Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Drug-Addicted Christian Painting Crew -- Now THREE Days Behind Due to Often Being TOO HIGH TO WORK RIGHT -- Told Me I'm Going to BURN IN HELL Because I'm Gay -- But They Are Already THERE and Are TOO STUPID to Know It -- LOL!!!

This is an ACTUAL VINYL RECORDING that gets an average TWO STARS rating. I could NOT find out if this is the Mitch Miller whose sing-along albums I grew up on in the 1950s and 60s.

That time Elton John lost ALL HIS GAY CRED when he played his Old Druggin' Buddy Rush Limbaugh's FOURTH Serial Christian Marriage at Kenan-Owned The Breakers Palm Beach

Of these three -- which would YOU rather bed??? I'm a Gay Man and I'd choose the WOMAN!!!

The painting crew that had to leave my apartment building at noon Friday -- despite claiming they had only two hours of work left to do -- because despite nearly no clouds in the sky, they claimed it was about to rain. They had been talking about nothing but doing hard drugs all day, arguing over who got the best deal when three of them split a $25.00 pill -- they always show up at 9:00 AM at the earliest, but arrived today at 7:45.

They were all bouncing off the walls. singing, and tripping over each other, and after about an hour, leader Keith and two of the males, and the two girlfriends who just hang out and get in the way, went elsewhere. But not before he caught Apostle Robert Covington missing large patches of a 1 x 6 a medium gray in the shade (no excuses to miss like that under the circumstances). He told him to paint that whole 30' board with another coat -- which has been the story on MUCH of everyone's work here.

Apostle Robert Covington and his wife, Pastor Ramona Covington -- and their HISTORY of building large churches has TOTALLY FALLEN APART, and they now are forced to live in CHEAP MOTELS with Bed-Bug infestations! -- and Robert is scraping and painting houses with Drug Addicts in the heat and humidity!!! 

THAT is what I meant by "Hell on Earth"

Here is their History, as they wrote and published it

They have used nearly TWICE the amount of paint that had been estimated, and more than twice the amount of labor TRAINED PAINTERS (not too high to think right), would need for the job.

And a little later, Apostle Robert and Rick were discussing Heaven and Hell. Rick said he didn't know if Heaven was real, but he was sure that Hell is. I chimed in that NEITHER of them are real as "afterlife destinations", but they can BOTH be real on Earth -- and in fact we are ALL in Hell to varying degrees -- ESPECIALLY Blacks and Native Americans who are Christians since:

My Kenan Family with its HUNDREDS of slaves, used Christianity to keep them enslaved, and TODAY, the Episcopal Church that PROMOTED slavery in the past is CONDEMNING IT and apologizing for their part in that.

Primarily Protestants in the USA and Canada -- and Catholics from Mexico to Tiera del Fuego.

THIS was why although Chief Public Defender Jennifer Harjo, who has a Native American surname, SAVED MY LIFE by forcing District Attorney Benjamin R. David to ERASE all my convictions and drop all charges against me in 2013, I have wanted to "slap her face off" -- because she is a devout Catholic!!!

Jennifer Harjo

Since I met Ms. Harjo, the Catholic Church made Junipero Serra a SAINT -- he having ENSLAVED and even massacred Native People whether or not they converted to Catholicism!!!

BUT, Ms. Harjo (like me), "HATED" Father Bob Kus (who is now hiding in Honduras after helping my parents and others set up the Christian Drug Mafia in Wilmington, NC), and she LOVED Sister Mary Isaac Koenig -- and so did I.

Sister Isaac, as most people called her, in her Tileson Charities (now renamed the Sister Isaac Center). I was SO GOOD AT PANHANDLING (without a sign), when I was homeless, I was TITHING to Sister's Charity -- and ALSO sent money to another Catholic Charity in Atlanta that Lt. Gen. Russel Honore' sits on the Board of. They had cared for my destitute friend -- and ground-breaking Savannah and Atlanta Drag Queen -- until his death:

Diamond Lil was Phil Forrester, a PROUD ARMY VET!!!:

My point here is that while I think Christian Theology is as nutty as it gets, LOTS OF CHRISTIANS are FINE PEOPLE -- and follow what Jesus taught -- and THAT is why I should be able to make PEACE with the Episcopal Church USA!!!

OK, so today, after everyone had left Apostle Robert and Jeremy to complete the rest of the work (most of which they did before leaving at about 2:30 PM), Jeremy told me how five years ago, he had been visited by a strange force (while he was still addicted to Opioids), and it implanted "a chip" in his brain, he heard a lot of disembodied voices, and that he soon was committed to a mental hospital and forced to take many drugs until he eventually got out.

Jeremy claims that "people" have been chasing him ever since then, and ruining his life.

Of course I told him of my series of "visions" of Jackie Onassis in late 2009 -- sometimes with JFK smiling behind her -- and once with all the dead US Presidents lined up as sepia-toned, cardboard cut-outs, except George Washington, full-figured in color and wearing a Roman Toga. Washington was looking me direct in the eye, CLACKING his wooden teeth, and laughing like a HYENA!!!

And I LOVE this real statue -- since I was born in Cincinnati, Ohio -- like the grandfather of former Mexican President Vicente Fox. I often have claimed that the two of us are "co-Cincinnatus-Retornos".

My final two visions were of JFK, Jr.. First as John-John, saluting his father's casket:

Then of the adult -- and this was the only vision I got "words" from (but I did NOT hear sounds -- rather words just came to my mind in "his voice"), "I should have checked the engine -- I knew the Republicans were trying to kill me."

That is the only time (except the night Tennessee Williams died, which I did NOT yet know, and saw him appear in my bedroom like a mostly solid hologram), I had visions. I wrote that up in my memoir as a DREAM -- only because I was afraid someone would commit me to the nut-house if I was honest that it was a VISION (or that ghosts are real).

And Jeremy, of all people, he not seeming at all gay, told me that Wilmington's Gay Pride Festival is this weekend, so I'll be CERTAIN to attend. Most interesting to me is seeing WHICH politicians and churches show up. It is the ONE TIME that one has an opportunity to really SPEAK WITH our local Top Politicians!!!

I'll be at my MOST DIPLOMATIC!!!

MOST of Wilmington's Gay Politicians and Gay Organizations are INTIMATELY involved in the Hard-Drug Trafficking.

But these CLOSET CASES are the absolute WORST:

Disgraced Republican former NC State Senator Thom Goolsby is WELL KNOWN to be GAY, and used to attend MANY of dead-of-a-drug-overdose Head of Cape Fear Equality Ryan Lee Burris's parties at his "Gay House" on Fifth Avenue near the Cape Fear River bridge.

Democrat Mayor Bill Saffo with his wife, Renee, in the past. Renee -- several years ago now -- DIVORCED the Mayor over his young boyfriends -- and he is so VIOLENT, she had to get a Restraining Order against him!!!


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