Friday, August 30, 2019

Dorian STILL Heading Straight for Kenansville, Florida -- But Now Is STRENGTHENING, Slowing, and Will Come in at Mar-a-Lago/The Breakers Palm Beach -- and WOMP the Trump/Kenans -- LOL!!!

Me TOO!!! Me TOO!!! -- Except that Kenan-Family-owned The Breakers Palm Beach is RIGHT DOWN THE STREET (but I own NONE of either).

1. Yesterday -- subconsciously feeling that Dorian will hit HERE like Hurricane Florence (Cat 1 -- but moving as slow as 3.5 MPH took DAYS to pass), I visited the Brotherhood to stock-up before the storm on Herbal Medicinals. But the Brotherhood was EMPTY OF PEOPLE, and the cops must have cleared it out.

The sellers sell EVERYTHING, so no surprise. Net Effect is that I will likely have to buy from Rob McKinney or Allie Ryan, both living in my apartment building, and both FRIENDLY toward me again. Only Rob has offered to sell me pot in the last few days, so I'll try him. 

BOTH of them claim that Police Chief Ralph Evangelous and Sheriff Ed McMahon PROTECT their drug-sales operations -- and when Allie called BOTH forces on me over a minor quarrel, they PROVED IT, but I was smart enough to DEFUSE the whole thing -- and TELL THOSE CHRISTIAN DRUG TRAFFICKING OFFICERS OFF!!!


Just a couple hundred people turned out for the event meant to help Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin (R).

Sorry, I'm nice to NICE PEOPLE, and RIDICULE those who have chosen to be RIDICULOUS!!!

3. First thing when I got up at 6:17 AM, Joe Scarborough, the HEAD of Editorial at the Washington Post, and several other OLD FARTS (most known to be "Devout Christians"), spent at least twenty minutes DEFENDING Joe Biden's latest gaffe -- and the younger commenters politely tried to explain that YOUNG PEOPLE have NO INTEREST in that Old Devout Catholic NAZI and HARD-DRUG-TRAFFICKING supporter!!!

I haven't read this article, but the HEADLINE is RIGHT ON!!! ONLY Old FARTS who have "That Old Time Religion" -- also LIKE Joe Biden -- and actually like Joe Biden. Young people RUN FROM HIM. Let's hope he fully self-destructs soon!!!

Biden and Trump are giving voters an ultimatum rather than inspiration.

4. The yardman here was FINALLY able to cut the grass this morning -- it needed it before the painters began -- and he's making out like a BANDIT. Richard from across the street handed him $40.00 to cut his three-minutes-worth-of-lawn -- and he already is contracted to cut the LARGE lawn, next-door to Richard's. Tom Purdy was here earlier and told yardman to take home and keep the ladder that had been kept under Rob's front porch (no one ever used it before the painters).

I mentioned to Richard (a former member of SDS -- Students for a Democratic Society -- in the 1960s), Richard is FAR FAR LEFT in his Politics, and knows MORE about the corruption of my wealthy Kenan relatives and Wilmington Politicians than I do -- that Jeffrey Epstein APPEARS to be very connected to my wealthy relatives, particularly Frank Hawkins Kenan II, via his good friend Stormy Cowles.

Richard -- whose un-diagnosed Personality Disorder prevents him from living with his very long-term girlfriend -- BARKED at me (he barks at everyone). When he told me he has HIRED Lumbee-Keith's married pair Rick and Kim to pressure-wash his house, he said he KNOWS they are thieves and drug addicts, and he'll be SURE TO LOCK EVERYTHING UP (they showed up at 11:30, with Rick so DRUG-DAZED when I spoke with him, his EYES kept fluttering as if he'd picked up TARDIVE DYSKINESIA!!!)

And then I went back inside and THIS was on TV:

Sarah Kellen (who had shared a luxury apartment with Story Cowles that Jeffrey Epstein PAID FOR in New York City), and Ghislaine Maxwell -- another friend of Mr. Cowles:

And overnight, Readers were hitting THIS posting like CRAZY!!!:

5. Facebook is FEATURING Tony McEwen's WEIRD "Drive Around" video with City Councilman Paul Lawler (whom I know, and tend to like):
I confronted Tony McEwen (the driver), in Costco, Wilmington, NC last Friday -- and he dissed this whole series, claiming he was forced to do and publicize it. I'm no fan of Mayor Bill Saffo or Councilman Charlie Rivenbark -- but I sat with Paul Lawler at the 2015 Democratic Party Unity Dinner, and he LISTENS to people's ideas at least

I think Paul was very "tongue in cheek" when he made this video with Tony. Here is my published account of it -- see in comments below:


City of Wilmington, NC Government
On this episode of The Ride, we talk to Councilman Paul Lawler about dancing with politicians and…cats! We end up at Wade Park to discuss Wilmington's amazing trails, including the newly completed Gary Shell Cross-City Trail.


I know TWO of these "UNC BOGGERS" quite well -- and they are and were BOTH behaving in ways that if described would get me kicked off Facebook -- LOL!!!. 

I've blogged about meeting Tom Fetzer and his wife at the Dixie Grill on Market Street one of the first days I was in Wilmington in 2011. The guy I was with had spent a night with Mr. Fetzer in the past in Raleigh, as well as with me the night before. 

When I met Thom Goolsby, he had not yet had to resign his NC Senate seat because he defrauded his financial customers.
The UNC BOG is here. Learn more about the people who control 12.5% of the state budget each year.

Meet the UNC Board of Governors ..

  • Scott Kenan Tom and Kate Fetzer became a BABY-MAKING MACHINE (AFTER the Tea-Party pushed him out over his previous history of sex with men)!!!
    Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people sitting

  • Scott Kenan Thom Goolsby has tried EVERY METHOD to get love:

    Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

Oh God!!! Tomorrow I will re-post my OWN story of leading a minstrel band in blackface in Cub Scouts in Louisville, Ky -- about 1958.

About this website

Gov. Kay Ivey (R) apologized and said she couldn't recall the incident. But she also said she wouldn't deny "the obvious" after an audio recording surfaced.


Democrat Judge Jeffrey Evan Noecker -- until very recently a DEACON at the Kenan Cathedral to White Supremacy and Hard-Drug Trafficking (First Presbyterian) -- VERY SERIOUSLY violated my Civil Rights in ways that both GOOD JUDGE Richard Russell Davis and CRIMINAL JUDGE Lindsey McKee/Luther LAUGHED OUT OF COURT -- RECENTLY!!!

In December 2011, Judge Noecker found:

1. That I had never harassed or threatened the plaintiff (I'm not allowed to mention his name in this blog -- NOT EVEN REPORTING IT HERE -- ADDED LATER: Christopher Wright Rogers)

District Court Judges STILL do not believe a blog is a form of journalism -- although I  believe they will soon discover they are in error. And ACTUALLY, Judge Hogston (a REAL Republican of the HIGHEST order) said in his verdict in my Cyber-Stalking case (appeal to be decided in jury trial in January) that he RESPECTED my attorney's argument on Constitutional grounds, but (I'm assuming because I had been held in "refrigerated" holding tank for eight hours and was shaking from hypothermia uncontrollably -- and the Assistant D.A. kept talking about my not taking "my medications" -- which I had NOT been prescribed for two years at the time, so questionable claim), AND they kept calling my "Nolo"-plead conviction of simple trespass in Georgia in 1990, see: , "STALKING"!!! 

Emily Zvejniecks did NOT object to ANY of these outrages -- as she should have. She's on my list . . .

And the BOTTOM LINE in 2011 was that Judge Noecker ORDERED ME never to report on Chris Rogers -- a COMPLETELY UNCONSTITUTIONAL MOVE!!!

MORE here

Katrina Knight is now and had been in charge of The Good Shepherd Center (Homeless Shelter) in 2011, when they were KNOWN as the BIGGEST Heroin Distribution Center in Wilmington, and tried to get Judge Davis to order me to NEVER mention them on blog again (and remove what she did not like):

Jennifer McCracken, TOTALLY CONNECTED to the Drug-Trafficking Mor(m)on Church, New Hanover County Sheriff Ed McMahon, the CIA, and the DRUG MAFIA of Puerto Vallarta tried just the WEEK AFTER KATRINA KNIGHT FAILED to muzzle me -- with a Judge who had SCREWED ME BEFORE -- and THAT didn't work EITHER!!!:


Lisa Estep, Head of the New Hanover County School Board, is a REPUBLICAN (not a Democrat as I had reported).

The ENTIRE BOARD is ruled by the Republicans -- so NO WONDER it is getting into more and MORE TROUBLE, and although I have NOT been reporting it, MORE CLAIMS of un-investigated and un-punished SEXUAL HARASSMENT have recently been filed!!!


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