Has the FIRE MARSHALL been to see YOU, lately???
Scott Kenan to meg.langston + 8 moreshow details
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Dear Ms. Langston:
My name is Scott David Kenan, and I have lived in apartment 65 of Carolina Apartments, since the apartments manager, Tomi Matheson, was kind enough to allow me to move in July 31, JUNE 30, 2015, a day before my lease actually began. I first noticed that in my apartment, the dead-bolt lock requires a KEY to unlock it from the inside, rather than a snap-lever, a feature I understand to be REQUIRED in the entire USA for many years, so in a fire or other PANIC, one is not forced to fumble for keys. Here is a photo I took today of my own lock on the inside of my exterior apartment door:
Additionally, one resident on my floor, Jennifer McCracken, had a sitting area on the FIRE ESCAPE outside her window -- until I blogged about it being one floor above owner George Cutter's apartment, so he HAD to know about it and APPROVE of it. Then, Mr. Cutter, claiming I am causing "Disturbances to the Peace", perjured himself (as did Tomi Matheson -- see: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2015/08/perjury-perjury-perjury-nothing-rhymes.html, and I plan to consult a lawyer about having them PROSECUTED for PERJURY, tomorrow), in an attempt to evict me, because I stopped buying marijuana from Ms. McCracken, who also offered opiates and other hard drugs to me for sale. I have STOPPED smoking marijuana!!!
I am getting beyond the scope of a Fire Inspector's work, but here is a photo I took before Jenny removed the white plastic chair and what looks like a canvas camp stool:
I blogged about this here: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2015/08/jennifer-mccracken-special-privileges.html.
I tried to use the link on the City Fire Department's site that claims to have online ALL the Fire Inspections for Wilmington Apartments and other commercial buildings, but got the notice that the "Page Cannot Be Found".
I hope you will be able to immediately inspect these apartments -- and especially the locks on apartment doors -- as at least they took down that sitting room, leaving ONLY what appears to be a hummingbird feeder and a light wind-chime, which I still see there today (on the South side of the building, which actually has NO balconies).
This would help immeasurably in SAFETY here, but in my Court Battles with them. I also have a Postal Inspector looking into the HATE NOTE left in my box illegally (not mailed), after Jenny got so angry with me, she filed for a Restraining Order, but I was granted a Continuance in her attempt at a restraining order against me -- until we get a report). Tomorrow, I also hope to file a Restraining Order against Jenny -- if that is possible while hers against me is pending.
Please call me on my cell phone, 910-XXX-XXXX, and I will post this email to you on my blog, http://scottkenan.blogspot.com, along with an email to Gen. Russel Honore', whom I met recently in New Orleans at the Tennessee Williams Festival -- I being Mr. Williams's last assistant -- and send him information on NARCO-TRAFFICKING. Additionally, I am connected to Gen. Colin Powell, as well as Mexican and US Military Officers, to STOP Narco-Trafficking which is RUINING our Country, all detailed in my blog, if you are interested.
Thank you for your kind attention to these matters, and if you are NOT the correct person for me to contact, please re-direct me ASAP!!!
Scott David Kenan
Scott Kenan to you + 3 moreshow details

Dear General Honore',
I have recently become aware that my emails are mostly blocked, and you have not likely received many or even any of them -- my reports on Narco-Trafficking here in Wilmington, NC where I now live, in Stone Mountain, GA, where I DID live, as well as in Puerto Vallarta, where I lived when we met.
First, I just learned that you announced you would NOT run for Governor back on July 1 -- but Facebook has kept me from MUCH important info, your org being friended by me, but its NOT appearing in my feed since mid-June. I DO like what you have decided to do, instead!!! I also hope that if you have had occasion to (or do soon), be in touch with our mutual friend, Col. Dottie Newman, that you send her my love and APPRECIATION for saving my life with the warning that I MUST flee the USA in 2010 -- or be killed. It worked!!!
I learned MUCH from your book that you gave me, and keep it now on the front seat of my car to ward off Drug Mafia breaking in, as in Puerto Vallarta they tried to murder me twice in one week, then broke into my car, placing a FAKE bomb in it, and the Puerto Vallarta Police who investigated were part of it. I immediately returned to the USA, and am currently being harassed with FALSE lawsuits by George Cutter and Tomi Matheson, owner and manager of the Carolina Apartments, where I live (BUILT by my relative William Rand Kenan, Jr.), as well as resident Jennifer McCracken, who had sold me marijuana (I since stopped smoking it to be more ETHICAL as it is illegal here), but she also offered opiates and other hard drugs.
All is under control, and I even met at Liberty Hall in Kenansville, NC with one of Thomas S. Kenan IIIs close associates, who seemed to KNOW all I know -- and support what I am doing!!! http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/07/today-i-rode-michael-jordan-freeway-i.html.
I thank you for your INSPIRATION, and your kind encouragement -- and wish you and your Patriot Friends Godspeed!!!
Still, NO ONE pays me -- but I will eventually make a FORTUNE off my story, and perhaps collect some REWARD MONEY from the Government -- one level or even several. I also will soon SUE the hell out of a few, and here are links to postings explaining that:
And THANK YOU for your Lifetime of Service to God and Our Beloved United States of America!!!
Scott David Kenan
Wilmington, NC
Interesting that Col. Dottie Newman (bottom photo with HIGH HAIR), is on the same page as Kiki Smith, daughter of Jane Smith, one of Tennessee Williams's BEST LIFELONG FRIENDS -- and TOTAL friend to me!!!
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