Thursday, September 3, 2015

Despite It Being Silly Season, I continue to Make Progress!!!

*** REMINDER ---- Kim Davis goes to jail in Kentucky, but her anti-gay actions are legal in North Carolina!

Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis is in jail for repeatedly disobeying a court order to do her job. In North Carolina, her actions are completely legal.
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  • Scott Kenan I assume Ryan Lee Burris, Head of Cape Fear Equality who lives or lived with known narco-traffickers, and who slandered me on Facebook, which I can prove in Court of Law, but have chosen SO FAR not to prosecute, wrote this -- when according to several CBS TV reports TODAY, show that only Three counties in Kentucky, One in Texas, and quite a few in Alabama, are NOT issuing marriage license to gays, currently -- NO PROBLEMS in other states at all!!!. This FEAR MONGERING re: North Carolina is ridiculous -- but GOOD NEWS, Ryan: I'm looking at TWO apartments in YOUR BLOCK to move into since deciding to move out of the Carolina Apartments that are INFESTED with narco-traffickers who SPECIFICALLY have stood up FOR you in comments to my blog, saying you are a "Good Guy" beyond criticism. See my posting today, to see my story of knowing Jackie Kennedy Onassis. Who do YOU know -- other than narco-traffickers, Sir???
  • Grégory Maley They're NOT legal in North Carolina any more than they're legal in Kentucky. There may be people violating the law here just as she did, it's not legal.
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Scott Kenan And I've already posted this to my blog, in a posting not yet completed, that will be emailed not just to Roy Cooper, who will be the next DEMOCRATIC Governor of NC, but to Elizabeth Redenbaugh, Head of our LOCAL Democratic Party (where Ryan Burris is Third Chair) -- SCANDAL!!!
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Packed house today at the NCDP training in New Hanover County!

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  • Scott Kenan I was PROUD to be at this meeting (the gray-head, writing, behind the front gray-head woman in black). Check out my blog posting TODAY of my letter to JFK's grandson Jack Schlossberg -- about meeting Jackie Kennedy Onassis while I worked for Tennessee Williams!!! DEMOCRATS have MOMENTUM in North Carolina!!!
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When I first (2011), met Ryan Burris (on left), he was dating James Elks, a self- and Ryan-Burris-identified drug dealer, who has since FLED TOWN. Their parties at their "Gay House" in the 700 block of S. Fifth Street often included disgraced/resigned Republican State Senator, Thom Goolsby, who CONTROLS narco-trafficking in Port Wilmington!!!

Ryan sits on the far right end of my row at the meeting.

And here is John Mann, another of  Ryan's roommates in 2011, who PERJURED HIMSELF  when Republican Lawyer David Nash -- who then owned Costello's (gay) Piano Bar (and still controls it), screwed me in Court, but now I'm back to TEACH DAVID NASH and other Republicans (and drug-corrupted Democrats), a LEGAL LESSON!!!

David A. Nash

Wilmington DEA resident agent in charge Michael Franklin says he's increasingly seeing cartel-linked cases.

Head of the Wilmington, NC DEA office, Mike Franklin, who in the linked CNN article explains that Wilmington, NC is a Mexican Cartel Sub-Hub -- and I can PROVE it was set up with help of my parents in the 1980s and 90s and President Nixon's Chief  Aide, John Ehlichman!!!

Anyway, the guy sitting on his porch next to one of the apartments I was looking at (three doors from Ryan's rented house), said that the neighborhood is FULL of drugs, and when he went inside for a minute to drain his bladder, his pack of cigarettes was STOLEN from his porch -- despite his having a closed gate on the picket fence, and then several steps up to the picketed porch -- so I don't know if I'll choose THAT apartment -- but maybe the other . . .

I also looked at a couple of other apartments, cleaned the trash out of my apartment, wrote, was offered hits of marijuana by some black folks (which I refused, since I was too busy to relax), answered Carolina Apartments manager Tomi Matheson's text asking if she could begin showing my apartment -- but we agreed that she could ONLY after I sign a lease elsewhere -- and I ran into my DRUG-TRAFFICKING nemesis from down the hall:

Jennifer McCracken, who proved she has ties to Narco-Traffickers in Puerto Vallarta and California -- in CA, our mutual friend playwright Del Shores:

And it was in Costello's Piano Bar that I first MET Jenny McCracken -- who totally defends Ryan Burris (as well as Del Shores), and knew the details of how BBC star Colin Hamilton, my friend, was MURDERED in Puerto Vallarta -- before other members of the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group knew a THING of what had happened!!!

Anyway, today, Jenny asked me how I was doing -- quite cheerfully, she now AFRAID of me -- and I said, "OK!!!"


"Live Life to the Fullest"

Although I DID meet President and Mrs. Reagan at a White House party in 1981, I never met Frank Sinatra. I DO, however, know Frank's great-nephew, Danny -- and his wife, Phoebe Dollar, who live in Wilmington!!!


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