Friday, August 30, 2019

On a Frida-Day, I Discovered That a BLACK High School Friend is a PRESBYTERIAN Minister (First Prez in Wilmington RUNS White Supremacy and Hard-Drug Trafficking), and an Old Acquaintance Is Staying FOUR Days Here Before Turning Himself in for Eight Months of Jail for Possessing LESS than a Half-Ounce of Marijuana (North Carolina Law was written by HATEFUL HEATHENS)!!!

Rev. Warner Durnell, was in my High School Class in West Chester, Pennsylvania, and NOW is an Executive Presbyter in Central Tennessee. He has worked in "Christian Service" for 35 years, the last 12 years largely with the homeless.

In 2014, Warner was instrumental in his Presbytery defining Marriage as between two people, rather than only a man and a woman.

I found another Pennsylvania classmate living in Jacksonville, Florida -- and this gal is ENAMORED of Donald Trump!!!


  • Scott Kenan Hi Antoinette Corbo-Whitlock!!! Are you the Henderson High classmate (although we moved to Columbus, OH to live across the street from Coach Lou Holtz whom my mother was plotting with then, for my senior year) , who was called "Toni Corbo"??? I had ABSOLUTELY no idea of this back then, but my parents were America's top literal NAZIS (Mom used to go to Rome to get her orders direct from Pope John-Paul II), and their best friends were Sen. Jesse Helms, Nixon Aide John Ehrlichman (who set up the Drug Mafias in Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA with my parents in the 1980s and 90s). I worked for Thomas Lanier Williams (Tennessee Williams), so got to know most of JFK's family, the Reagans, and later Frank Sinatra's heirs (who sold my wealthy relatives associated with founding UNC The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, control of Bank of America) -- Kenans have controlled Standard Oil, now Exxon-Mobil since 1913 -- thanks to Henry Flagler. Later, my parents worked with Sean Hannity, Newt Gingrich, John Boehner, to put Trump into power to destroy Democracy in the Name of Jesus Christ -- but Christians are now nearly all laughing at Trump as his evil purposes are being revealed. We were all lied to. My last date was with George Bush's cousin and we were up all night discussing how the Kenan and Bush Families have run Hard-Drug Trafficking and White Supremacy for decades. I now work with General Colin L. Powell's people, Lt. Gen. Russel Honore, and Vicente Fox, former President of Mexico (who worked for the rich Kenans as a Coca-Cola exec before he became a Politician). We HOPE to have MANY MORE of Donald Trump's top people in PRISON soon, and him out of power. It is SHOCKING how many of his associates have already been convicted or pleaded guilty. I was concerned when I saw this posting, that you don't mention the KING OF LIES, Donald Trump -- the PUPPET of my Kenan Family and our Life-long employee Rex Tillerson, who GUTTED the US State Department for Kenan Friend Vladimir Putin!!! (My family has agreements to develop Russia's vast oil reserves.) Anyway, I hope you are well, and my blog -- now having over 1.5 million hits -- explains it all
    The Weather Continues . . .
    The Weather Continues . . .
    The Weather Continues . . .

I won't get into details about my friend who will turn himself in. They gave him eight months in Jail -- or TWO YEARS on Probation with a RADIO COLLAR. He has tried for TWO WEEKS, but no one wants to hire him -- and people on the street SHUN HIM -- they believe there is a MICROPHONE in his radio collar that SPIES on everyone he talks to.

He's TOO BROKE to rent a room anywhere without a JOB -- and he cannot afford to refill his five Psych Meds (bipolar and anxiety are his diagnoses). So he MIGHT try committing himself, but if he does the 8 months time, he'll have no Probation or Radio Collar when he gets out.

The Radio Collar is because he can't afford a place, and stays a few days with various friends -- so they KNOW where he sleeps. And it makes it FAR HARDER to find a job -- because USUALLY people who have to wear them are ESPECIALLY UNTRUSTWORTHY!!!

His conviction was for possession of less than a half-ounce of Marijuana -- and the SAME JUDGE gave someone else caught with just one "blunt" (a marijuana joint rolled in a tobacco leaf), the SAME SENTENCE!!!

In OTHER STATES, Monica Lewinsky gets ROYALTIES for selling pot!!!


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