Friday, March 28, 2025

Throwing that NAZI-CHRISTIAN SHIT Back in the REPUBLICAN PARTY'S FACE -- FORCEFULLY!!! / Preparing to Contact Thomas S. Kenan III over Julie Seel, PhD's CLAIMS!!!:


>>> What happens when  CHRISTIAN RAPISTS  get elected!!!

GOOD NEWS  for "Psycho-the-Rapist" (Donald Trump ), no???


My father, William Scott Kenan (1918 - 2014) was BEST FRIENDS with NBC's David Brinkley at New Hanover High School!!!:


>>> CONGRATULATIONS on completely  REMOVING Donald Trump  from your Website!!! And a few more things:

To:,, Richard Wills,,,,, 

Cc:,, Anderson Clayton,,,,,,

(Only "Dem." Sheriff Ed McMahon -- who gladly attended Trump's Second Inaugural as the SPECIAL GUEST of Repub. Congressman David Rouzer & President Donald Trump -- BLOCKED this email!!!)

And REMEMBER: It was Sheriff McMahon who first TRAINED Chip Jones who then led the Roman Catholic Knights of Columbus wearing Crosses of Jesus, Trump Gear, NAZI & Ku Klux Klan Insignia, and marched through Wilmington's downtown for "BLUE LIVES MATTER"!!!

They HOLLERED at Black Folks that they planned to SOON MURDER THEM FOR JESUS, and had a severe thunderstorm not broken -- scattering everyone -- there would have been BLOODSHED!!!

Ed McMahon with Chip Jones and unidentified woman. Chip Jones had posted THIS:

So, I wrote Pope Francis for the FIRST of MANY TIMES!!!:

The Weather Continues . . . : Letter to Pope Francis Sent Both Through "New Ways Ministry" -- and DIRECTLY to Pope Francis's Office:

The Weather Continues . . . : My SECOND Letter to Pope Francis -- THANKING HIM!!!


Dear Republican Party County Chairman John Hinnant -- and Associates,

The last I looked at your website -- probably last summer -- it was all affirming that New Hanover County Republicans TOTALLY SUPPORT Donald Trump and his top deputies: Elon Musk and Vladimir Putin. As all of you know, my wealthy Kenan relatives RUN the Republican Party -- not just here in our HOME, North Carolina, but nationwide with the Bush, Cheney, Clinton, and Biden Families.

All of you have been getting my emails -- and messages via Facebook and/or Secured Server Form -- for years now.

I DO hope you can eventually resurrect the Republican Party as one with integrity, because the Democratic Party (which I belong to), is WAY TOO HYPOCRITICAL!!! But Democrats are not aligning the USA with Autocratic Countries and breaking our alliances with Democracies. I hope that each and every Leader of your Party is tried and convicted fairly, and Executed by Firing Squad -- like South Carolina's Republicans are now doing to Criminals.

Also, this "God-Hating Christian Bitch" works for my Foot Doctor in Monkey Junction, and has BLOCKED ME on Facebook because I CALLED OUT HER HATE, which is even worse than your SAD Candidate for Governor last year, Mark Robinson. I do NOT want her fired -- she is GOOD at her job. I advise you to ask her to REMOVE all the GROSSLY Hateful Content for the GOOD of your Party:

Aubrey Jones works at Noah Foot & Ankle.

And this Judge -- proven to have attended White Supremacy Meetings with National Christian Republicans (the NAZI Party), in Ireland -- MUST RESIGN FROM THE BENCH!!!:

I guess I thought I was DONALD TRUMP -- MERCY!!!:

The Weather Continues . . . : I Squeezed Judge Lindsey McKee Luther's PUSSY Last Night -- and LOOK WHAT CAME OUT!!!

The Weather Continues . . . : EVIDENCE Against Judge Lindsey McKee/Luther of WHITE SUPREMACY on an INTERNATIONAL BASIS!!! / Facebook AGAIN Removes MY EVIDENCE Against the Kenan Swastika-Klansmen as SPAM -- LOL!!!

Thank You for your CONSIDERATION!!!

Scott D. Kenan


The Weather Up Here:: RP: MAGA Is MAGAA -- Thanks to Drug-Trafficking Greek-Active, Homo-Mayor Vassilios "Bill" Saffo -- Whom I Ran SMACK DAB INTO and Confronted, TODAY!!! / I Also Ran into TOP Democrat Drug-Trafficker Steven Rose, and Curious Nut-Ball Reverend Scott Rich (my recent roommate) -- LORDY!!!

Bruce A. Mason looks like he's on METHAMPHETAMINE in his new, 2025 photo, no???


I have not gotten your reply (to my message to you of yesterday), so I can tell Thomas S. Kenan III how and from whom you got the word that my wealthy Kenan relatives told you to FIRE ME and no other lawyer would rep me over Mayor Saffo trying to kill me with a SPECTRUM truck in 2017. Also, I believe that you let Lindsey Leigh McKee/Luther use your (Linda Lavin's old house), residence for her Judge Campaign when you knew she had attended White Supremacy Meetings with National CHRISTIAN Republicans (aka NAZIS), in Ireland. I have and have often published much of the evidence of that.

I expect to write to Tom late this evening or tomorrow -- but I can write him what you respond, later -- if necessary!!!




From Psychology Today : Julie Seel, PhD -- BUT, this endorsement has EXPIRED:


  • Cancer
  • Open Relationships Non-Monogamy
  • Sex-Positive, Kink Allied
  • Veterans

I first referred to Julie without using her name, and we spoke on several occasions for over an hour on the phone -- this from right under Bank of America being on  fire , here:

The "Other Things" include, but are not limited to:

Possible Allegations that Thomas S. Kenan III promoted a FRAUD SCULPTOR  to keep him in his bed for YEARS, and deliberately defrauded the National Cathedral (Episcopal), in Washington, DC, NC Gov. Jim Hunt, Sen. John and Elizabeth Edwards, etc.

Julie knew ALL ABOUT at least FOUR of Tom's past lovers -- including Curtis "Robby" Anderson -- whom I dated in 1985, after Tom had dated him long-term!!!

Dr. Anderson now ALSO works as Head of Music at St. Mary's Catholic School!!!

And the SCULPTOR (whom I'd never heard of -- and am NOT impressed by), is Robert Mihaly:

Robert Mihaly

The FIRST MAN I slept with in Wilmington in 2011, was Republican Mayor of Raleigh Tom Fetzer's OLD MALE LOVER -- and the next morning, we ran into Fetzer, his wife, and baby in The Dixie Grill on Market Street, and I introduced myself and Fetzer told me how he WORSHIPED TOM KENAN'S LATE FATHER , Frank Hawkins Kenan !!!

So, I am not entirely sure what Julia Seel plans to do in Court with Robert Mihaly and possibly Tom Kenan (she told me she spoke with Tom's Secretary Phyllis for twenty minutes -- but never to Tom).

I'll SLEEP ON IT, before contacting Tom to warn him that something is UP -- and also to see if he can donate a VERY LARGE SUM  to the Renovations of THALIAN HALL !!!

Y'all  KNOW  I love  THEATER  -- RIGHT ???


Wednesday, March 26, 2025

WOW!!! Confronting "CHRISTIAN-BITCH-DEVILS" of BOTH Political Parties in Wilmington, North Carolina (the Port City of Good & Evil)!!!:


The best day of the year is FINALLY HERE - #TWFest25 opens TONIGHT!

Get ready for a five day New Orleans affair for readers, writers, & theatre lovers! To start, don't miss our exciting opening event, Mink Stole at the Monteleone!

We can't wait to present this year's festival to you all. Be sure to get your tickets to our opening event and all of our other workshops, discussions, theatre events, tours, and more at
Good Luck this year -- and SORRY you are in bed with the Episcopal Church that murdered Tennessee Williams and stole his Estate from Harvard -- HA!!!

Will Donald Trump show up this year so that Thomas Elliott Keith, Annette Sad-dick, Paul J. Willis, and especially Peggy Scott Laborde and Erol Laborde can oralize his little MUSHROOM???

My 7th cousin Thomas S. Kenan III and his near relatives gave the Episcopal Church over $100,000,000.00 over the last 110 years (that I found record of), to Sewanee in support of their Confederate Mace and Confederate Seal Window in the CHRISTIAN CHAPEL.

Here is my Memoir that Thomas Elliot Keith, Dr. Kenneth Holditch, and John Lahr RAVED ABOUT -- yet Tom Keith and his Drug-Trafficking Lover from Colombia, Arturo Noguera -- whose DRUG MAFIA FAMILY lived only a couple of miles from my home in Stone Mountain, GA while I wrote my memoir -- have done everything to SCREW ME, and Tom Keith told me that he used to feed Paul Willis DRUGS and F*CK HIM in the butt to keep him complient with the Episcopal Church in the mid-aughts -- LOL!!!

Walking on Glass: A Memoir of the Later Days of Tennessee Williams
Walking on Glass: A Memoir of the Later Days of Tennessee Williams

Walking on Glass: A Memoir of the Later Days of Tennessee Williams

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Catching Up with Tennessee Williams Scholar Kenneth Holditch (BEFORE taking Williams Scholar Thomas Elliot Keith OUT!!!):
Catching Up with Tennessee Williams Scholar Kenneth Holditch (BEFORE taking Williams Scholar Thomas Elliot Keith OUT!!!):

Catching Up with Tennessee Williams Scholar Kenneth Holditch (BEFORE taking Williams Scholar Thomas Elliot Keith OUT!!!):

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The Weather Continues . . . : Midnight in the Port City of Good and Evil: Drug Mafia Mayor "Bill" Saffo's DEPUTY -- Denise Renee Wood -- Lives THREE HOUSES AWAY from Me -- in a PERFECT Mafia Hideout!!!

>>> Reply to Wilmington, NC City Councilman Luke Waddell:

To:  Luke Waddell,,

Cc:,,, Portcitydaily Info,, WWAY TV, 

My Story,,,

Hi Luke,

While I have a policy, new since about five years ago, of always honoring requests to be taken off my email lists of those who get my every blog-posting. Previously, I would NOT take top Politicians (of either Party), and Presbyterian Ministers off. They are the Heart of the SATANIC CULT who put President Elon Musk and his Lap-Dog Donald Trump into Power -- My Kenan Family associated with co-founding UNC Chapel Hill with the Bush, Cheney, Clinton, & Biden Families, run HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING and WHITE SUPREMACY worldwide. Remember: It was Kenan lifelong employee Rex Tillerson (one of my frequent email correspondents), who signed the deal with Putin in Moscow the day Trump was declared winner in 2016 -- and Kenans made Trump offer Rex Sect of State before they had even MET!!! Kenans guaranteed to make at least $ ONE HALF TRILLION from that.

And, while Brett McGurk (trained by GHW Bush's CIA), then actually RULED all four of these Presidents for the Bush-run CIA and the Kenans and Vladimir Putin. But Brett McGurk is now spurned by Trump in his SECOND Presidency, so things have REALLY GOTTEN CRAZY !!!

Today, Brett McGurk is a TOP ADVISOR to the CIA's CNN!!!

I checked, and I don't use that email address of yours at all -- so I CAN'T take you off. You, and EVERY City Council Person get my emails via ONE address -- and many orgs do the same, including the County Commissioners, Wilmington Star News , NY TIMES , etc.

While I'm at it, my friend Sandi, in management with Food Lion stores, is married to a TOP DEMOCRAT in Brunswick County and told me that the Dems in THAT COUNTY consider Salette Andrews to be the MOST CORRUPTED Dem in New Hanover County. This morning, I caught the bitch posting herself with Dem. Steph Walker, Repub LeAnn Pierce, and Dan Winslow, a Judge from Amherst, Massachusetts, now on a Committee to WASTE MORE MONEY  from the FUND created when the Presbyterian Church, Cameron Family, Live Oak Bank, and CIA Agent Kevin Maurer stole New Hanover Regional Medical Center from County Citizens ($2.2 BILLION).

But she MISSPELLED Kenan House as "KEENAN" House -- inexcusable in S.E. North Carolina, I complained to FACEBOOK and sent photos of Kenan properly spelled, and when I got back from my doctor's appointment this afternoon -- it had been CORRECTED!!!

May be an image of 4 people and text
Reception at Kenan House welcoming Dan Winslow to the New Hanover County Community Endowment with Commissioners Steph Walker and LeAnn Pierce.
Scott Kenan
I cant believe this CRAP!!! I reported it to Facebook as "False Info" because EVERYONE IN WILMINGTON knows our last name is spelled "Kenan" -- on Kenan Auditorium at UNCW, Kenan Memorial Fountain, etc!!!
May be an image of 10 people and text that says 'SN StarNews NLINE Afternoon Update YOUR URAFTERNOON NEWS ROUNDUP FRIDAY, 19 Nidli akagu 公十円 FOR SUBSCRIBERS UNCW's Kenan Auditorium celebrates 50 years From the time it opened, Kenan Auditorium was immediately in the top tier of Wilmington venues, a status it has retained.'
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Scott Kenan
Kenan Memorial Fountain is on Kenan Plaza (Fifth Ave. & Market Street -- one of its plaques:
May be an image of monument and text
Scott Kenan
And Salette Andrews saw what I posted and CORRECTED THE SPELLING -- something Christopher Everett never did in his film "Wilmington on Fire" -- HA!!!
May be an image of text
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Sorry, but this is the formatting problem of pasting from Facebook to email. And if those BITCHES want to help the CITY, they could fill the dirt in between the curb and the sidewalk across 17th Street from this Kenan Mansionthe MOST LUXURIOUS College President residence in the USA (gift of my cousin, Thomas S. Kenan III, That concrete-work was completed THREE YEARS AGO, but no dirt filled in -- although St. Andrew's GOD-HATING CHRISTIAN MORTUARY could have done it TOO -- to look more professional!!!

And CITY UNGRATEFUL ASSHOLES could repair the balustrades in the center zone to the East and West of Kenan Memorial Fountain that were broken three years ago and unlike before, never repaired!!! If you don't want that BEAUTIFUL FOUNTAIN, contact Thomas S. Kenan III and ask him to HAUL IT AWAY !!!

He's a TOTAL REPUBLICAN-TRUMP SUPPORTER, so a Democrat should call and tell him he's just a DEVIL!!!

And I have plans to get back in touch with Tom -- he's TOTALLY INTO THE ARTS and HISTORY, and UNC Wilmington -- and I bet I can get him to donate BIG MONEY toward Thalian Hall's renovations -- but you GOD-DAMNED PIG-PEOPLE treat nothing of value with respect!!!

I have privileged info I have to give Tom Kenan very soon, as a woman I know plans to cause him considerable harm, so I really do have to act FAST!!! And certain Democrats are HUGE DRUG TRAFFICKERS -- Saffo, Sheriff Ed McMahon, former Chief of Police Ralph Evangelis, former D.A. Benjamin R. David and three of the Judges -- both Parties -- who also worship at First Prez -- endowed by Kenans who led the 1898 Wilmington Coup d'Etat from there -- killing BLACKS indiscriminately for Jesus Christ the -FUCKEDUP Christian Idol !!!

Yes, just like Donald Trump and ALL REPUBLICANS and too many DEMOCRATS want to do to NON-whites and NON-Christians.

I saw the first cop who ever arrested me on false charges (by Ben David's order), in Wilmington in 2011 in the Smithfield Chicken & Bar-B-Q near Monkey Junction at lunch today with 10 other Wilmington Cops (and he is HOT STILL and GAY AS A GOOSE!!!) -- right after Dr. Nicholas Noah declared my "Diabetic Ulcer" healed enough to wear REGULAR SHOES and walk ANYWHERE (so I'll be getting all around town, again!!!).

Best was that Dr. Noah, intimidated by his Bitch Tech who worships Trump and put up Trump flags in the office last time I was there (because Noah was OUT of the office). Even my NAZI MOTHER said it was totally inappropriate for ANY Political Flags in a professional office I should have WALKED OUT, but I did not. I told her TOTALLY OFF in front of Dr. Noah today -- and he LOVED IT!!!

Aubrey Jones at Noah Foot & Ankle is a VERY SICK BITCH!!!: look at her Facebook Profile:

>>> If you NEED GOD'S HELP , Trump's FAITH OFFICE of the WHITE HOUSE is here to HELP!!!:

Scott David Kenan

On Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 01:02:53 PM EDT, Luke Waddell <> wrote:

Please remove me from this list. 


Luke A. Waddell, Sr.
Member, Wilmington City Council

E-mail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

On Mar 25, 2025, at 11:30 PM, Scott Kenan <> wrote:

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

I am Sitting on a VOLCANO of Political Scandals -- but CAN'T Divulge Much until I Hear Back from Several People Tomorrow Afternoon -- but PATRICIA SINATRA (who told me in 2011 that Frank had gotten the Chicago Mafia -- in a secret deal made with Old Joe Kennedy -- that JFK knew nothing about until afterward -- to stuff ballot boxes in Chicago in 1960 and STOLE the election from Nixon), has FINALLY, after 14 YEARS, forgiven me for Publishing HER SECRET!!!

 rom this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
