David was getting info on me from Rusty Hooks (who had made two hands-on sexual passes at me while PRAISING JESUS -- scaring me into thinking he'd kill me as soon as he came), and of course I found out that Wilmington City Detectives were PAYING Chris and Cindy to raid my files and steal some of my papers to build a case against me, they leaving even one of the business cards of a detective in my house when I finally kicked them out!!!
Rusty R Hooks Jr
Age: 45-49
So how I got to thinking about Hotsy-Totsy Rusty, best friend of a recently retired Chancellor of UNC-W -- as well as of now deceased Rev. William "Pete" Brown of First Presbyterian, whose photo I have MANY TIMES published on blog and saved on this computer -- but ALL these images now appear to be SCRUBBED AWAY (or at least NSA/Google/Blogger is not allowing me access to them), is who told me that he and Ernie Thompson were PROUD to protect District Attorney Benjamin R. David -- by making him appear to be a CHRISTIAN (and then a Deacon, now an ELDER of First Prez)!!!
>>> CORRECTION: I believe that William "Pete" Brown actually retired and is alive (and he DID know Rusty Hooks intimately) -- but it was Rev. Jim Holderness (whose widow, Ginny Holderness (a DEVIL-DEACON like Judge Lindsey Luther whose husband is GUNG HO for the Christian Race War, to be LED in Wilmington by First Presbyterian -- see: http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2015/08/rp-i-squeezed-judge-lindsey-luthers.html) is a particularly "FEMALE CONTROLLING" BITCH (but wraps herself in "positive Bible stuff" as her cover for hatred), who told me that he and Ernie Thompson PROTECT Ben David and his Narco-Trafficking. I don't know that the congregation's Devils -- like Ben David, Judge Luther, etc. -- ever gave Ernie a choice!!!
I don't believe Ernie Thompson even KNEW about this, and Pete Brown DID have some kind of SUPER-SERIOUS relationship with Rusty Hooks!!!
1. We'll call him "Joshua Horn", because like Joshua's horn, he LOVED to be blown!!!
2. Not only was he the USED kept boy in luxury by a retired major US Senator or Congressman (Democrat), who is now a POWERFUL Lobbyist, living three or five blocks from the US Capitol, but he approached me EXACTLY like Robert "Robbie" Arnold Trahan (or Trayhan) had:
Well, today I spoke with Teri Motsinger at Benefits Management to work out how I will pay October rent (and then OKed that with "Testosteroni" as well).
But Teri convinced me NOT to give the first, middle, and last names of "Joshua Horn" in this blog posting -- because it could cause Joshua TROUBLE on the streets before he moves out of town early next month (if he continues on his current plan).
>>> CORRECTION: I believe that William "Pete" Brown actually retired and is alive (and he DID know Rusty Hooks intimately) -- but it was Rev. Jim Holderness (whose widow, Ginny Holderness (a DEVIL-DEACON like Judge Lindsey Luther whose husband is GUNG HO for the Christian Race War, to be LED in Wilmington by First Presbyterian -- see: http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2015/08/rp-i-squeezed-judge-lindsey-luthers.html) is a particularly "FEMALE CONTROLLING" BITCH (but wraps herself in "positive Bible stuff" as her cover for hatred), who told me that he and Ernie Thompson PROTECT Ben David and his Narco-Trafficking. I don't know that the congregation's Devils -- like Ben David, Judge Luther, etc. -- ever gave Ernie a choice!!!
Many called Jim Holderness "Old Light-Bulb Head".
I don't believe Ernie Thompson even KNEW about this, and Pete Brown DID have some kind of SUPER-SERIOUS relationship with Rusty Hooks!!!
This is the Ernie Thompson I remember -- an HONEST and LOVING man, whose philosophy was so close to mine -- we might have gotten MARRIED (in another world).
Also, Gary-the-Maintenance-Man at that church did and DOES have a BIG PROBLEM with me, as inadvertently pointed out to me first by Ernie!!!
Just had to CLEAR THE AIR before contacting Ernie (not today).
1. We'll call him "Joshua Horn", because like Joshua's horn, he LOVED to be blown!!!
2. Not only was he the USED kept boy in luxury by a retired major US Senator or Congressman (Democrat), who is now a POWERFUL Lobbyist, living three or five blocks from the US Capitol, but he approached me EXACTLY like Robert "Robbie" Arnold Trahan (or Trayhan) had:
Mr. Trahan was LARGER, but had similar trouble "coming", and required extensive attentions.
District Attorney Benjamin R. David had sex with Robbie as well -- and paid female whores to have sex with Robbie and Michael "Jersey" Keogh (who is still alive and living in Wilmington -- but refuses to meet with me), Mr. David paying those two for INFO ON ME!!!:
Jersey was one-time butcher to Richard M. Nixon!!!
Can't you feel that good woman BLUSHING when she reads this -- which she said she WILL -- I explaining that as of YESTERDAY, the CIA has BLOCKED TERI FROM RECEIVING MY EMAILS!!!
I WILL give the name in the email title to those I send this to via email, though. Joshua told me he had been a CLOSE FRIEND of Robbie Trahan BEFORE he moved for that year to Washington, DC to shack up with the Democrat Lobbyist!!!
But Teri convinced me NOT to give the first, middle, and last names of "Joshua Horn" in this blog posting -- because it could cause Joshua TROUBLE on the streets before he moves out of town early next month (if he continues on his current plan).
THIS is why I love Teri so much -- she cares about ALL her clients, NO MATTER WHAT!!!
FUNNY, is that just yesterday, I came across two snail-mailed letters from Robbie Trayhan that he sent me after he moved to Texas -- one all but proposing LEGAL MARRIAGE and LIFE OF SEXUAL BLISS -- if I moved to Texas to live in his lair.
Just another RUSE, I'm sure.
And I'm ALSO SURE I'm Watched Over by God -- not to have picked up any STDs then or since -- no???
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