Like ALL God-Hating Christian Women (certainly not all of them -- mostly the White, Republican, Presbyterian ones, like Lindsey), her fetid imagination and sexual fantasies stem from this:
To sub for Jesus in her vagina, Judge Luther married Evan Luther, a Detective with the New Hanover County Sheriff's Department (like Jennifer McCracken's brother is ALSO working for the Sheriff), who does NOT show a picture of himself on his page,, but whose Facebook Profile shows he is HIGH UP in the plans for the ULTIMATE RACE WAR FOR WHITE CHRISTIAN SUPPREMACY!!!
And Lindsey Luther's political page for her election shows ONLY Lilly White people!!!
Two images posted by Evan Luther to his Facebook page, this month, the first on August 19, 2015:
Evan Luther shared Ultimate Weapons's photo.
First 2150 Likes, 1230 Shares, 211 Comments, Have A Chance to Win!
And speaking of BAD HAIR, in Lindsey's Court, yesterday, she allowed a TRUE CHRISTIAN CUNT,with long blond hair like her own, but clasped up into a wicked knot, to PERJURE herself REPEATEDLY, which was repeatedly proven as lies by the attorney of and the Defendant, the bitch's estranged husband, for literally HOURS ON END, those of us having to endure it were joking about setting the Plaintiff's HAIR ON FIRE (which we would not do, but it helped to relieve the tension, since Judge Luther was showing what a cunt she was -- and Luther finally found for that BITCH PLAINTIFF!!!).
I can't WAIT to get my hands on Judge Luther's findings in MY two cases, which she insisted on trying TOGETHER, while enjoining all OTHERS that no two legal actions can EVER be combined in Court!!!
It was so late and all were so tired, I did not realize the ILLEGAL and likely UNCONSTITUTIONAL workings of that White Supremacist, Christian, Republican Bitch, until afterward.
At least Jennifer McCracken/Christine Hitchens seems to have gotten the message, and NOT, so far, sent comment to this blog since I posted my LAST posting.
BUT, when I got home, I called Anthony Humphrey, about 6:00 PM, to tell him -- since he had NOT shown in Court for the hearing -- to let him know I had lost BOTH attempts at Restraining Orders against him and Jenny -- even though Judge Faisson had strongly said I should file CRIMINAL against Anthony.
He was muffled-voiced as usual, and said, "Yeah, Jenny told me you took something out against both of us (implying he was never served in person -- probably to Jenny, but HERE no one has to SIGN when served, so WHO KNOWS???), but Jenny said she'd take care of it all. I TOLD you I don't want to be associated with Jenny -- shes's a total BITCH!!! I just want to work and relax alone at night."
Then, he said he had a call coming in long distance from his girlfriend (the one Jenny claims is in jail for another 3 - 4 years), so had to go.
Anthony called me back at 10:04 PM, drunk and slurring his words, and asked me that since I had a car, could I pick him up at his girlfriend's near Target. I said, "Well, I'd like to do that, but only if you can sell me that marijuana you offered to sell me about a week or two ago, when you said your friend was in your apartment and had some for me." And Anthony got all crazy, saying that I had a car and I needed to pick him up!!!
Really, he sounded just like US Special Forces Agent-Gone-Rogue Benjamin Shields of Conchas Chinas, Mexico, who while holding me captive in 2011 in his apartment building, had stolen my car keys which he said he and his wife then OWNED, and after Luis Melgoza and Salvador Fuentes of the CIA tricked me into the FAKE 60 MINUTES interview, I managed to get the Puerto Vallarta Police Chief (un-corrupted), to get me out and get back my car -- but even HE was afraid when he realized Ben Shields's connections -- and I didn't even tell him that Ben got instructions from my NAZI mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan now of Raleigh, NC, several times in calls of more than twenty minutes.
The ruins of Ben's apartment building is next door to a then TOTALLY corrupted PV Police substation.
And YES, I have mixed emotions about Mr. Obama, too!!!:

Alex Nicely, Ben David's TOP "HOT CLOSET HOMO" Assistant D.A.!!! (who Robert Arnold Trahan told me gave him special legal favors in 2011 -- for sexual ones in return!!!)
Alex Nicely, Drug Crime | |
And THEN, last night, I had to tell Anthony Humphrey that I HAVE no car, due to two of its tires being slashed that morning. HE must have slashed them to call and "rub salt in my wounds".
And Jenny ONLY admitted to selling me marijuana TWO times in Judge Luther's Court -- not the four, at least, that it was. Will the Judge mention THAT in her findings???
I believe when the US Justice Department and the DEA look into all of this, we will prosecute Jenny for THAT, since I freely admit it -- and saved PHYSICAL EVIDENCE!!!
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