OK, this HELPS!!!:
REMEMBER, this Christian Bitch promoted CHEAP PSYCHOLOGY:
Tell it Sistuh -- TELL IT!!!
I snail-mailed my Letter to Frank Hawkins Kenan II (on left), regarding his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein's CLOSEST ASSOCIATE Story Cowles (on right), and he should receive it Wednesday.
Newly revealed TODAY, is that Epstein made his WILL out TWO DAYS BEFORE HE DIED -- leaving everything to his brother Mark Epstein -- but TONIGHT, reports are that it was just left "in trust" -- but NOT specifically to Mark.
And WHY isn't Story Cowles MAKING THE NEWS -- like his roommate Sarah Kellen Vickers of the luxury apartment they shared that Epstein PAID FOR???
A Treasure to Nurture, |
Not to Sell |
These two Star News OpEds raise important questions. Ask New Hanover County Commissioners to delay any decision on whether or not to proceed with the sale of OUR public hospital on September 3rd.
"OPINION, Rob Zapple: Keep local control of NHRMC"
-Rob Zapple, New Hanover County Commissioner
"OPINION: County must slow down on possible hospital sale"
- John Merritt and Gene Merritt, NHC Civic Activists
Please attend one or more of these three public meetings and let your opinion be heard!
August 19
6-7:30 pm Northeast Library 1241 Military Cutoff Road
August 20
8:30-10 am Senior Resource Center 2222 S. College Road
August 28
6-8 pm ILA Hall 1305 S 5th Ave. |
Your Opinion, Your Voice Counts! |
>>> THOSE WHO WANT A QUICK SALE are ALSO the ones who SUPPORT WHITE SUPREMACY and the HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING of my Republican Kenan Family of Chapel Hill and their Bush, Cheney, Clinton -- and TRUMP Leadership -- PARTNERED WITH NEARLY EVERY CHRISTIAN CHURCH.
The RACIST, HARD-DRUG Traffickers include County Commissioners Woody White, Patricia Kusek (both Reds, so expected), and LESBIAN-C*UNT Julia Olson-Boseman, a Dem -- LIKE LESBIAN-C*UNT NC State Representative Dem Deb Butler.
Deb Butler ADMITS to major hard-drug trafficking with Jonathan Deputy, a Republican -- and Deb DID NOT WAKE UP from her EXTREME GREED when her WIFE, Anni Parra, DIED OF A DRUG OVERDOSE on December 28, 2018.
3. A LEADER of CLOSET-CASE HOMO Mayor Bill Saffo's GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH is even MORE CORRUPTED and NAZI than Pope Francis!!!
A Greek Orthodox leader who blamed wildfires on atheists is calling it quits. It couldn’t have happened to a nastier person.
It was nearly a year ago when Athens was hit with wildfires that took more than 100 lives and many more injuries. Bishop Ambrosios of Kalavryta blamed that natural disaster on Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, because he’s an atheist. In a bizarre blog rant, Ambrosios explained that God must be furious with Tsipras because there were no longer forced prayers in public schools, same-sex marriage was legal, nudism had been spreading, the Prime Minister hadn’t baptized his own kids, and more. Why any of that would lead God to murder dozens and dozens of people is anyone’s guess.
The Greek Orthodox Church didn’t defend the comments either, saying Ambrosios was merely “expressing his personal opinion.”
In 2017, the same bishop blamed Tsipras for deadly floods.
Well, Ambrosios, who has also said nasty things about gay people, non-Greeks, and refugees, has announced his resignation.
Bill Saffo's DRUG MAFIA parents, A.V. "Doky" or "Dorky" Saffo, and his QUEEN, Despina Tripodes Saffo.
Mayor Bill Saffo with his wife Renee -- BEFORE she had to get a RESTRAINING ORDER against the VIOLENT CHRISTIAN THUG -- and divorced him over his love of YOUNG GUYS!!!
District Attorney Benjamin R. David is the WORST of them -- a Democrat (but the County Party REFUSED to list him as a Democratic Candidate in his last re-election), whose wife Stephanie is a TOP STRATEGIST and FUNDRAISER for Mitt Romney and Lamar Alexander.
The Amazon.com Customer Reviews probably tell it BEST: http://laterdaysoftennesseewilliams.blogspot.com/2013/10/customer-reviews-from-when-walking-on.html
5. And the NELLIEST, most SNIVELING of Roman Catholic FAGGOTS, DISGRACED former Republican NC State Senator Thom Goolsby is WHO connects the CORRUPTED DEMOCRATS IN POWER DIRECTLY with my Kenan Family in Chapel Hill:
And my FIRST altercation with Mr. Goolsby -- in 2011:
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