1. I spoke with my mother this morning, to let her know how Jennifer McCracken had on her OWN divulged that she really is Christine Hitchens, who knew MORE about the murder of Colin Hamilton in Puerto Vallarta, and playwright Del Shores's involvement with drugs than ANYONE I had contact with in Puerto Vallarta -- or at least that anyone felt free to talk about. And Jenny did it at the EXACT MOMENT I had given up trying to get to her to DEFINITIVELY do so, although the evidence was more than clear to everyone EXCEPT Judge Lindsey Luther -- who clearly was protecting her -- witness her having told Anthony Humphrey NOT to bother going to Court -- because it was all taken care of!!!
So when I publicly announced I would move out of here, ALL tension dropped -- and Jenny relaxed in her "VICTORY" so much that she did not SAY SO to me, but took to the internet and in the guise of Christine Hitchens BLURTED IT OUT!!!
And also so Mom knew I had already begun looking for an apartment.
But Mom HATES when I talk about my knowledge of Drug Mafia, and began giving me a kindly-style "bum's rush", when I quickly squeezed in asking if she had heard the news of Pope Francis's relaxation of how Catholics get past the auto-excommunication from an abortion -- and she had.
So I brought up that I had had no idea Julie had had to go to a Bishop to get past hers when she returned to the Church years ago. I was testing, because I suspected Mom had never known about it -- and Julie probably had not done that, but from Mom's reaction, I got the impression I was wrong on both counts.
And I said that I was THRILLED because even though I don't accept Catholic theology, I understand how that would be a HUGE help to women in the Church, especially. Now, my mother had been GLAD about the Roe v. Wade decision when it came about, but later reversed when the Church got "rabid" about abortions, and I said that although she and I differed on theology -- and abortion, with the Church position that life begins at conception, and mine and that of most scientists (and Science of Mind and other metaphysical teachings), that it begins at the point when the fetus reaches viability, but I won't argue with her about it, but we just differ in belief.
Now, please remember that Mom and I have differed in this for many, many years now, neither of us changing. I had not argued WHY I hold my belief -- or why "my side" holds it, but simply stated it -- and accurately, without ridicule or condescension, stated the belief of HER side. Mom had already been talking over me -- like her usual NAZI-BULLY way I've known since childhood, and when I finished, she yelled at me that it was FINE to simply hold our beliefs and not try to argue our reasons, but I had NOT let her FINISH (not acknowledging that she had begun talking over me -- not letting ME finish first). So not having been able to hear what she had talked over me since I was talking, I apologized, and said I'd listen without interruption.
She then began a rationale for her and the Church position -- which she just agreed not to do. And she began to be long-winded, but worse, presenting things FAR less rational than she had arguing that point before to me, that I pointed out to her she had just agreed not to do that, called her a NAZI-BULLY (and something worse), than hung up.
I ASTOUNDS me how insulting she can be and how much she hates God that she feels she has to BULLY to have any effect. God is Reason, Knowlege, and Wisdom -- powered by Infinite Love.
And LOVE never has to bully!!!
2. I thank all for making this posting the TOP posting hit in a WEEK -- after only 17 hours!!!: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/08/first-presbyterian-wilmington-nc-not.html
3. In yesterday's mail, mailed on August 28, I found notice that the trial of appeal of my eviction is to be held October 19, 2015 at 9:30 AM. "or as soon thereafter" as possible, although early the afternoon of August 31, the file clerk said there was nothing in the file about when it would be -- and this one says it's to be before a judge -- rather than with a jury, as I had selected.
I think that is all very strange, but I think we will have worked all out before then anyway.
I mentioned this to Joseph Faulk in New York last night, and he said I should probably CANCEL my appeal, which of course means I would have to be out no later than ten days after my cancellation -- possibly IMMEDIATELY (since it is more than ten days since I lost the initial hearing), and possibly be liable for Court costs!!!
I think that is all very strange, but I think we will have worked all out before then anyway.
I mentioned this to Joseph Faulk in New York last night, and he said I should probably CANCEL my appeal, which of course means I would have to be out no later than ten days after my cancellation -- possibly IMMEDIATELY (since it is more than ten days since I lost the initial hearing), and possibly be liable for Court costs!!!
I was so shocked that AGAIN he BRAZENLY acted as if he was part of the Drug Mafia, I told him so, then hung up on him.
There being new protocols, I was escorted to the office after going through security -- sad, but understandable -- and it proved a VERY GOOD IDEA, soon enough!!!
I still had not heard back from Agent Franklin, to whom I'd been referred by the Raleigh office, and being a little impatient and knowing that at least in Raleigh they had ALREADY been reading my blog and loving it -- but the language gets shrill, so I know it best to make a PERSONAL introduction, even if unannounced, and I'd not likely be able to talk much today.
I have to say that the building guards seem universally incredibly cool and DEEPLY knowledgeable, including the one who escorted me, we exchanging a few words, and he passing MY test of dept of knowledge and PATRIOTISM.
In the office, we waited for an agent to come out to speak with me. Seeing a young black man who could perfectly blend into the street crowd, I was thrilled, but he proved to APE the kind of lines I got from the Coast Guard Drug Interdiction Officer, Derrick A Vachon, in 2011 -- ONLY willing to listen to HARD evidence I had on narco-trafficking RIGHT NOW that they could sic agents on IMMEDIATELY, different than the approach of DEA Agent, then, Jeff Grant, who like Hillary Clinton talking about her server, made light of it saying "You mean I wiped it -- like with a CLOTH???" Jeff simply tried to ha-ha-ha everything I said, then.
But he demonstrated some patience with me telling him MANY key things and my connections that would have anyone SEROUS SALIVATING at what I know about organization and insight into methodologies -- to say nothing of my collection of business cards of traffickers, photos of even some traffickers and their licence plates, to say nothing of stories of what happened -- I once witnessing transfer of what had to have street value of well over $10,000,000.00!!!
And I knew that that room was audio/video recorded, so that SOMEONE who cared would see the interview. I know I got in what I know about my distant Kenan family's involvement, with the Episcopal Church -- and Gen. Honore's deep knowledge of that and his knowledge of the Atlanta/Stone Mountain ring -- and even my own * parents' involvement in setting setting up Wilmington narco-trafficking when they lived here in the 1980s and 90s, and their working with President Nixon's top aide, John Ehrlichman, and later Sean Hannity's close friend Christal Presley -- my "Atlanta Nemesis" -- but before I got out how Mom worked with Coach Lou Holtz (John Boehner's co-strategist even now), in the late 1960s, he AGAIN cut me off, dismissing all of it as unimportant and asking what I knew that was RIGHT NOW ACTIONABLE.
So I said I DID know of one thing, telling him about having the evidence of Jennifer McCracken's sales of marijuana to me and offer of sales of opiates and harder drugs, but THAT was a local police matter -- except that she just last night had PROVEN she is "Christine Hitchens" who knows more about drug mafia drug business and the murder of Colin Hamilton than anyone I know in Puerto Vallarta -- as well as that of Del Shores's involvement with the drug trade.
He AGAIN was dismissive, so I very respectfully and in a same-tone-of-voice way, said, "Sir, I'm not completely convinced you are actually listening to me fully," and the escorting officer immediately opened the door to the hall wide, and me taking my cue most smoothly, thanked him and left -- then thanked the Officer for his perfect timing, saying we need not discuss that strange occurrence, but once around the hall-corner, we did, the Officer saying I "had displayed PERFECT self-control!!!"
Oh, and I HAD worked in about First Presbyterian proudly protecting DA Ben David, and Republican Judges Luther (as well as her husband's preparations for RACE WAR -- like First Presbyterian's involvement with William Rand Kenan, Sr. in the 1898 Wilmington Insurrection), and Noecker as Deacons and Elders -- not claiming they were narco-trafficking, but that they protected it by corruption of the Courts. I even having my one and only "cheeky" moment of saying I'd sucked many of the same cocks that Ben David has!!!
I still had not heard back from Agent Franklin, to whom I'd been referred by the Raleigh office, and being a little impatient and knowing that at least in Raleigh they had ALREADY been reading my blog and loving it -- but the language gets shrill, so I know it best to make a PERSONAL introduction, even if unannounced, and I'd not likely be able to talk much today.
I have to say that the building guards seem universally incredibly cool and DEEPLY knowledgeable, including the one who escorted me, we exchanging a few words, and he passing MY test of dept of knowledge and PATRIOTISM.
In the office, we waited for an agent to come out to speak with me. Seeing a young black man who could perfectly blend into the street crowd, I was thrilled, but he proved to APE the kind of lines I got from the Coast Guard Drug Interdiction Officer, Derrick A Vachon, in 2011 -- ONLY willing to listen to HARD evidence I had on narco-trafficking RIGHT NOW that they could sic agents on IMMEDIATELY, different than the approach of DEA Agent, then, Jeff Grant, who like Hillary Clinton talking about her server, made light of it saying "You mean I wiped it -- like with a CLOTH???" Jeff simply tried to ha-ha-ha everything I said, then.
But he demonstrated some patience with me telling him MANY key things and my connections that would have anyone SEROUS SALIVATING at what I know about organization and insight into methodologies -- to say nothing of my collection of business cards of traffickers, photos of even some traffickers and their licence plates, to say nothing of stories of what happened -- I once witnessing transfer of what had to have street value of well over $10,000,000.00!!!
And I knew that that room was audio/video recorded, so that SOMEONE who cared would see the interview. I know I got in what I know about my distant Kenan family's involvement, with the Episcopal Church -- and Gen. Honore's deep knowledge of that and his knowledge of the Atlanta/Stone Mountain ring -- and even my own * parents' involvement in setting setting up Wilmington narco-trafficking when they lived here in the 1980s and 90s, and their working with President Nixon's top aide, John Ehrlichman, and later Sean Hannity's close friend Christal Presley -- my "Atlanta Nemesis" -- but before I got out how Mom worked with Coach Lou Holtz (John Boehner's co-strategist even now), in the late 1960s, he AGAIN cut me off, dismissing all of it as unimportant and asking what I knew that was RIGHT NOW ACTIONABLE.
So I said I DID know of one thing, telling him about having the evidence of Jennifer McCracken's sales of marijuana to me and offer of sales of opiates and harder drugs, but THAT was a local police matter -- except that she just last night had PROVEN she is "Christine Hitchens" who knows more about drug mafia drug business and the murder of Colin Hamilton than anyone I know in Puerto Vallarta -- as well as that of Del Shores's involvement with the drug trade.
He AGAIN was dismissive, so I very respectfully and in a same-tone-of-voice way, said, "Sir, I'm not completely convinced you are actually listening to me fully," and the escorting officer immediately opened the door to the hall wide, and me taking my cue most smoothly, thanked him and left -- then thanked the Officer for his perfect timing, saying we need not discuss that strange occurrence, but once around the hall-corner, we did, the Officer saying I "had displayed PERFECT self-control!!!"
I was back in HEAVEN!!!
Oh, and I HAD worked in about First Presbyterian proudly protecting DA Ben David, and Republican Judges Luther (as well as her husband's preparations for RACE WAR -- like First Presbyterian's involvement with William Rand Kenan, Sr. in the 1898 Wilmington Insurrection), and Noecker as Deacons and Elders -- not claiming they were narco-trafficking, but that they protected it by corruption of the Courts. I even having my one and only "cheeky" moment of saying I'd sucked many of the same cocks that Ben David has!!!
* It was right at this point that George Cutter called me to say his lawyer advised him that I need to cancel my appeal of his eviction, and then he'd (without giving me paper to show a Court if there was any trouble), give me up to two weeks to get out. I explained that I now have until the scheduled trial, at least, mid-October, and that I'd cancel it right after vacating.
I also explained that I'd been to the DEA today, and what interest I believe they will have with Jennifer McCracken and Anthony Humphrey -- and him, Mr. Cutter, for evicting me and not a woman who fights on her fire escape so cops have to break down her door to pull the two women apart -- and she's a drug dealer to boot!!!
And I reminded him of what everyone who follows mainstream news knows, that the NSA records ALL electronic communications, whether phone or over the internet and can requisition whatever they need when they need it, so no longer record conversations over phones like they used to.
Mr. Cutter said that no, he was not aware of that at all, so to keep it sweet and simple, I repeated that I would cancel the appeal as soon as I had vacated -- hopefully within two weeks -- and that I would call him about twice per week to update him on my progress.
We said goodbye, and I was thankful he had maintained his composure about ALL communications now available to FEDERAL Law Enforcement, anyway.
Battle of Wilmington
Wilmington certainly fits the bill for a cartel sub-hub. It has the obligatory major thoroughfare, I-40, which runs all the way to Barstow, California, 2,500 miles away. Wilmington's Latinos constitute only around 6 percent of the city's population, but outlying counties like Cumberland, Sampson and Duplin have watched their Latino numbers skyrocket in the past two decades. Employment -- construction in the city and farming in the counties -- is the big draw.
On its face, the 273-year-old, largely white port city wedged between Wrightsville Beach and the Cape Fear River appears an unlikely front in the Mexican drug war.
Bars, restaurants, shops and Spanish moss-draped oaks pepper the quaint downtown, which is bookended by a community college and a century-old Catholic church. Its weather and tidy beaches draw plenty of tourists and retirees.
Thousands of educators, UNC-Wilmington students, government workers, surfers and military personnel call Wilmington home. The regional medical center provides almost 5,000 jobs, while GE, Progress Energy, Corning, Verizon, Walmart and International Paper are also big employers. The pharmaceutical industry also brings thousands of jobs to the city, making Wilmington a player in the legal drug trade as well.
There are seedy parts of town and Wilmington has its share of crime, as does any city of 100,000,but Mexican cartels? The ones that hang journalists from bridges and torch packed casinos?
Wilmington residents shake their heads. Not here. Couldn't be here.
It's a microcosm of what's happening in the country, as cartels quietly begin operating anywhere that lends them a competitive advantage in a market that contains about 4 percent of the world's population yet consumes roughly two-thirds of its illegal drugs.
Read the entire article here: http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/09/us/mexican-cartels-small-town-usa/
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